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Clown army

clown'ista | 26.05.2005 13:40 | G8 2005 | Education | Birmingham

A few photos from the Clown Army tour

Write-up to come



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To the barricades comrades !

26.05.2005 14:04

Just fantastic - dressing up a Clowns. I can't see how Capitalism and Free Market Economics can survive that. I suggest we finish them off now with some poetry and street mime.

Billy Smart

Very nice pics but.......

26.05.2005 16:13

........RESIZE YOUR IMAGES BEFORE YOU PUBLISH THEM YOU LAZY TOSSER!!! Anyone would think that there was a clown uploading.....

On a serious note it is very unfair on anyone using this site who does not have broadband. It would take them at least twenty minutes to view each image. It also makes it very easy for the corporate media to pinch the images and reprint them. Do you really want see your pic in the Daily Mail with loads of lies written underneath??


Smaller pics

26.05.2005 20:17






If you don't have a fancy image editor, or the one you've got makes resizing images a real trial (the ones which come bundled with digital cameras sometimes have me tearing my hair out just trying to do the simplest thing), you can get Easy Thumbnails for free from ---> <---

It's what I've been using ever since I started posting photo reports to Indymedia, and I've never felt the need to look for anything better.

Just put your photos in a convenient folder, set the max width and max height (I've used 500x500 in this case) and choose a naming convention for your resized photos, hit the "Make All" button and there you are - a full set of photos all reduced to a good size for anyone's screen, without any noticeable loss of quality. It's a doddle, even a clown can do it!

And it makes the files smaller as well - The originals above added up to about 3.8 meg, but the resized versions came to just 156k - a much faster download.

Now all we need is a passing IMCista to replace the huge versions with the resized versions....


A question for the techies

26.05.2005 20:21

This is quite a common problem, people uploading un-resized pics straight from the camera, probably not realising that they're far too big to fit on anyone's screen. Can the publish form be made to check the file size and reject any which are too large? Or maybe if they're larger than a certain size, auto-thumbnail them and hide the original behind a smaller version, like and some other IMCs do?


oh for fucks sake

26.05.2005 20:26

Is there any 'clown' prepared to actually defend their actions or politics, because it seesm to me like you read a few situ sentences and just decided to act like an utter bunch of cocks for thre rst of your lives. I mean do you lto have any understanding of situationism? I doubt it, reductionist cunts, bet you think being a clown is like really wadical and expresses your ''spontaneous desires'' or some made up bollocks. Well news flash asshole, hanging around witha bunch of hippies in bad clown make up isn't anyones desire, most people despise you, you are fucking worthless misanthropic substituionalist pathetic little shits.

If I get no response, i'm simply going to take it that you are all idiots. It is of course possible that you are some sort of state plot to make us all look like nutters, although considering the lunatics who make up the core of some of the various anti-G8 protest movements, i doubt the state would bother to make that much of an effort, so its more likely you're just a complete bunch of twats.



26.05.2005 21:11

Usually swearing at people and calling them idiots isn't the best way to get people to explain themselves Lefty.

I don't think you really deserve a response to your ill thought out potty mouthed rant.

Never mind, I guess if you had not been so wise and above all of this protesting lark you might have organised things so much better.

Then again maybe if you hadn't been beaten so much by the alcoholic baboon the scientists trained you to call "mother" when you were a child, you might not be so bitter now. Who knows (cares?)?

Hu hu hu!

Krusty loves you very much.


Seriously though what is the purpose of these clowns?

27.05.2005 00:12

We complain bitterly that mainstream media marginalises us & doesn't address the serious issues. This is hardly surprising when our solution to all the world's problems of injustice, wars, millions of kids starving each year, oil dependency, climate change is to... wear face paint and silly clothes and further wind up the cops. Is the purpose of these clowns purely entertainment for ourselves and to fill already repetitive "activist" videos with further futility? Aren't there more important things to do than just continue to "entertain" only ourselves with tediously repetitive videos of frivolity and riot porn? Are the clowns meant to make people from mainstream society see the error of their ways and flock to join us? I think not. Sorry but even the most unperceptive mind should recognise these clowns as sad, heads up their arses, washed up exhibitionists who do absolutely nothing to address the rather large problem of us being a tiny marginalised minority.

"write up to come"...
It'd better be good.

not amused


27.05.2005 09:12

WOW! Other people hate this clown shite too! Thank Fuck! I thought i was losing it!
Surely the point of it is some kind of ego/career trip for the artists and academics involved?



27.05.2005 18:03

Oh yes, I forgot... marching along holding a placard IS a stunning form of politics against which capitalism wilts and shrivels up, a form of protest that the media sit up and take serious heed of.

But seriously 'Lefty' why are you so angry?

Why don't we take a moment, breath, and say what's up.

We're all listening, and we care.

Peace my angry brother.

open to suggestions


28.05.2005 08:05

having read some of the comments i will summarize some of wot i think has been written, since i do agree that as theatre the clowns are lovely, but as politics its on dodgy ground (just like those less colourful other protest media whores in white overalls). if u are ready to deal with this then we'll begin:

theres a problem with funding - the size of that funding (thousands of punds) how that funding is controlled (hierarchicly - by elites ie government bodies or millionares, whatever )

there is the problem of class - middle class domination of these groups

there is the problem of politics - aestheticisation of political positions and removal from everyday life and class struggle

your move



28.05.2005 14:09

strange that circa should create such a hostile reaction in some activists. it's completely opposite to the general public's reaction, which is almost uniformly positive, 'getting it' and fully understanding that when the world is so deeply upside down and ridiculous, ridicule is one of the few effective ways to respond. also they are not bored by circa (which most people, including in my experience many potential and/or long term activists, surely are by marching, shouting, chucking stuff...) which has got to be a good thing for those of us trying to build a wider movement for a better world.
anyone who thinks this is simply about street theatre would be advised to check the circa website and in particular have a look at the leeds video.
there are good discussions to be had around the issues of tactics, also money, class etc. I don't think I am best placed to engage in them, but I think some critics maybe surprised by the reality when others do.
with love...

- Homepage:


28.05.2005 17:43

Maybe it's to be expected, but still the level of hostility generated towards the clowns seems quite disproportionate to the reality of what they're doing. Seems that such hostility goes hand in hand with a view of protest that's strangely hierarchical, this is better than that, what i do is purer than what you do.

I was under the impression that an essential part of this 'movement' was a respect for, and understanding re the neccessity of a diversity and plurality of tactics? An appreciation that one point of view, one form of action, should and can never be all encompassing?

Obviously some of the issues that are raised, such as the use of funding and the co-option of resistance, are of huge importance; but the idea that there are black and white answers seems extremely naive, as are generalisations purporting all artists to be self-serving, self-promoting and career obsessed.


They are clever than they appear

28.05.2005 20:03

Well, I am not suprised at this outpouring of near hatred, but still very dissapointed.

I made the circa film from their great footage and during that time met and spoke to a few of them. I learned about their philosophy and tactics and was deeply impressed by their depth of knowledge and thoughtfull shaping of thier tactics.

Some of you above really need and injection of CIRCA joy in your lives. The world is a bad place but you prove nothing and achieve nothing from cynicism and hatred.

Good on yer CIRCA.

Leeds circa film as on thier site:

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Don't feed the trolls

28.05.2005 21:20

...Lefty, not amused, and Chuckykiller

It's well known that all kinds of loons, fascist types, BNP etc. post to Indymedia but I think trying to engage in debate is probably only encouraging them.


Clowns on Tour

29.05.2005 18:27

I'm sorry to have to quote the good book in an environment such as this but, to all of the nay sayers, doom mongers and potty mouthed keyboard warriors who seem to have expended no little effort in setting out to denigrate, insult and generally spout meaningless, ill-informed and downright unpleasant drivel about CIRCA: "Judge not, lest ye too be judged." You have clearly looked at a few pics, read a website or two and concluded that you now know everything you need to about CIRCA (or at least, enough to be able to look through your edition of Roget's Insult Thesaurus and find all the naughty words you can to have a go at something of which you are in almost complete and total ignorance.) So, we got some money from the Arts Council... methinks you guys might be more than a little envious? Would you perhaps have turned it down? O.K. then, I sincerly hope that you ain't signing on at the moment, so that you won't be tainted with the state's blood money... or the label hypocrite! Anyway, having been involved in activisim on and off for most of my life, all I will say from a personal point of view is that CIRCA have injected something into our world which it has been sorely lacking for some time, namely a sense of humour! To be able to combine having fun with actually carrying out effective actions (occupying fast-food joints, disrupting international media events, confusing, confounding and actually frightening the authorities, closing down army recruitment centres etc. etc. etc...) seem to be nothing but posotive. In future, why not try and actually talk to us before launching into a torrent of invective? We are not saying that we have all of the answers, but we respect many and varied shades of opinion and tactics within our movement. Do unto us as we would do unto you!

Sgt Sideshow
mail e-mail:

not funny

30.05.2005 10:22

aw, i'm sorry clowns - we love you really!!!!! and together we will destroy the ruins of art and politics and raize our humanity anew, beyond the fluff and spikes, like a pheonix from the ashes of borgeois culture !!!

but seriously, having the piss taken out of you is no joke! u have to be accountable to those whose lives you are affecting - and that happens to be us! so go on - peoplpe have made some criticisms - make your arguments (with humour and abandon!) instead of whinging about how nasty the 'movement' or 'activists' are/is.. we're ready to be judged - but not with stupid accusations of being cops etc, with proper political positions - it's not that difficult, surely - most of you have been to university - surely your command of english is good enough to make a considered responce to considered criticisms!!!!


Sgt Sideshow Says...

31.05.2005 07:26

Sorry, but a stream of insulting and badly-spelt, incorrectly typed and grammatically (not to say factually) erroneous drivel doth not meaningful criticism make. I feel that we will be able to engage in a meaningful dialogue with regards to tactics, philosophy etc. etc. ONLY when you guys realise that. Until then, I do not intend to waste further valuable time with what cannot be anything but a futile attempt to reply to the hate-filled, ill-informed spoutings of the sort of people who continue to perplex, irritate and bemuse me with their pointless negativity. I shall be doing my small part to contribute to our movement's opposition to the G8 (as will my friends in CIRCA) and I hope that all of you who have spent precious time ranting about this topic will find yourselves able to leave your PC for just a short time to do likewise.

Sgt Sideshow

The clowns of Circus2Iraq salute Circa!

31.05.2005 20:06

Clowns have many uses, not withstanding being used as orna'mental' doorstops and draught excluders. The examples are there to be seen in the works of Circa (go take a fecking look) and all of us at Circus2Iraq *ahem* "I thangew"
Big sloppy kisses to the Circa fools from all at Circus2Iraq!

mail e-mail:
- Homepage:

grounded criticisms or prejudices?

06.06.2005 16:00

I am part of CIRCA and the Lab and I would love to engage in an important debate about the value of what we do, its potential to change (or not) people's views on capitalism, its relation with politics of the spectacle, the issues with regards to getting public funds (for the record we never got funding from any corporation), etc. In the Lab and CIRCA we all take these issues seriously, we're never certain we're making the right decisions, and we are always open to discussion. But not with people who think they can just bark orders at us and demand we justify ourselves by insulting us!!
It seems pretty obvious that quite a few of the criticisms here are rooted in sheer prejudice and sent by semi-articulate, narrow-minded and arrogant people (males?) who actually know nothing about what we are about.

As some of the comments have pointed out, it seems that respect for diversity, willingness to listen to different opinions and approaches to revolutionary mathods are alien notions to some. And to those I don't have much to say. d

major irritation

seriously, just quit

07.06.2005 04:47

So what are you palnning to do? 'occupy fast food joints'? What the fuck is the poitn of that, what have you got against having a burger and chips and why do you have to piss of mcdonalds staff. Having worked in restaurant before, i can assure you its enough hassle as it is without some cunt in a clown mask hading you a badly made leaflet and thinking they're radical for knowing the burgers are a bit unhealthy because they saw supersize me or some shit.
How is 'not liking fast food mannn' connected to anti-capitalism or any sane form of politics. I like fast food, in a socialist society, i am 100% sure worker controlled macdonalds and pizza huts remain because its good food, quick to make and quite efficient.

I mean this when it comes down to it is the basic problem, you may put a clown mask on and read some philosophical balls but your still liberals. You tink we need a 'new way o seeing', well you an shove your new way of seeing up your ass.
You are a fucking joke, don't give me some balls about how i like to wave a placrd around, i don't even go to all your liberal protests, thats your fucking game. Capiatlism is a social relationship present in our everyday lives, not something you can wave a placard against all the time.
Protest works occaisionally, ut in terms of day to day organising in the community and workplace its often utterly useless. If i want say to stop a row of houses being bulldozed in a pathfinder scheme what use is fucking clowns or rent a mob placard wavers from miles away going to be.

Seriously i don't hope to actually persuade any of you nutters, because to be honest if you were thick enough to think wearing a clown suit was an effective ''anti-capitalist'' technique your beyond help, but at least it might stop anyone getting involved in your ketamine addled activst wankfests, and might convince other people reading the site that you don't represent many other 'anti-capitalists'.


White noise

10.07.2005 10:49

Lefty, I feel sorry for you, to have that much white noise going in inside your head as you sit there banging the keys on your pc. chill out a bit, go and walk up some hills, stop isolating yourself, have some fun/sex/beauty, go moonbathing, climb a tree, learn a musical instrument, fall in love.