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Mugabe - Britain must act

Mr S Subalaweyo | 06.06.2005 11:08

The people of Zimbabwe are calling on the British government to commit troops and drive the butcher Mugabe from power.

British troops have already been sent to Sierra Leone and peace has been established there, now we are asking PM Blair to send those soldiers to Zimbabwe and help us emerge from the horror of the Zanu PF.

Our children are dying from starvation, we need you help Britain.

Mr S Subalaweyo
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and what will the MDC offer .......

06.06.2005 12:26

.... when it gets into power?

How will it tackle the starvation Mr. Subalaweyo?



06.06.2005 12:29

All military action is wrong and we should not support this. Zimbabwean people could well be killed or injured if British troops act. I suggest we do nothing and just hope everything gets better


In answer to ftp

06.06.2005 12:53

The election manifesto of the MDC is here.

It is wrong to think of Zimbabwe as being some osrt of basket case that cannot feed its people, yes the white farmers who used to produce most of the food have been forced out of the country (much to the benefit of surrounding nations like Zambia who have seen their food production increase as a result) but the farms can be made to bloom again. The Zanu PF uses food distribution as a tool of control. Try getting your bread ration if you don't have a zanu PF membership card or fertiliser if you are an MDC activist.



06.06.2005 13:25

I understand Subalaweyo why you would think the IndyMedia Newswire is the right place for your request but I am sorry to say you are mistaken. Those who support and contribute to IndyMedia don't like to be confronted with complex moral issues like this where a Black government has turned out to be worse than the racist White government that went before it.

Although Mugabe is a murdering bastard responsible for the deaths of thousands we would prefer it if you would just quietly go away and stop asking us to deal with the reality that Zimbabwe would probably be a better place if Ian Smith still ran it !


Solidarity movement

06.06.2005 13:58

The only body which can really achieve freedom for a country is teh people. The second foreign troops are involved the game becomes imperialistic. Britain already does good business with zimbabwe (economically) but im sure they wouldnt mindcontrolling a larger share of teh country. If people really caer about the freedom of a country they should establish a peoples movement to support the zimbabweians rather than ask for troops to invade.

Fuk theTroops

Can you read ?

06.06.2005 14:45

There is a "people's movement" you fuckwit, it's called the MDC. That's what the post is about.

Jesus !



06.06.2005 15:41

I was not rejecting to the peoples movement as long as it does represent a large group of people within the country, rather I was rejecting the idea of dealing with Zimbabwe via troops and was aiming this to the bloodthirsty idiots (possibly you too) who believe that teh Iraqis are now better off with the invasion and also believe that the Zimbabweians will be better off following another invasion. The strugle should be focused on people aiding teh peoples movement rather than troops and governments coz they only got one thing on their minds as history has shown so many times and thats not freedom.

the fuckwit

start with the obvious

06.06.2005 16:18

the first thing is that the british government needs to stop deporting people back to Zimbabwe (it is unbelievable this is still going on).

Then you can talk about genuine moves to bring about change, of which sending troops in is not one (the people of Sierra Leone are still recovering from a british 'humanitatian intervention').

These moves would include debt cancellation, genuine no strings attached aid, moves towards international trade justice (indeed these are what we should all be campaigning for at gleneagles next month) and providing funds and support to opposition groups, many of which suffer intimidation, imprisonment and torture by the Mugabe government (one of these groups with which I am particularly close being the Zimbabwean sister group of the socialist workers party).

However, I have to repeat that sending in troops is never a legitimate option - all you wind up doing is replacing one set of problems with another.

andy in brighton

June 6

06.06.2005 16:36

Yeah I mean sending the troops in to a country never works does it. I look what happended to France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Norway and the rest after D-Day. I bet they would much sooner we had negotiated with Hitler and forced him from power via a petition and candle light vigil !

Grandson of a D Day veteran

A few differences there sonny jim

06.06.2005 18:52

1 Zimbabwe hasnt declared war on the UK and does not threaten its security
2 South Africa was experiencing similar problems in the 80's during apartheit and regime collapsed without need for troops to intervene (now of course they got a whole lot of other problems to deal with which the west is partly responsible for
3 I can tell u about troop intervention in Greece during world war 2 where the vast majority of people wanted the new govt to be a communist one and the British troops decided they would crush this movement start a civil war on the side of a few Royalists finaly beating the opposition and installing a king as a new leader. had any country Britain 'freed' during WWII done the same as Greece britain would again supress this. So cut the Britain saved the world shit and educate yourself. Then again ur probably about 12 years old anyway so u got time.

what are you like 6?


07.06.2005 09:30

Sonnyjim, Germany did not attack Britain. Britain declared war on Germany after Germany refused to withdraw its troops from Poland.



07.06.2005 16:41

Germany was the first to attack Britain. Britain may have declared war but she didnt act first and 2ndly Germany was definately a threat to British security Zimbabwe comes nowhere near

he said she said

Typical isn't it?

07.06.2005 17:31

As soon as the blacks gain hold of a country the whole place falls apart. Perhaps if Rhodesia was still run by its benevolent white masters they wouldn't have all these problems.

Humpty Dumpty

Sure Man

07.06.2005 22:05

The problem with africa is that the people of Africa arent running it. It has been run by the west for hundreds of years. That used to be militarily now its economically and if ever there is a govt in place not willing to assist teh Wests need to pillage a country's wealth then there is always a convenient regime change. Its countries like fucking Britain which are responsible for the economic wreck the continent of Africa is in. And dont give me the debt relief crap the g8 talk about coz the problem of poverty will never be solved as long as 80% of the continents wealth is going abroad due to western multinational companies exploiting the situation. Hopefully one day teh 'whites' will leave arica to determine its own future rather than determine it for her.



Mugabe is a murderer

10.06.2005 18:00

His arrogance is slowly starving his nation and the rest of the world are too 'politically correct' to do anything about it.
Do nothing and add Zimbabwe to the growing list of African countries facing hell on Earth.
The International community should unite to kick his stupid ass out of power, and get the people back into the country who actually give a shit - like the white farmers.

out of africa

britain must act now

08.03.2007 12:28

i strongly agree that its high time britain must lead the world to act against the trayant mugabe , the british are renowed for preaching human rights what going on in zimbabwe ,is inhuman repulsive stinking obnoxiuos, for how long is mugabe going to torture decieive hoodwink the zimbabwean masses , come britain act now
