Protest at Sheffield hosting the G8 on Wed 1 June
prol | 30.05.2005 20:39 | G8 2005 | Sheffield
On Wednesday 1st June the full council meeting of Sheffield City Council takes place at 2pm at the Town Hall. Time to tell the local councillers, that G8 is not welcome. Come and protest.
There is a G8 motion on the aganda and the meeting is open to the public, (see also ):
That this Council :-
(a) notes that:
(i) the G8 countries are the most rich and powerful in the World but represent only one tenth of its population;
(ii) the G8 meetings are a caucus for this self-selected group to discuss strategy outside electorally accountable bodies such as the United Nations or World Trade Organisation; and
(iii) the G8 Justice and Interior Ministers are interested in supporting the war on terror on the “home front” by introducing measures which restrict our civil liberties (such as identity cards and detention and control orders), and by the inhumane treatment of asylum seekers;
(b) believes that:-
(i) the G8 visit will put Sheffield on the map as a place which welcomes undemocratic and repressive tendencies at the highest level;
(ii) the security measures being put in place for the G8 visit (secrecy, exclusion zones, issuing of passes) are themselves an indication of this style of government; and
(iii) the desire to be internationally recognised should not outweigh the rights and well- being of local people and businesses; and
(c) therefore:-
(i) regrets the lack of consultation preceding the decision to host the G8 visit;
(ii) supports the right of organisations such as Make Poverty History, Sheffield Stop the War Coalition and Sheffield Dissent Network to peacefully demonstrate their views;
(iii) undertakes to explain to the people of Sheffield exactly what the G8 Justice and Interior Ministers’ agenda is and how precisely their visit befits and benefits the City; and
(iv) in the interests of closing the gap internationally, instructs the Chief Executive to look into the possibility of hosting a meeting for the G77 – a caucus of the World’s poorest nations.
That this Council :-
(a) notes that:
(i) the G8 countries are the most rich and powerful in the World but represent only one tenth of its population;
(ii) the G8 meetings are a caucus for this self-selected group to discuss strategy outside electorally accountable bodies such as the United Nations or World Trade Organisation; and
(iii) the G8 Justice and Interior Ministers are interested in supporting the war on terror on the “home front” by introducing measures which restrict our civil liberties (such as identity cards and detention and control orders), and by the inhumane treatment of asylum seekers;
(b) believes that:-
(i) the G8 visit will put Sheffield on the map as a place which welcomes undemocratic and repressive tendencies at the highest level;
(ii) the security measures being put in place for the G8 visit (secrecy, exclusion zones, issuing of passes) are themselves an indication of this style of government; and
(iii) the desire to be internationally recognised should not outweigh the rights and well- being of local people and businesses; and
(c) therefore:-
(i) regrets the lack of consultation preceding the decision to host the G8 visit;
(ii) supports the right of organisations such as Make Poverty History, Sheffield Stop the War Coalition and Sheffield Dissent Network to peacefully demonstrate their views;
(iii) undertakes to explain to the people of Sheffield exactly what the G8 Justice and Interior Ministers’ agenda is and how precisely their visit befits and benefits the City; and
(iv) in the interests of closing the gap internationally, instructs the Chief Executive to look into the possibility of hosting a meeting for the G77 – a caucus of the World’s poorest nations.