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Work starts on Olympic site

Su Crawford | 06.06.2005 09:37

With news that London is now odds on favourite to win the 2012 Olympic bid work has already started on the site.

The site near Homerton Road and Stratford High Road has seen builders arive this morning and start to demolish buildings. When I spoke to them and asked them what they were doing I was told,

"It's for the Olympics, this is going to be the site"

I am trying to organise a demonstration later today and try and stop or slow progress on the construction.

Su Crawford


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I saw this

06.06.2005 10:06

I saw this on the bus this morning. There is loads and loads of builders there. This can't be legal as London has officialy won yet.



06.06.2005 11:12

A group of us will be there this afternoon to protest work starting on the site and the fact of the Olympics coming to London. We are contacting local business owners to try and get their support. Call 07783 129075 for details of when and where.


Why oppose the olympics???

06.06.2005 11:56

Why oppose the olympics? If they come to east London then they will boost the economy there, provide employment and new sporting facilities. Every country which has ever hosted the olympics has benefited from them in terms of increased tourism, new jobs and sporting facilities.


Why oppose ?

06.06.2005 12:47

I oppose the Olympics because they encourage the idea that winning is good. That competing against other people is a noble aim. I want to see a world where everybody is equal.


assuming Jay is serious

06.06.2005 13:49

than I assume he doesn't support a football team.

More seriously, you do NOT want a world where everyone is equal. You do need a world where some people who have talents can use them. I do not want to be operated on by a surgeon whose talents are 'equal' to others, or cross a bridge designewd by people of 'equal' talent.

I assume he doesn't watch films or listen to music either, since these are activities indulged in by people of greater talent.


fucking hell

06.06.2005 15:49

Tom you're talking bollox. I assume you read and believe all the ficking hype on TV and the papers. I suppose you think hospital privatisation ( another aspect of this logic of filling the pockets of property developers at everyone else expense ) is good as well.

If you want to know ( assuming your not a cocksucking troll like a lot of the posters)visit the No to Olympics site and read the interesting and well written stuff there. Myth busters.

Thieving property developers should be EXECUTED.

ship of fools this country >>>fat greedy stupid naive fuckwits. Make me despair

no to the bid


06.06.2005 15:50

The whole investment and economy claim is bollocks. Tax payers money will go on building facilities which will be sold to private companies for breadcrumbs after the games. It happened in athens sydney atlanta and yes it will happen to china and whoever gets 2012. As for jobs, the people who get those jobs will be paid enough to repay the yearly debt the olympics will cause and will affect the avg taxpayer for the next generation or 2.
The olympic games as an idea were not bad. wars weer stopped in ancient greece and people came together in a peaceful event. But now the same companies that promote wars all over the world to get contracts when its all done, and abuse human rights by slave labour, prison labour, and child labour are now gonna make a fortune (and trust me they will be the only benefactors) by putting their names in proud association with the games. U think tourism will increase? London is the 2nd most expensive city in Europe and could become the most expensive should you win 2012. It wont even be affordable on a Londoners salary let alone a foreigners. If all that isnt enough, most athletes are now doped up, the olympics will provide the govt with further excuses to increase terror laws, and the govt will anounce further cuts on hospitals and schools.

the spirit is dead


06.06.2005 15:53

Two of us went down and protested against this work starting. Unfortunately we had some problems with the builders who destroyed our banner and sprayed us with water - the police refused to come and assist us.

Once we can get a larger group together we will return.
