Urgent - Fight the Extradition of UK Citizen to the US
Justice | 05.06.2005 18:11 | Anti-racism | Repression
During Babar’s main extradition hearing, an expert witness for the Defence described what could happen to Babar if extradited.
On 17 May 2005, a judge at Bow Street Magistrates’ Court dismissed the Defence submissions and sent the case to the Home Secretary for a final decision as to whether Babar can be extradited to the U.S
The Home Secretary has to decide on Babar Ahmad's extradition by 16 July 2005. Should he decide to extradite Babar to the U.S., there is a real risk that, given the U.S.’ track record in flaunting International Law in its ‘War on Terror’, Babar could be sent to Guantanamo Bay or a third country to be tortured, detained indefinitely or executed. Meanwhile, Babar remains in custody at Woodhill Prison in Milton Keynes.
Time is very short (less than 60 days) and if Babar Ahmad is extradited, it will mean that the U.S. can pluck any British Citizen from the UK and ship them off to the U.S. without any evidence.
Please help us urgently by asking your MP to lobby the Home Secretary. All the information you require is provided in the pack.
If you have any queries, or problems downloading the Lobby Pack, please do not hesitate to contact us in one following ways:
1) Via the website 'Contact' section
2) Email:
3) Telephone: 07963 537 779
Thank you for taking out the time to help us.
Your's Sincerely,
The Family of Babar Ahmad
New Lobby Pack: click here to download
1. Cover Letter From Mrs Ahmad To Supporters
2. Babar Ahmad Extradition Lobby Action Plan
3. Updated June 2005 Fact Sheet
4. Sample MP Letter
5. ‘No To Extradition’ Petition Sheet (can be photocopied)
Babar Ahmad Extradition Lobby Action Plan
1. Print out and read through all the documents in the Lobby Pack.
2. Go to
http://www.locata.co.uk/commons/ and enter your full postcode in order to obtain the name and contact details of your MP.
3. Using the ‘Sample MP Letter’ as a template, enter the details of your MP and your own details and either type up or hand-write the whole letter. Do NOT just photocopy the letter and hand-write in the details otherwise your letter will probably be ignored.
4. Post your letter first class to your MP no later than 15 June 2005 together with the updated June 2005 Babar Ahmad Fact Sheet which can be found in the Lobby Pack.
5. Three working days after posting your letter, telephone your MP’s office to ask if he or she has received it and what they intend to do about it. Leave a message at the office if the MP is not there. Continue to chase up your MP by telephone or fax online via www.writetothem.com until they send you a written answer to your letter before 25 June 2005.
6. As soon as you receive any response to your letter either from your MP or the Home Office, please post it straight away - indicating your own name and contact details to:
Free Babar Ahmad Campaign
C/o Stop Political Terror
PO BOX 45798
SW16 4XS
7. If you represent an organisation, mosque, church, charity, business, school etc. then you may write it on letter headed paper and contact your MP on that capacity.
8. Make multiple copies of the ‘No To Extradition’ Petition Sheet and fill them up with signatures. Post completed sheets to the above address to arrive by 20 June 2005.
NOTE: Remember time is very short so please try your best to stick to the given deadlines.
Please circulate this widely on websites, chatrooms, forums, mailing lists, and inform as many people as possible by word of mouth/SMS etc.
On 17 May 2005, a judge at Bow Street Magistrates’ Court dismissed the Defence submissions and sent the case to the Home Secretary for a final decision as to whether Babar can be extradited to the U.S
The Home Secretary has to decide on Babar Ahmad's extradition by 16 July 2005. Should he decide to extradite Babar to the U.S., there is a real risk that, given the U.S.’ track record in flaunting International Law in its ‘War on Terror’, Babar could be sent to Guantanamo Bay or a third country to be tortured, detained indefinitely or executed. Meanwhile, Babar remains in custody at Woodhill Prison in Milton Keynes.
Time is very short (less than 60 days) and if Babar Ahmad is extradited, it will mean that the U.S. can pluck any British Citizen from the UK and ship them off to the U.S. without any evidence.
Please help us urgently by asking your MP to lobby the Home Secretary. All the information you require is provided in the pack.
If you have any queries, or problems downloading the Lobby Pack, please do not hesitate to contact us in one following ways:
1) Via the website 'Contact' section
2) Email:

3) Telephone: 07963 537 779
Thank you for taking out the time to help us.
Your's Sincerely,
The Family of Babar Ahmad
New Lobby Pack: click here to download
1. Cover Letter From Mrs Ahmad To Supporters
2. Babar Ahmad Extradition Lobby Action Plan
3. Updated June 2005 Fact Sheet
4. Sample MP Letter
5. ‘No To Extradition’ Petition Sheet (can be photocopied)
Babar Ahmad Extradition Lobby Action Plan
1. Print out and read through all the documents in the Lobby Pack.
2. Go to

3. Using the ‘Sample MP Letter’ as a template, enter the details of your MP and your own details and either type up or hand-write the whole letter. Do NOT just photocopy the letter and hand-write in the details otherwise your letter will probably be ignored.
4. Post your letter first class to your MP no later than 15 June 2005 together with the updated June 2005 Babar Ahmad Fact Sheet which can be found in the Lobby Pack.
5. Three working days after posting your letter, telephone your MP’s office to ask if he or she has received it and what they intend to do about it. Leave a message at the office if the MP is not there. Continue to chase up your MP by telephone or fax online via www.writetothem.com until they send you a written answer to your letter before 25 June 2005.
6. As soon as you receive any response to your letter either from your MP or the Home Office, please post it straight away - indicating your own name and contact details to:
Free Babar Ahmad Campaign
C/o Stop Political Terror
PO BOX 45798
SW16 4XS
7. If you represent an organisation, mosque, church, charity, business, school etc. then you may write it on letter headed paper and contact your MP on that capacity.
8. Make multiple copies of the ‘No To Extradition’ Petition Sheet and fill them up with signatures. Post completed sheets to the above address to arrive by 20 June 2005.
NOTE: Remember time is very short so please try your best to stick to the given deadlines.
Please circulate this widely on websites, chatrooms, forums, mailing lists, and inform as many people as possible by word of mouth/SMS etc.