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Pix of Uzbek Embassy Demonstration, Sat 21 May 05

Tim D Jones | 23.05.2005 14:16 | Anti-militarism | Repression | London | World

A powerful peaceful protest against the state-perpetrated massacres in Uzbekistan.

For permission to copy and use, see CopyLeft at the end of the story below the photos.
For a link to the other set of photos, see one of the comments at the foot of this page.

Video Everything you say and do makes a difference – believe in your significance - video/mpeg 1.3M

...and the cops make sure the Uzbek Embassy can't even see our protest!
...and the cops make sure the Uzbek Embassy can't even see our protest!

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An old superstition holds that a Friday the 13th is an unnaturally unlucky day. The friends and relatives grieving the massacre of over 745 Uzbeks by government troops on Fri 13 May 05 could be forgiven for feeling unnaturally superstitious. While the Uzbekistan state butchers-in-chief, Prosecutor-general Rashid Kadyrov and President Islam Karimov, claimed “Only terrorists were liquidated by government forces,” Nigara Khidoyatova, head of the unregistered opposition Free Peasants Party, said her party reached its figure of 745 killed in the Andijan and Pakhtabad massacres by speaking to relatives of the missing. “The count hasn’t yet finished, and the death toll will rise,” she told The Associated Press, five days after the slaughter.

Decadent capitalism in decomposition produces few incidents more horrific than professional armies gunning down peaceful protesters. And such unmitigated brutality provokes storms of indignation and anger around the globe. In London, the call went out to demonstrate against the murderous Karimov regime in Tashkent and the complicity of his imperialist supporters in Washington and Westminster: see 'Demonstrate against the Uzbek massacres'

The Westminster warmongers, through the Metropolitan Porker's SO16 Diplomatic Protection Group, made sure the demonstrators were penned into a crash barrier corral, a good 200m away from the Uzbek Embassy at 41 Holland Park Road. Despite bursts of torrential heavy rain, around 30 people ensured that our collective disgust and anger at the Andijan and Pakhtabad massacres was expressed, and that the guilty politicians were prominently identified, and will be remembered in the annuls of infamy.

In International Solidarity,

Tim D Jones

All these photos are 'CopyLeft'. This means you are free to copy and distribute any of my photos you find here, under the following license:
Copyright ©2005 Tim D Jones
Permission is granted to anyone to make or distribute copies of these photographs, in any medium, for personal and not-for-profit purposes, provided that this copyright notice and permission notice are preserved, and that the distributor grants the recipient permission for further redistribution as permitted by this notice.
Modified versions may not be made. Accreditation:

Tim D Jones
- e-mail:


Hide the following 7 comments

Pictures, What Pictures?

23.05.2005 15:56

I've emailed and to alert 'em to this novel failure mode -- maybe something to do with the server migration this last weekend. When the problem's fixed, I hope the fixer will also remove this comment.

Nice One

24.05.2005 06:38

Excellent placards and signs, good clear message. And great photos of the event. This really proves that you don't need masses of people in order to make a strong protest. Well done to all.


Thank you to protestors and Tim

24.05.2005 16:06

Thank you to everyone who was there on Saturday, and to others who sent messages of support. As the pictures show, we got rained on but we made our point.
Thanks in particular to Tim Jones for taking such good photos and writing up the demo.

More actions are planned, after we get a bit more organised. We are starting with an email list and a website, both currently under construction.
I'll post more details here when I have them, so please check back in a few days.

Nicholas Allott

Silly language

25.05.2005 10:19

"Pigs"? "Rozzers"? I mean, come on. Not dignified, unlike the protest.


Resentfully Dignifying t's Provocative Comment with a Rebuttal

26.05.2005 14:13

Oi, t -- you missed 'the Metropolitan Porker's SO16 Diplomatic Protection Group' -- perhaps your attention span is too short to read a wordy report? Let's be clear: the filth are our class enemies, one of the armed (for SO16, literally) bodies of men and women tasked with defending the interests of the capitalist class dictatorship against its historic grave-diggers: the world-wide working class. Far from protecting the "dignity" of the fuzz, we need to popularise the idea that all bizzies are beneath contempt.

Tim D Jones
mail e-mail:

Thank you

02.07.2006 22:11

Let me express my sincere gratitude to these people,
Thank you on behalf of all uzbek people for standing there.
It is really shame for Western Goverment for its fake and inhuman actions which were very supportive to brutal dictator Karimov.



02.11.2006 03:04

Funny how you slate the police, but are to scared to show your faces, theyre all blured out. And who are the first people you call for when your in trouble.......
