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We need help in London NOW - Brian Haw being attacked

ST | 02.06.2005 11:07

Brian Haw is being attacked by the police now !

Brian Haw, long term peace protestor and the voice of Peace in Trafalger square is being attacked right now by the police and his camp bwing broken up.

Come to London NOW and help protect him

This is NOW !!!!!



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Brian is a fighter, but

02.06.2005 12:45

you can almost see the café latte’s being spilt as this alert was read by a thousand anarchists in Hampstead on their broadband connections.

How many times must people be reminded. This is not the sort of place that action in the real world is organised from. Even the word Organised will give an anarchist goose bumps and make him faint with thoughts of heirarchy.

You must talk softly to them.


He is still free to protest!

02.06.2005 14:07

His camp is merely being moved from Parliament Sqaure. He is still free to protest at other locations such as opposite Downing Street, or outside the US embassy etc.


Never mind elsewhere

02.06.2005 16:43

This is an attack of everyone's rights to protest. polititians in parliament should
now proceed to parliament Sq and take Brian's place alongside everyone else.(until he
Trouble is I doubt whether enough people would turn up anyway


do what mate?

02.06.2005 18:45

read this posting earlier, and so i popped to see brian as I passed parliament just now.
and he's fine. still there. so's his banners etc, and a geezer who was putting trousers on.
I said (to brian) what's all this about you being attacked' and he said 'what? it's me been attacking them today, giving hell and now I can't talk any more'. 4 years he's been there he said and all.

passer by

Disinfos on Indymedia

03.06.2005 10:33

Posted on the 2nd June - the anniversary of when Haw started his protest. So who ever posted it knows the relevance of the date.

Brian Haw, from Redditch, Worcs, began his one-man demonstration against sanctions in Iraq on 2 June 2001.

Beware.... the G8 is coming and the trolls are getting hungry.
