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GEORGE GALLOWAY OBSERVER | 26.05.2005 11:21 | Anti-militarism


May 21, 2005


John Chuckman

Like a refreshing breeze blowing briefly over those damned to endure the hell created by America's government came the words of British M.P. George Galloway to an American Senate Committee. The man was simply magnificent. Tough, brave, and articulate - hurling unanswerable truth at blubbering political lowlifes in silk suits.

Washington is the most dishonest place on earth, and with that fact goes another, that the American people are among the earth's worst governed. These creepy American Gauleiters had wronged Galloway with faked accusations of his profiting from oil trading with Saddam Hussein. My God, it's just one filthy lie after another. They tried smearing Kofi Anan with the same kind of stuff.

Why is it so rarely Americans who take on their own lying, murderous political establishment? It has always been the same. How few Americans stood up to that bellowing angry drunk, political wife-beater, Senator Joseph McCarthy, or that ugly maggot sucking at the nation's liberties, J. Edgar Hoover.

George Galloway's real crime is to have been a sharp thorn in Tony Blair's side, a powerful critic of the stupid Iraq War. Blair dreamt he would rise to Churchillian heights by attending training classes in Crawford, Texas, on how to rig an illegal war. Today he looks more like the sad, depleted Lloyd George expressing his admiration for that rising new star in Europe, Hitler.

American liberals keep writing about their press's failure to do its job. Many of the people writing these things are children of the Woodward and Bernstein years under Nixon, a time when there was the brief illusion of an honest press, the tribune of the public, the fourth estate or unofficial branch of government, and other hero-comic phrases.

But that was a brief time of special circumstances. Nixon by then was disliked by a good deal of the American establishment. The War in Vietnam, blackening America's reputation worldwide, serving no worthwhile purpose, and clearly being lost, threatened to divide the nation as ferociously as had the Civil War.

The more usual situation now prevails. We are back to the same press that never questioned a Gulf of Tonkin Incident, something as phony as Nazi Germany's shooting a batch prisoners dressed in Polish uniforms and claiming Poland had attacked the Reich.

There can be no more acid comment on the American press's role in Bush's sleazy war than the mere observation of the New York Times' regular use of the out-of-date, sentimental term GI when referring to America's professional killers now occupying Iraq.

It is not clear yet that America's establishment dislikes Bush. The profits from money thrown around Washington likes slops at an industrial-scale hog farm are delightful while the broader cost of Bush's brutish stupidity has not yet registered. Events on this scale take time to play out. The invasion of Iraq, just as the War in Vietnam, will prove certainly to have been an unmitigated disaster, mass killing and destruction to no good purpose, but the full cost won't be known for years.

America's own deaths in Iraq are still small in number so far as wars go. Why is that, apart from the nature of the invasion itself which resembled the entire Wehrmacht bravely rolling over tiny Greece? Only days ago, a news item in Europe informed us that British military commanders are shocked by American tactics during the occupation, and they have tried advising them, to no effect yet, on altering their ways.

Essentially, Americans sit in Kevlar armor with weapons of horrific fire power behind barriers and in no-go zones. They have absolutely no relationship with the people. They make no friends, only future enemies, as they shoot anyone - almost exclusively innocent civilians - who doesn't understand the rules. Once in a while, they launch a massive assault against a target assumed to be a center of armed opposition. Fallujah was one of these, and its utter ruin represents today almost the same kind of ferocious symbol that the Nazi-obliterated village of Lidice did for World War II.

Anyone can see, even reading the manipulated American press, that these tactics are failing. The attacks of Iraqi resistance forces just keep increasing. The rebuilding of the country, without which there is no hope for long-term stability, isn't proceeding as it should. The country's pathetic excuse for an elected government doesn't yet function as a government. New revelations of American abuses steadily feed indignation and resentments around the world.

Americans are not people with long-term vision. "I want it all, and I want it now," would be the appropriate current national motto. This quality makes Americans among the least qualified people on earth to undertake some of the tasks their politicians set them. The patience of the Chinese or the stiff upper lip of the Brits is missing in people trained to get pissed-off about late pizzas. That's part of the reason for the brutal, senseless nature of the occupation, and that's why the Internet press is full of liberal and other anti-war demands that American troops leave Iraq.

I wish that were possible, but it would be totally irresponsible. The destruction is done, the horrible mess is made. Americans have a clear responsibility to prevent Iraq's falling into total bloody chaos. American troops will remain in Iraq, and will keep dying there, for years. As from all horrible situations, some good may eventually come. Maybe, just maybe, it will dawn on Americans how destructive and ignorant their politicians' approach to world affairs truly is.

But I doubt it. The essence of hell is that there is no escape.



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What a history lesson !

26.05.2005 18:34

Just because he spouts the same sort of sycophantic trash that you are happy to gobble up doesn't make GG tough, brave or articulate, and as for 'magnificent' pleeeeeese get real.

And what a history lesson you gave us, albeit somewhat coloured. What imagery you give us - you should write for a living. Your're full of generalisations on Americans, but from the pictures you paint it seems likely that you've not met many of us and you just recycle the usual generic images provided by the BBC, MacDonalds and Disney. America (or more correctly the USA) is a big big country consisting of many different peoples, so please don't generalise just because you've never bothered to come and find out about us.

Your history lesson didn't touch on the Balkans - Oh of course, that's because the West was so busy being diplomatic, that hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths occurred before any action was taken. Good job America and the Brits made a decision on Iraq regardless of Kofi Annan's fence sitting UN, or despite what you may think things could have been much much worse.

GG wronged ??? Maybe, but he certainly chose the wrong friends at the wrong time! At best this was a silly misjudgment, at worse - we may never know.

You and I do agree on one point however in your penultimate paragraph - some good may eventually come - it's called democracy, and believe it or not many people through the ages, Americans and British too, have always been ready to die for it!

Must go now - my goddam pizza is late!

Homer Simpson


26.05.2005 20:41

....the balkans, well thats just one big liberal success story isn't it, from a stable yugoslavia to civil war, bloodshed and mass graves ten years later, ooh wondered how that happened, must have been an accident, or was it perhaps enforced privatisation of the yugoslavian economy by western business interests resulting in a recession and economic crash causing mass unemployment, poverty and the rise of fascist and ultranationalist sentiments in serbia and croatia.

'fresh air in hell', balls, galloways was a good speaker then but usually all he's about is troting out the same out shite about blair being a 'liarrrr', as he does most of the time is pointless. Not to fail to point ut that as 99% iof the ppulation are well aware, the man is a self publicising double crossing, anti-abortion right wing nutter. God knows why the SWP chose to associate themsleves with the man, oh yes, i remember now, because their exec committee is completely insane.

left wing

a stable yugoslavia?

26.05.2005 22:52

well, yes - in the same sense that Spain was stable under Franco or Russia under Brezhnev.


Give George his due

27.05.2005 09:04

John Chuckman IS American and I didn't hear any of the other 99% telling the Senate they are mass-murdering-child-killers. George is leading by example, perhaps more men & women of conscience will follow his lead. When I told my kids about George's exploits in Washington, they replied; "So, he will be killed then?" It takes a brave man to speak the truth, when despotic governments are lying. Even if George has designs on power, it could only be better than Bliar!

Popinjay Lickspittle

Phone call Needed

27.05.2005 16:09

"When I told my kids about George's exploits in Washington, they replied; "So, he will be killed then?"

Give us your phone number, if this is how you are raising your children they need to be in care

What ?