Pix of Kingston Green Fair – People-Procession, Mon 30 May 05 - Set 3 of 6
Tim D Jones | 02.06.2005 15:25 | Culture | London
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Procession A - rococo recumbent + young unicyclist
Procession B - rococo recumbent + hi-tech stilt walker
Procession B - rococo recumbent + hi-tech stilt walker
Procession D - hi-tech stilt walker aloft
Procession F - white boxer barks at black dragon
Procession G - colour wheels, white
Procession H - colour wheels, rainbow
Procession I - colour wheels, rainbow too
Politically, the bias of the stalls on show was well toward woolly-minded liberal reformism, with a couple of honourable exceptions: London Rising Tide http://www.londonrisingtide.org.uk and Destroy DSEi http://www.dsei.org. And it was good to see such radicals getting the message about global climate chaos and arms trading across, alongside green transport and energy folks, during what was targeted as a family-friendly day trip outing.
This was only my second time at the KGF, and I hope to make it a personal regular annual event. If you could do with some rest and relaxation in a stress-free festival atmosphere, not unlike the Green Field at the Glastonbury Festival in scale and feel, I commend the KGF to you.
In International Solidarity,
Tim D Jones
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All these photos are 'CopyLeft'. This means you are free to copy and distribute any of my photos you find here, under the following license:
Copyright ©2005 Tim D Jones
Permission is granted to anyone to make or distribute copies of these photographs, in any medium, for personal and not-for-profit purposes, provided that this copyright notice and permission notice are preserved, and that the distributor grants the recipient permission for further redistribution as permitted by this notice.
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Accreditation: tim_d_jones[at]yahoo.co.uk
Tim D Jones
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03.06.2005 10:25
Hey tim you're a regular poster to indymedia - so please sort your bloody pictures out!!!
5 sets of kingston green fair - bit excessive isn't it? ok so won't compalin about the 6 posts you've made but the pics are like fucking 600kb each and massive size - sort it out tim.
please mate it's not difficult