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manufacturing dissent

surp | 01.06.2005 16:56

The below was authored in response to the assault of a journalist by individuals connected to Indymedia Ireland. It can be found at Manufacturing Dissent. Its URL follows.

Like all the best Billy Bragged, badged-up, fundamentalists, indymedia see no middle ground on issues or an ability to prioritise. It is either black (preferably) or white. America and Britain wrong. Cuba and Chavez right. Islam good. Jews and Christians bad. Al-Jazeera honest. CNN dishonest. Imams true representatives of the local community. Parish priests oppressors. The Socialist Workers’ Party and Sinn Fein brilliant, infallible paragons or humanity and social justice. George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Bertie Ahern, Michael McDowell (Irish Minister for Justice) and Tony O’Reilly (proprietor of Independent Newspapers) Hitler incarnate. A typical indymedia analysis and stance operates on the principle of “my enemy’s enemy is my friend”. Contrary to claims, there is no critique of ideas and opinions on Indymedia Ireland. It is a one-sided, Grade A Wankfest, courtesy of the usual “right on” sisters and brothers.

Whether it’s carpet-bombing in Afghanistan, a public eulogy of the works of Pearl Jam, revelations that the Madrid bombings were actually part of a coup d'état by the state, evidence of racist oppression in Ireland, the rights of geese bred for foie gras, or whatever, the same level of seriousness is attached.

However, some topics are conspicuous by their absence: punishment beatings in Northern Ireland, Republican drug dealing, closer examinations of the financial affairs of non-profit organizations, condemnation of terrorism, the murder of children in Russia, Saddam Hussein’s human rights record, oppression in Zimbabwe, capital punishment in Cuba, FARC in Colombia, Islamic genocide in Algeria and Sudan, domestic violence, the rights of the disabled, Fathers for Justice, testicular cancer and so on.

As usual with extremists adhering rigidly to a principle, indymedia has a real problem extending the principle it to others.

read it all...



Hide the following 6 comments

come off it!

02.06.2005 10:25

You think IndyMedia says "Socialist Workers’ Party and Sinn Fein brilliant"? Have you ever actually read anything on here?

get a grip!

Re: Socialist Worker Party Good

02.06.2005 10:46

Yeah, we just totally love the SWP don't we ;-)



02.06.2005 10:46

Billy Bragg is a Blairite twat.



02.06.2005 10:47

I am pro- testicular cancer.

I think testicular cancer is a good thing! ;-)

wot r u on

That's me, anti Russian, and anti Israeli - obviously.

02.06.2005 10:52

I support the murder of children in Russia.

I think after decades of fascist fake-socialist dictatorships and now ruin at the hands of free-market fundamentalism, what the children of Russia really need is to be murdered. Ya know, just to top things off. Icing on the cake and all that.

After all, supporting the right of Chechens not to be murdered by Vladimir Putin's army = supporting the right of Russian children to be murdered.


I mean, anything else would just be illogical.

And the same with Israel/Palestine - supporting the right of Palestinians not to have their houses bulldozed, obviously makes me "anti" the Israeli people. Obviously.

PS If you didn't notice, I'm being sarcastic.


Get rid of it.

02.06.2005 11:52

"'Don’t hate the media, be the media!' screams indymedia. Ah yes, armed with little more than a 3,000 Euro Macintosh laptop from daddy, a digital camera, your mother’s secretary’s Dictaphone and a free e-mail address courtesy of arch-nemesis Bill Gates or Jerry Yang, yes, you too, can be your very own Robert Fisk, John Pilger, Naomi Klein, or Michael Moore."

Obviously someone who doesn't like people making their own media.

This crap was written before george bush visited dublin last year and has been posted before to IndyMedia UK. It attacks Indymedia Ireland people and imho should be removed.
