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The bigger problem

Aulun | 02.06.2005 12:05

The G8 is only a way to divert attention

The global elite is building its power over the population. G8 and the protests that will be allowed there are just a way of making people think they live in a free country.
In reality the Elite run the world through groups of like minded Bankers, Arms Dealers, Soldiers and MP puppets. The Elite have come from other worlds and control us through implants that are fitted at birth by reptile doctors.
We must run out in to fields and away from power lines which are part of the global control net.



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02.06.2005 13:42

very funny. grow up, think hard, do something useful. or, f.o.a.d.


Reptile Doctors

02.06.2005 15:18

Aren't reptile doctors also known as vets?



02.06.2005 22:13

where can I get a new implant - mine ain't working properly.


Oh dear

03.06.2005 10:47

Given the amount of dissent, unrest and protest around the world, these "implants" must be rubbish!

Reptile doctors my arse. As a metaphor for the cold brutality of capitalism its pretty good - but believing it literally, well that's just moronic.
