brilliant, they just had one in the streets of liverpool too, a million people showed up When we the people lead, our leaders will follow :) Reclaim the conversation Our New World Order is love
Its interesting to observe reactions to my postings around the web, there is always a character who uses verbal abuse of some kind to discredit the value that may exist in what I am saying, sarcasm, insults, disrespectful comments, rather than meaninful discussion or debate. What is common to all these characters is that they are always anonymous, hiding behind a mask, they NEVER stand behind their words by showing who they really are.
The question is whether these characters are deliberatly attempting to derail the movement towards global evolution or are they just plain ignoramouses who really don't have anything to say other than to tear down those of us who are sincerely attempting to make a difference.
I don't pretend to believe that everything I say or do is perfect and am completely open to discussing anything that I say with anyone at anytime, but what I do say is that my words and efforts are a sincere attempt to move thge envelope forward so that there can be a better world for us, our children and all the children to come :)
I believe that the fact that a million people gathering in the spirit of celebration whether it be for a football win , stonehenge or a party of any kind is extremely significant. Especially when it is ordinary folk ratther than the anti war, alternative, revolutionary, party "elite"
It is movements like this that reform or topple governments, stop wars etc
We are so programmed to believe that we need permission to be free when in fact we are free and only need to wake up to that reality.
"When we the people lead, our leaders will follow"
When we gather and celebrate togethether in community we learn to love, respect and coperate with each other. We create networks, self reliance and sustainable organisms.
Through the freedom to self express, we live out of the box of who we think we are and grow expotentially into our highest possibility, both as individuals and as a culture. The suppression of this marginilises a large percentage of our society, damages the culture and robs us all of what our society could be.
The fact that you post anonymously doesn't piss me off, it just says how powerfully you are willing to stand behind your statements.
So the answer is yes
"the movement towards global evolution would be happening at the same place a million people in Liverpool where celebrating their FAC Cup win " :) brian
Hide the following 11 comments
Reality Is Up For Grabs ...1+1=11
28.05.2005 18:07
When we the people lead, our leaders will follow
Reclaim the conversation
Our New World Order is love
"a million people showed up "
29.05.2005 10:08
"a million people showed up "
29.05.2005 10:08
A million people partied in Liverpool without a licence
29.05.2005 12:06
a party is a party and the culture is enrichened by it.
"when the conversation reaches critical mass, it transforms into action"
Social Acupuncture
A million people partied spontaneously
29.05.2005 17:24
When was this ?
30.05.2005 11:15
deliberate attempt at sabatagueing the movement or just plain stupidity
30.05.2005 13:22
The question is whether these characters are deliberatly attempting to derail the movement towards global evolution or are they just plain ignoramouses who really don't have anything to say other than to tear down those of us who are sincerely attempting to make a difference.
I don't pretend to believe that everything I say or do is perfect and am completely open to discussing anything that I say with anyone at anytime, but what I do say is that my words and efforts are a sincere attempt to move thge envelope forward so that there can be a better world for us, our children and all the children to come
Re: A million people partying
30.05.2005 13:31
here is a link
Wow !
30.05.2005 15:23
This would be happening at the same place a million people in Liverpool where celebrating their FAC Cup win would it.... LOL !
Anon (just to annoy you)
Wow !
30.05.2005 15:24
This would be happening at the same place a million people in Liverpool where celebrating their FA Cup win would it.... LOL !
Anon (just to annoy you)
A million people gathering in the spirit of celebration is significant.
30.05.2005 20:15
I believe that the fact that a million people gathering in the spirit of celebration whether it be for a football win , stonehenge or a party of any kind is extremely significant. Especially when it is ordinary folk ratther than the anti war, alternative, revolutionary, party "elite"
It is movements like this that reform or topple governments, stop wars etc
We are so programmed to believe that we need permission to be free when in fact we are free and only need to wake up to that reality.
"When we the people lead, our leaders will follow"
When we gather and celebrate togethether in community we learn to love, respect and coperate with each other. We create networks, self reliance and sustainable organisms.
Through the freedom to self express, we live out of the box of who we think we are and grow expotentially into our highest possibility, both as individuals and as a culture. The suppression of this marginilises a large percentage of our society, damages the culture and robs us all of what our society could be.
The fact that you post anonymously doesn't piss me off, it just says how powerfully you are willing to stand behind your statements.
So the answer is yes
"the movement towards global evolution would be happening at the same place a million people in Liverpool where celebrating their FAC Cup win "