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Freedom Summer Palestine 2005

A | 29.05.2005 19:09 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | Social Struggles

Freedom Summer Palestine 2005 is a Palestinian non violent campaign
against Israeli occupation — This summer, With the participation of
international supporters, Palestinians will continue their
long-standing mobilization for nonviolent direct action against the
occupation and draw the world's attention to what is really happening
in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Give voice to the Palestinian call for freedom

Freedom Summer Palestine 2005 is a Palestinian non violent campaign
against Israeli occupation — This summer, With the participation of
international supporters, Palestinians will continue their
long-standing mobilization for nonviolent direct action against the
occupation and draw the world's attention to what is really happening
in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

While the world is hearing that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is
being resolved and that Sharon has become "a herald of peace,"
apartheid continues to be reinforced each day in Occupied
Palestine. It is more important than ever to come to Palestine this
summer to join Palestinian nonviolent resistance to the Israeli
military occupation!

Palestinian communities are asking ISM activists to support their
nonviolent demonstrations against the continued construction of The
illegal Annexation Wall and the demolitions of Palestinian homes, and
in their various efforts to remain steadfast on the soil of their
ancestors, despite the continuing land theft and the constant violence
perpetuated by the Israeli military and illegal settlers.

Freedom Summer, beginning June 25th and continuing 57 days, one day
for every year of displacement and dispossession since 1948, is a
mobilization of the Palestinian people for justice, basic human rights
and freedom.

Like the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, India's National
Liberation Movement and the Anti-Apartheid Movement in South Africa,
The Palestinian communities utilise nonviolent strategies to counter

This is not an issue of "Palestinian against Israeli" or "Arab against
Jew." It is a struggle of humanity and freedom against injustice and

How It Works

Two-day training sessions will be conducted by ISM trainers every
Sunday and Monday of Freedom Summer in Ramallah. The first training of
the campaign will be June 24 and 25. On completion of training, groups
of internationals will be dispatched to various regions to join local
non violent resistance activities.

Freedom Summer actions will be directed at Israeli occupation measures
that deny Palestinians basic freedom: The Annexation Wall,
checkpoints, roadblocks, settlement expansion, and political prisoners.

Plans for Freedom Summer 2005 are being developed by Palestinian
communities. Examples of likely actions include:

• Supporting Palestinian communities in their peaceful protesting of
construction of The Annexation Wall in West Bank villages where Wall
construction threatens to cut off villagers from their farmland and

• Supporting action by communities removing roadblocks that are
strangling West Bank villages.

• Maintaining a presence in communities in the Hebron region that are
under constant threat from Israeli settlers who are attempting to
force Palestinians from their land.

• Working in support of Palestinian rights in East Jerusalem and to
resist the Israeli government's attempt to isolate East Jerusalem, the
Palestinian capital, from the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

. Joining Palestinian families and communities in resisting non
violently and highlighting the demolition of Palestinian homes.

. Joining Palestinian communities in Non violent protest against the
Industrial settlement complexes that are stealing and contaminating
Palestinian land.

• Acting in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners, thousands of whom
are being held in Israeli prisons in violation of international law
for struggling for Palestinian rights.

• Reporting to the media and the world on the daily criminal actions
of the Israeli military and Israeli settlers in the Occupied
Palestinian Territories.

Bring the world's eyes to Palestine- Teams of international civilians
will be hosted by Palestinians communities and will work directly with
Palestinian coordinators and local peace activists.

At the local level, Palestinians are organizing, training and
coordinating a summer program of activities and actions to involve all
elements of Palestinian society and international supporters.

Obviously not everyone is comfortable taking the same risks or
participating in direct confrontations with soldiers, police and
settlers. Therefore, local committees will determine various roles and
levels of participation for all, so that there is something to do for

Activists are required to make a commitment to non-violence
principles, adherence to group process and respect of Palestinian
culture and Palestinian community leadership for the duration of their
stay in Palestine.

For more information write:

Upon arrival contact:
02-2971824 ISM media office



Hide the following 8 comments


30.05.2005 11:05

I remain nostalgiac for Freedom Palestine Summers past, in which the occupation of Judea, Samaria and Gaza by Egyptian and Jordanian forces was protested by precisely no one.



30.05.2005 16:38


You have gone off message, please read the Indy Media Editorial Policy for posts re Israel - Middle East - Palestine.

"Israel is reponsible for everything, The Palestinians are heroic freedom fighters, All suicide bombeers are really CIA agents"

Hope this helps


Oh did somebody complain about the lovely Israel again – how naughty

30.05.2005 20:04

People with campaign for the down trodden as long as they are being abused by other more powerful people – so fuck Josh and secret you dicks

Josh and Secret slapper

Israel to blame for hear??!! NOTHING!!!

30.05.2005 21:40

xcept for maybe this:

but hey that aint much is it??


Thanks Koo Koo

31.05.2005 12:55

Thanks KOO KOO for that excellent list. For a long time those of us who support Israel and try to tell the truth about what is happening in the country try to talk about how so many of the UN Resolutions passed against Israel are frivilous and designed to attack the USA. It is gratifying to see them all in one list and prove that point.

thanks again.



31.05.2005 13:22

Yuo fool KOO KOO that's why we don't publish the list, only talk about the number of resolutions. Once people see the truth of the type of resolutions being passed they might start asking questions about the true state of the Israeli/Palestinian situation.


The situation is worse than expected

31.05.2005 15:35

I think u better ask yourselves 1 question. How dumb can you get? coz right now you're pretty close to hitting rock bottom. heres a few examples of the nature of the resolutions

'calls' on Israel not to deport Palestinians and strongly requests it to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention

60. Resolution 672: "...'condemns' Israel for violence against Palestinians at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount

54. Resolution 592: "...'strongly deplores' the killing of Palestinian students at Bir Zeit University by Israeli troops"

47. Resolution 509: "...'demands' that Israel withdraw its forces forthwith and unconditionally from Lebanon"
46. Resolution 501: "...'calls' on Israel to stop attacks against Lebanon and withdraw its troops"
34. Resolution 452: "...'calls' on Israel to cease building settlements in occupied territories"
12. Resolution 256: "... 'condemns' Israeli raids on Jordan as 'flagrant violation""

So let me get this straight. Occupying, attacking, killing, expanding, abducting, abusing human rights=GOOD and anything said against it is just anti Israel/US. Idiots like yourselves rejoyced when the UK/US went to war in yugoslavia whose human rights abuse record was no where near as bad as Israels. I think if were gonna do things the US/UK way then a petition should be signed for an all out war on Israel. Any excuse used by the Americans to go to war with Iraq weve got for Israel. Human rights abuses. we got it. WMDs. We got it. UN resolution defiance (6 times those of iraq) we got it. death of innocents. We got it. Theres much more of a case to bomb israel than there was to bomb Iraq or Yugoslavia so lets petition to so it. It wont happen but id like to see their excuse for it not happening.
For the dumbasses that dont see these resolutions and their constant violation as important then theres no point in even continuing with this. U got the zionist flag pole so far up your asses its come out the other way through ur eyes and blinded you.
Its funny how a large faction of Hitler's most hated race, now immitates him. All some of you are missing is the moustache.


If you want to help, volunteer with an NGO or the UN

26.06.2005 11:05

This organization was good a couple of years ago but now it s just a tool for Neta Golan (Israeli) Huwaida Arraf (Israeli/American) and Adam Shapiro (American) to fund themselves without having to work and to keep their names in the papers.

There is nothing palestinian led about it. Palestinians have no voice. Palestinian ngos have asked that the organization be banned from Palestine because of the hardships their actions create. Severl palestinian groups have circulated pamphlets complaining about the organization.

The so-called leaders are corrupt. They refuse to divulge information concerning how donated funds are spent or records of how they reimburse themselves.

This organization started out with good intentions but now it is more corrupt than the PA. Stay away from them. Volunteers are being used by the 'leaders'. Funds are being misued and anyone how points that out or enquires about it is slandered.

Check out other organizations. there are many. don't pay for huwaida's law school or neta's housekeeper by donating funds

former ISMer