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Paris Demo against EU constitution.

Guido | 22.05.2005 20:16 | Analysis | Globalisation | Social Struggles | World

In Britain being anti Europe has always been associated with reactionary Torys or even more rightwing entities like UKIP and Veritas. Even openly nazi scum like the BNP have used it as a platform for their vileness. Meanwhile across the channel tradeunionists, lefties and anarcho-sydicalists have realised that far from being a progressive move the EU constitution is yet another move towards a neoliberal agenda. In fact it's little more than a rubber stamp to stitch up workers on a continental scale. On Saturady the NON! campaign had their main rally.

Oh la la!
Oh la la!

Le flyposters.
Le flyposters.

Le french anarcho-syndacaliste theatre folk band.
Le french anarcho-syndacaliste theatre folk band.

Le Rally.
Le Rally.

Vive le RMT! French rail workers say NON.
Vive le RMT! French rail workers say NON.

Jose Bove. Enemy of McDonalds.
Jose Bove. Enemy of McDonalds.

Kurdish demonstrators.
Kurdish demonstrators.

Citizens of France's former colonys demonstrate against borders.
Citizens of France's former colonys demonstrate against borders.

Despite being attended by tens of thousands the rally was given little media coverage (30 seconds on the main news). This is in keeping with a blackout on the campaign being run by France's main corporate media outlets. Meanwhile a government minister can hold a yes meeting attended by 30 pensioners and the tv channels and newpapers go into a feeding frenzy.

At present its dificult to tell which campaign is ahead. One thing is for certain. If the NO campaign win in France the rest of Europe will follow suit. This will really piss off Tony Blair who is not even giving us a say in the matter.

They dont check your ticket once your on the train. So arrive last (wait till they are about to close the doors) and find an empty seat in first class. This way you get free food and as much booze as you can neck for the whole duration of the journey. Myself I know nothing about wine but I knocked back an entire bottle of a particulary fine Vin Rouge described on the menu as:
"A blend of Syrah and Grenache with ripe fruit and a silky finish"
Very nice ;)

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