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BIG Noise Demo at EDO - Tues 31st May - Destroy the Arms Trade

Smasher | 25.05.2005 13:01 | South Coast

Big Noise demo at EDO MBM 3-6pm tuesday 31st May

If your against the Invasion of Iraq, If your against the Occupation of Iraq, If your against the killing of 100,000 Iraqis by U$ and British forces, If your against attacks of Civil Liberties, then come down to Brighton, Defend the Right to Protest and support the Smash Edo Campaign!

SMASH EDO are a group of individuals intending to shut down EDO MBM technology in Brighton who supply the Paveway Bomb for the occupation of Iraq. EDO MBM also sell weapons indirectly to Israel, Saudi Arabia and Indonesia

On 31st May they are inviting local groups from atround the country to join them in making this the biggest demo yet at the factory




Smash Edo is a group of concerned individuals campaigning to end the military activities of EDO MBM Technology Ltd are organising. People involved in the anti-EDO campaign include, but are not limited to: local residents, the Brighton Quakers, peace activists, anti-capitalists, Palestine Solidarity groups, human rights groups, trade unionists, academics and students.

In April 14 Activists in Brighton with intended injunctions against them in the High court, London.

They were in the high court on 14th April 2005

They are citing protection under the Harassment act 1997.

For more info check out -
And -

For more info about the day contact by email on -

More info about Smash EDO -

This is going to be a large demonstration, with Activists coming from all over the country to support the Smash EDO campaign!



NATIONAL NOISE DEMO @ EDO IN BRIGHTON, TUESDAY MAY 31ST – 3pm to 6pm - meet at the bottom of home farm road

If you need accomodation in Brighton contact the campign

- e-mail: general, press -
- Homepage:, tel 07891 405923


Hide the following 11 comments

SMALL quiet demo 31st May

25.05.2005 22:56

If you're AGAINST the gassing of many hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, if you're AGAINST the abduction and murder of innocent people simply for dissagreeing with the government, if you're AGAINST the pursuit of weapons programes designed to threaten and dominate the whole of the middle east, then be THANKFUL that Sadaam has been removed.

Instead of wasting your time making a noise at EDO, have a quiet anti-SmashEDO demo of your own by staying at home on 31st May and reading "Iraq: Setting the record straight" on - you never know, you might just learn something. Besides, you'll at least save your bus fare and the price of a veggie burger.

While I'm on the subject, I do love the disclaimer statement on the Smash EDO website. "We are not responsible for the actions of others etc.." I suppose you felt that calling yourselves 'Smash EDO' was suitably in keeping with your "non-violent" philosophy and wouldn't be construed as inciting any forms of violence (eg: To Smash!). I preferred BOOB myself, much more appropriate.

Local wallflower

Smash EDO Press Officer

26.05.2005 06:35

Contact the official Smash EDO 'Press Officer' Chris Osmond on 07875 708873
call any time 24-7 -it's not a problem.


New american century nutters ask for protestors to stay at home...hmmm

26.05.2005 12:33

Its good to see the neo-cons are contributing to IndymediaUK . EDO bosses must
have lots of spare time now they are losing contracts ddue to all their bad publicity.

Sorry mate we are coming and we will be loud.

I suggest you stay at home within your 100 yard closed military zone.

We will be LOUD.

Loud Loud very Loud


26.05.2005 14:31

Yes of course it "Neo-Cons" who are contributing these pieces to the newswire. On other posts we have "police" making postings.

The arrogance of those who contribute to IM is always fun to behold.

Reality check - those who Troll on Indy are bored students and the IM kollective trying to stire up controversey because the newswire is at an all time low of visitors.

Grown Up

Not for publication

26.05.2005 15:27

I see that someone has finaly posted the unpostable, the big secret that no one is supposed to say,

"and the IM kollective trying to stire up controversey because the newswire is at an all time low of visitors."


Loud Loud Very Loud .......Oohh Nooooo!

26.05.2005 17:59

Neo-Con eh? Not really, just a sensible grown-up.

Ever heard of the saying, "there's no such thing as bad publicity" ? So far, contracts lost due to Smash EDO generated publicity = 0, awareness of EDO MBM amongst the UK business community = enhanced. So thanks for that.

You may be loud, but at 6.05pm all will be quiet, and at 8am the next morning EDO will be working again. Don't kid yourself that you make one jot of a difference.

I noticed you make no comment on the removal of Saddam. Must be a bit of an embarrasment to you, after all if your protests had been successful before and during the war he might still be there, dishing out his special blend of social services to his oh so gratful subjects.

Anyway, I don't have time for this rubbish, so I'm signing off IM for good. Here's looking at you kiddeees.

Local wallflower

Another Wallflower

26.05.2005 20:54

Yea Wallflower tell it like it is. I too am all for the killing of 100,000 inocent civilians to stop this evil dictator now he doesn't do what we tell him. I'm for bombing these people to prevent him using the gas and weapons we sold him. Oh and the oil's quite nice too. Only hope it makes it cheaper for me to drive my kids to school in my SUV. But if it doesn't we can always invade somewhere else.

Shame you're leaving the list wallflower you speak such common sense. We need much more of it on this list.

Charlie Dimwit

Oh No!

26.05.2005 21:19

Someone calling themselves "wallflower" with such a devestating critique of the activist scene is signing off.

I'm almost in tears.

ADMIN! Could you remove Chris' number form the above comments? It has been put up maliciously.


Evidence - press officer

27.05.2005 11:01

No leave the phone number there. It's perfect evidence of the anarchic nature of Indymedia for the full court hearing. It's proof that the site is uncontrolled and any idiot can post and in doing so break the injunction - it was specified that no addresses or contact details should be posted on the internet.

Bit of an own goal there matey!

Winston Smith

The Press phone

31.05.2005 08:47

The number IS in the original post, and the phone has an off button :)


Billy don't be a hero

04.06.2005 09:29

There may well be a number but not the number that Billy posted. At least I can't see it. There wasn't a name on the posting either.
