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Ungorgeous George | 19.05.2005 16:37

George Galloway will be on BBCs Question Time at 10.35 pm tonight

Fresh from giving the Senate a hiding, catch Gorgeous George

Ungorgeous George


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looking for this stuff

19.05.2005 17:52

Can someone record this and make it available as a Torrent file please? Would be most appreciated!!!! Also, any *high-quality* (not dodgy) copies of MP3 or video footage of his senate appearance? Please post any Torrent or other links up here!




19.05.2005 19:47

Here's a video on the BBC website of some highlights of his appearance, top right of the page:


Video 2

20.05.2005 00:36

Video: George Galloway v The U.S. Senate

Video Of The Full Testimony Of British MP George Galloway Before The U.S. Senate

This is a must watch Video

Watch Mr. Galloway Speak Truth To Power. Real Video


Leading you all the way to the Gallows

20.05.2005 01:18

What is all this Galloway shit anyway? Talk about sucking someones dick before he be-CUMS your master. Ya'll talk about this HUMAN as if ya'll wanted him to be your SWORN LEADER. Suckers. Get real. Hell.. Be yourselves! There is no authority but ... blah blah .. dig it up. Learn about revolution.


Watch QT from Edinburgh

20.05.2005 09:01

View full programme here:

George called for everyone to join the G8 protest where the criminals will not be wearing caps and hoods or orange overalls, but suits, and they are responsible for setting the world alight.

Galloway Groupie
- Homepage:

Galloway Rocked!!

20.05.2005 10:02

That was a pretty good show. He tells it like it is.

I was a bit concerned about some of this slightly evasive answers regarding the allegations against him which suggests that there might be at least a little bit of truth in them. Galloway's not squeaky clean, but he's an awesome speaker and knows how to expose the blatant hypocrisy of the Right. Good stuff!

I was however a bit disappointed that he suggested a good alternative to nuclear energy would be going back to coal. Sure, Maggie absolutely SHAT ON the miners and that was fucked up. But from a the point of view of stopping climate change, bringing back coal is not he way forward. Galloway actually suggested "clean coal". Another bloke on the panel pointed out "there's no such thing as clean coal". But that discussion didn't go any further. It's true though - "clean coal" is clean in terms of not giving off soot that clogs up people's lungs, but it still gives off just as much CO2 so it's not clean as far as greenhouse emissions are concerned.

The final question was from a girl who wanted to know if the panelists agreed that people should have the right to protest at Gleneagles. George said very emphatically yes and that he hoped people would do so in their hundreds of thousands.

"Book your trains and your coaches, we're all going to Gleneagles".

We sure as hell are, George!! We sure as fucking hell are!!

See you all in Scotland :-)


20.05.2005 11:01

To be fair, George has always made it clear that he is a 'smokestack industry' kind of politician. Which is fine (though I disagree strongly with him) but a bit worrying for the 'E for Environment' in RESPECT's name!


No more bets please

20.05.2005 12:24

With all the posts on IM anyone would think thousands were going to the G8 demo in Scotland. I wonder how many turn up ????


Re: I wonder how many will turn up

20.05.2005 17:49

My guess is 25,000 for the G8 Alternatives march and 10,000 for Dissent!

Make Poverty History will probably get about 100,000 but that's in Edinburgh not in Gleneagles itself.



22.05.2005 16:48

There are now Torrents of this video out there.


video download anyone?

27.10.2007 16:05

looking for a torrent on this too .. i'll keep my eye open on
