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HSBC Strikers lobby shareholders AGM with peanuts

Bolshie Photos | 27.05.2005 16:03 | Globalisation | Indymedia | Social Struggles | London | World












Bolshie Photos
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27.05.2005 19:15

Dig the photo essay Bolshie - any chance of just a couple of lines of text explaning what happened and why?

gis a clue

Typical trade unionism...

01.06.2005 13:00

As far as the unions are concerned, it doesn't matter who you work for or what you do as long as they treat you right and pay you well. If I were in HSBC management (an odd thought, admittedly), I'd find this kind of thing hilarious.

Want to know why HSBC pay peanuts? Because they're a huge rapacious multi-national bank that does its utmost to bleed its customers and workers dry to maximise their profits.

All the peanuts say is that you're happy to be the footsoldiers of capitalism as long as you get your 30 pieces of silver, not just 29. If you had any real regard for the welfare of working people you wouldn't be supporting HSBC or any other similar institution for any amount of money. Workers' rights start with withdrawing your labour permanently from businesses whose fundamental purpose is to maximise inequality, not complaining that you're not getting quite as good a deal for doing their dirty work as you'd prefer.

I believe you can get "Wage Slave" wristbands cheaply on Ebay to go with your "MakeSocialismHistory" ones. All proceeds go to the vendor.
