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Kenya Airways (50% owned by KLM) profits from deportation of refugees

megan | 01.06.2005 09:05

Kenya Airways flight KQ101 at 20.00 on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from Heathrow terminal 4, regularly carry refugees who have sought asylum in the UK and been refused, back to where they were persecuted.

On Thursday 2nd June, Esthery Murumbi, Bashir Nazir and Harris Nyatsanza are scheduled to be deported.

Esthery and Harris are from Zimbabwe. The security guards who act as escorts to people being deported don't fly all the way to Zimbabwe as it is considered too dangerous a destination for them! but it is not considered too dangerous for Zimbabweans who have fled persecution to be returned there.

Esthery's father was murdered on the 9th May 2005 by the regime, her house there was raided several times and in the end it was destroyed. Given more time she could provide evidence to prove this to Immigration.

Bashir Nazir fled from Zanzibar to Mombassa with his father following the 2000 election there. His father is a member of the CUF opposition party in Zanzibar and is wanted there for his political involvement. The Tanzanian government don't make any distinction between members of the party and leaders. The CUF want independence from Tanzania and an effective democracy. The CUF won the 1995 and 2000 elections in Zanzibar but the Tanzanian government would not allow them to take power. The next eleciton is scheduled for October 2005. People who have the means continue to leave Zanzibar, many fleeing to Canada. Bashir has lost contact with his father since arriving in the UK and his mother died in 2000.

All three people are political refugees and ought to be provided with refuge in the UK.



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01.06.2005 09:49

Was there a particualr reason the route these people chose to flee the oppresion they allege was an 11 hour 6000 mile plane trip ? Surely if their lives were under that much threat a short car drive across the border to South Africa, Mozambique or Zambia would have been quicker, safer and cheaper ? Why did they choose the UK, a flight from this part of Africa flys over Spain, France and Germany, Holland and Belgium all countries able to offer asylum - why come all the way to Britain ?


Why shouldn't they ?

01.06.2005 10:44

Refugees should be free to travel to any country regardless of how far away it is. We are calling for the removal of all borders worldwide and hope that those citizens of the world who feel they can make a better, safer life for them and their family will be able to come to the UK and add to our culture.

We demand the following key changes:

- An end to all border controls
- Free medical treatment at arrival for all refugess BEFORE processing
- Increased benefits for all asylum seekers to bring them up to national average wage amounts
- Freedom of movement and settlement.
- Immediate closure of all detention camps in all European countries.
- An end to all deportations.
- The right to citizenship and permanent residency for all, in all European countries, including equal access to social, economic, cultural and political rights for all.
- Implementation of a real right to asylum, including official recognition of rape and other forms of sexual violence as persecution and therefore grounds for asylum.
- An end to exploitation and neo-slavery, and the right to work based on the same entitlements as the workers in the country where we settle.
- Unconditional regularisation (right to stay) for all Sans-Papiers.
- For children; the right to live with their family in the community, receive free schooling and health care and to end deportations of unaccompanied children and young people.

No borders


01.06.2005 11:41

We in Oxford are looking to go further when it comes to education. It is clear the asylum seeker community often lacks education opportunites and we are therefore demanding that they receive priority over the resident community with a policy of Positive Distcrimination. This is most important in terms of university education where asylum seekers are under represented.

All universities must keep at least 25% of their places for asylum seekers and not discriminate against them on the grounds of previous education achivement.



01.06.2005 11:42

We in Oxford are looking to go further when it comes to education. It is clear the asylum seeker community often lacks education opportunites and we are therefore demanding that they receive priority over the resident community with a policy of Positive Distcrimination. This is most important in terms of university education where asylum seekers are under represented.

All universities must keep at least 25% of their places for asylum seekers and not discriminate against them on the grounds of previous education achivement.


know your colonial legacy

01.06.2005 13:18

Response to Ben: Only a tiny proportion of people fleeing wars arrive in the UK. There are 2-3 million Zimbabweans sheltering in South Africa and mass migrations of people fleeing wars over the borders in neighbouring countries. The UK is the 2nd biggest arms dealer after the US. People coming to the UK often do so becuase of the language, which is linked to the colonial heritage of the UK. Read your history.



01.06.2005 14:02

"The UK is the 2nd biggest arms dealer after the US"

How is this relevant ?

What ?


01.06.2005 14:02

"The UK is the 2nd biggest arms dealer after the US"

How is this relevant ?

What ?

uk arms trade responsible for wars that force people to become refugees

01.06.2005 23:27

arms dealers sell arms, arms are used to fight wars and wars cause people to flee and become refugees. the arms trade is an important part of the uk economy that's why it's impossible to even have an 'ethical dimension' to foreign policy. arms are manufactured to be used so more can be manufactured and used.
