Worcester Evening News scratching the backs of the vivisectors
Anti-Tox | 21.05.2005 21:28 | Animal Liberation | Birmingham
The local Worcestershire evening newspaper The Worcester Evening News is currently advertising jobs for haematoligists, histopaths, animal technicians and other placements for the animal testing concentration camp Sequani limited in Ledbury, Herefordshire.
Obviously unaware or rather 'stubbornly ignorant' of the fact that beagles, rabbits, pigs, hamsters, rats, mice and guineas endure a living nightmare of pain, torment, distress and execution at Sequani, this newspaper is again accepting blood money from the animal molestors that are paying to be advertised in this vile little rag that represents nobody except for the hacks and bigots that think they speak for the rest of us in Worcesterhire.
One noisy demo last year at the offices of the Worcester Evening News wasn't enough for them it seems. This demo came after one of their sister newspapers 'the malvern gazette' advertised jobs for Huntingdon Life Sciences and Sequani limited at the same time. The demo was covered by the BBC Hereford and Worcester radio station.
Please write to, phone or email this newspaper and ask them (politely of course) to stop profiting out of animal cruelty by advertising and accepting payments from the disgusting animal torturers at Sequani.
Worcester Evening News
Newsquest (Worcester) Limited
Berrows House
Hylton Road
Tel: 01905 748200
News Editor:
Group Advertisements Manager:
More info on the Stop Sequani Animal Testing campaign:
One noisy demo last year at the offices of the Worcester Evening News wasn't enough for them it seems. This demo came after one of their sister newspapers 'the malvern gazette' advertised jobs for Huntingdon Life Sciences and Sequani limited at the same time. The demo was covered by the BBC Hereford and Worcester radio station.
Please write to, phone or email this newspaper and ask them (politely of course) to stop profiting out of animal cruelty by advertising and accepting payments from the disgusting animal torturers at Sequani.
Worcester Evening News
Newsquest (Worcester) Limited
Berrows House
Hylton Road
Tel: 01905 748200

News Editor:

Group Advertisements Manager:

More info on the Stop Sequani Animal Testing campaign:

