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G8 Summit 2005 - Major Protest and Mobilisation Events List

indy | 21.05.2005 12:05 | G8 2005 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | Social Struggles | London

This page is an evolving list of protests, events and actions against this summer's G8 Summit in Gleneagles (Scotland) that take place from the 6th to 8th of July 2005.

This is a resource that will be kept updated as new information comes in.

Also see PGA Website Timeline of Events

There are also many cultural activities and other events currently not listed. More events are expected to be added - please only post additional public information on events below.


* June 12 - 17 : Cre8 Summit - Community projects and workshops in Glasgow - see

* June 10 to 11 - G8 Finance Ministers meeting, London

* June 16 to 17 - G8 Justice & Interior Ministers, Sheffield (with protests and events running from June 10th with protests, counter conference etc inc protests on 11th, 15th, 16th) - See: | |

* June 17 - Bike Caravan to Gleneagles begins in Brighton - see and

* June 20 - Jubilee Rickshaw Freedom Riders Depart Westminster to Edinburgh - see



* Friday 1st July - Cycle caravans arrive and Critical Mass Bicycle protest in Edinburgh

* Friday 1st July - Come to the Cabar8! A night of music, performance, comedians, bands, mc's, surprises and much more to celebrate the resistance to the G8 summit. Features CIRCA, Rob Newman, Geisha's of Gaiety, TRAPESE, Kevvy K and the Lurve Reaction. Starts 9pm at the Bongo Club, 37 Holyrood Road, Edinburgh. More info on the TRAPESE website

* Saturday 2nd July - The Make Poverty History coalition are planning a high profile celebrity backed campaign with a demonstration / rally for Edinburgh (estimated to attract 100,000 - 200,000 people). Starts 11am, with staggered starts at 12pm, 1pm and 2pm finishing with speakers, entertainments and stalls in The Meadows - See | Route Map pdf at

* Saturday 2nd July - Edinburgh: Stop The War Coalition Rally (after MPH march) 4pm Bruntsfield Links - see:

* Saturday 2nd July - Live8 Pop Concerts - london, france, germany, italy, US etc - see:

* Saturday 2nd - Friday 8 July: Live Music at the Rural Convergence Camp, HoriZone in Stirling.

* Sunday 3rd July - Glasgow: Cre8 Summit Family Day Street Carnival

* Sunday 3rd July - Glasgow: Make Borders History - see:

* Sunday 3rd July - Edinburgh: Stop The War Coalition Naming the Dead Ceremony. 6pm corner of Princess Street/The Mound marching through Edinburgh to Carlton Hill. - see:

* Sunday 3rd July - Edinburgh: 'G8 Corporate Dreams... Global Nightmare' Counter Conference - 11am till 6pm - World Development Movement, War on Want, People & Planet and Friends of the Earth - Speakers include: George Monbiot, Trevor Ngwane, Meena Raman, Walden Bello, Caroline Lucas, Joel Bakan (The Corporation) and The Yes Men - see: |

* Sunday 3rd July - Edinburgh: G8Alternatives Counter Conference - Multiple venues and events - 10am till 9pm - see:

* Sunday 3rd - 8th July: People and Planet Summer Festival - see:

* Sunday 3rd July: Anarchist/Anti-Authoritarian Assembly in Edinburgh University.

* Monday 4th July: Faslane G8 Blockade - A 'Really Really Big Blockade' type direct action by Trident Ploughshares (TP) and CND is planned for Faslane nuclear submarine base. TP will set up a convergence space in Glasgow. Coaches will be provided from Glasgow and Edinburgh. See :

* Monday 4th July : Carnival for Full Enjoyment - Edinburgh - See:

* Tuesday 5th July : Demonstration at Dungavel detention centre called by Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees. Coaches from Glasgow and Edinburgh

* Tuesday 5th July : Global Warming 8 Conference - Edinburgh (9.30am-12pm) organised by Working Group on Development and Climate Change - Eight participants, primarily from developing countries, have been invited to speak on climate change and development see pdf -

* Tuesday 5th July : Beacons of Dissent! Action - lighting beacons on the hills surrounding the G8 Summit.

* Wednesday 6th July: G8 Summit Begins at Gleneagles

* Wednesday 6th July: The Peoples' Global Action Conference 2004 in Europe called for a global day of action on - the opening day of the G8 Summit. This is a call for people to converge in Scotland to disrupt the conference, and for action to be taken simultaneously in villages, towns and cities world-wide.

* Wednesday 6th July: Blockades against the G8 Summit - see:

* Wednesday 6th July: Gleneagles: G8 Alternatives 'Another World is Possible' demonstration - planning for at least 10,000 people to assemble at 12pm midday at Gleneagles Train Station - currently under negotiations - see:

* Wednesday 6th July: Culmination of "The Long Walk To Justice", with hundreds of thousands of people encouraged to converge in Edinburgh (followed by a pop concert) - see:

* Thursday 7th July: Seems to currently be earmarked for continuing blockades, decentralised actions, prisoner support demonstrations, and the Peoples' Open Golfing Tournament (see

* Thursday 7th July @ 1345hrs : FOE Climate Alarm Action: FOE will set off alarms outside the summit which should reach the delegates inside Gleneagles - everyone else encouraged to join in where ever they are - see:

* Friday 8th July: (last day of the summit) will see actions themed around Climate Change in Scotland and decentralised locations - see

* The Peoples Golfing Association, the Clandestine Insurrectionary Rebel Clown Army and (hill) walkers are also planning responses around the summit....



Hide the following 8 comments


24.05.2005 22:16

Thanks for that, that's brilliant. I'll try to make it to as many of those things as possible. Cheers for including such a wide range of things :-)


Another list, fuller and with links

01.06.2005 23:30

there is a better indymedia one also, but can't find it at the mo.

Carnival for Full Enjoyment, Edinburgh 4th July

11.06.2005 22:34

great work

The main site for info on the Carnival for Full Enjoyment, in central Edinburgh on 4th July, is

This is better than the link you have at present.



Critical Mass in Edinburgh

28.06.2005 21:57

There is also a Critical Mass in Edinburgh on Friday 8th, meeting at 5pm at Bristo Square.


ur fool ov shit

29.06.2005 11:20

how many of your lovely afro darkies will get fed from this crappy kid on woodstock non event

george dubya blare

African Women, Asylum & War

01.07.2005 13:06

Asylum seekers and their supporters organise to end our history of poverty.

10-11.45am, Adam House, Chambers St, Edinburgh
3pm, ONE PLUS, 55 Renfrew St, Glasgow

While Western governments talk of making poverty history, they hide their responsibility for the wars, economic policies, arms trading and corruption behind that poverty. And behind the emigration people are forced into, leaving their homes and loved ones to escape death and devastation.

Emigrating is rarely a choice, particularly for women and children who are 80% of displaced people worldwide.

Once here, asylum seekers are hounded, locked up and deported. This treatment of asylum seekers from Africa (and elsewhere) IS the government's policy on Africa (and the other countries of the South).

But women seeking asylum, most of whom are mothers and rape survivors, spearhead a largely hidden movement against sadistic immigration laws, and in defence of everyone's human rights, starting with the right of survival.

Through self-help and campaigning with other grassroots people, many have won the right to stay.

We will be sharing our experience of how to win despite these laws, with the launch in Scotland of Legal Action for Women's labour-saving, life-saving: A Self-Help Guide - For asylum seekers facing detention and deportation, and their supporters.

Together we demand that the money squandered on war is spent instead on our communities globally, starting with women the primary carers everywhere.

Speakers include:

All African Women's Group: a self-help group of women asylum seekers fighting for the right to stay.

Black Women's Rape Action Project: pressing for protection from rape for Black and immigrant women and girls

UMOJA: a self-help support group for African asylum seeking lone mothers dispersed to Glasgow.

Women of Colour in the Global Women's Strike: network of women in over 60

countries demanding that society Invest in Caring Not Killing!

Vicky Grandon, Umoja, 07810 501 672,
Sara Callaway, WoC in the GWS, 0207 482 2496,

Women of Colour in the Global Women's Strike
mail e-mail:
- Homepage:

Central Edinburgh Party, 6th July

04.07.2005 00:16

On the morning of 6th July, a mobile street party will be held in the triangle of Shandwick Place, Lothian Road and Morrision Road, around the Sheraton Grand Hotel, including the area to the north around the junction of Queensferry Street and Princes Street. The party will start at 6am. Be mobile. Don't get in a pen. Bring friends.


What and Where Glasgow

08.07.2005 12:24

What happened to the Boogie on the Bridge action Glasgow any other action happening.

Frantic Glasgow