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Racist assults on Indya Hemp

Richard | 07.06.2005 20:31 | Anti-racism | Birmingham

Guardian reports racist attack taking place in Kingstanding

The Guardian`s usually naff G2 pullout carried the story of Indya Hemp, who is a Kingstanding resident suffering from appalling racist attacks. I don`t live near Birmingham myself, but local activists and anti-Nazis should be mobilizing and defending this woman from attacks, which have included threats to torch her house. Why have the local ANL not marched against this? Why has it taken the Guardian to expose these people? For more info check out today`s Guardian, as there is no info on the net for some reason.



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contact Birmingham UAF

08.06.2005 12:41

Try Birmingham Unite Against Fascism:

phone 07837 244518

(the ANL is now part of UAF)
