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Stop removal of Fire Engine from Bethnal Green

Udo Erasmo-tastic | 01.06.2005 13:56

By ANY means necessary!

Stop removal of Fire Engine from Bethnal Green

Blockade to stop the removal of the Bethnal Green fire engine

Tuesday 7th June 2005

8.30am onwards, Bethnal Green Fire Station, Roman Road

Despite extensive local opposition and concerns for safety, the Fire Engine is due to be removed from the Fire Station at Bethnal Green On Tuesday June 7th.

Don’t let them take our Fire Engine.

Join the Fire Fighters and local MP George Galloway.

Cuts Cost Lives!!!

Udo Erasmo-tastic


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When you are done

01.06.2005 14:19

When you are finished there please would you pass on your knowledge of Operational Requirements for the Fire Service to the rest of us.



operational requirements

01.06.2005 15:46

Just a thought but I was under the impression that fire engines are quite an important operational requirement for a fire station.
By the way the campaign against the removal of inner London fire engines is being run by London FBU and the specific appliance in question—at Bethnal Green— is deemed to be needed by the firefighters at the station themselves. They turned up on mass at a public meeting to support Matt Wrack (now General Secretary of the FBU) as he argued in defence of keeping the engine against the Fire Authority representative.
I don’t know too much about operational requirements but the arguments put by the fire fighters and their union seemed more rational than those put by the managment.
ps anyone who is prepared to defend their local public services alonside those who work in them should surely be congratulated rather than sniped at.


Where are they now?

01.06.2005 17:02

It will be interesting to see how many of George’s critics, both Labour and sectarian, actually come down from the tower for this one. You can just imagine them in the front ranks risking their bodies right? He He.

I also hope the original poster realises this forum is only a talking shop and not a place where any activity can be organised. Just so you know.


will the anarchists be there?

03.06.2005 12:24

Parlimentary politics and direct action combined, surely this is a new development in British politics.

what will be intersting, is whether the anarchist be there, after all, they the ones who advocate and spout off the importance of direct action, lets see if they have any involvement or whether they will shy away.


This anarchist's whereabouts

06.06.2005 12:02

Well, this anarchist will be on his way to work. If he manages to get his arse in gear early enough, he'll drop by on the way.

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