Dissent! Gathering Draft Agenda: Nottingham 20th-22nd May
adsfa | 16.05.2005 19:37 | G8 2005 | Globalisation | Social Struggles | Birmingham | South Coast
Dissent! Network of Resistance against the G8
Organising Gathering
Nottingham, Friday 20th – Sunday 22nd May.
Meet at the Sumac Centre (245 Gladstone St, Forest
Fields, Nottingham NG7 6HX) to be redirected. If you
are arriving later than 11:20pm, please ring the Sumac
Centre (0845 458 9595) beforehand. For travel info go
And again, please email the Nottingham Group to let
them know you are coming
nottinghamdissent@riseup.net) – you don’t need to
tell them your name!
This agenda has been drafted on the Process Working
Group list. Please email any comments or ammendments
dissentprocess@yahoo.co.uk Let us know as soon as
possible if your working group, action group or region
would like a time to meet scheduled into the agenda
and we'll see what we can do. There will be an
opportunity to meet and finalise an agenda on Friday
20th May in Nottingham. If you would like to attend,
again, please mail:
dissentprocess@yahoo.co.uk as soon
as possible and we'll tell you where and when we'll be
meeting. A finalised agenda will be proposed to the
opening meeting of the Gathering on Saturday morning.
8 pm
Agenda Discussion and time for working group meetings
If you would like to take part in the agenda discussion, email:
dissentprocess@yahoo.co.uk for information about the location.
9:30am: Housekeeping, and intro to process.
(Also, this is a time when the "Welcoming Group" can meet with people new to the Dissent! process and to Dissent! Gatherings to explain the story so far, how the weekend will run, how decissions are made and so on. Please make yourself known to the Welcoming Group if you would like to be briefed.)
10:00am: Local and working group feedback
11:00am: Convergences Working Groups: Part One
GROUP ONE: The rural convergence centre (including
sorting supplies etc...)
GROUP TWO: Urban convergence centres and accommodation
in Edinburgh (esp. for early
12:15pm Break
12:30pm: Convergence Working Groups: Part Two
GROUP ONE: Other activities during convergence (bands,
workshops) [could break up into more groups]
GROUP TWO: Convergence Focused Logistics Discussion
(Decision-making/Structure/Communication) [potential
breaking up into groups if needed]
Looking at: decision-making structures
(spokescouncils, etc.); organising structures
(affinity groups, clusters etc...); safe spaces
policy; etc. How to make decisions in light of
multiple convergence spaces (e.g. urban/rural)?
Separate working groups, action, affinity groups
spokes? Convergence wide communication, and
inter-convergence communication. Intra and Intergroup
structure (involvement of/with other groups).
1:30pm Lunch
3:00pm: Non-Convergence Related Working Group Meetings
+ Action Group Discussions: Part One
GROUP ONE: Publicity
GROUP TWO: Transport
GROUPS THREE, FOUR, FIVE etc: Action focussed discussions: Blockades, Working Group Against Work, Climate Action Group...
4:15pm Break
4:30pm: Small group discussion time for new/continuing
issues, if needed
5:30pm: Feedback and Decission-Making Space
Feedback from the previous working group meetings and
a time for proposals
related to those sessions to be brought to the entire
6:45pm Dinner
7:30pm: Women's meeting
8:30pm: Process group meeting to finalise the agenda
for Sunday
9:30pm: Strictly meeting-free social space.
10:30am: Morning Meeting
Announcements, finalising the days agenda etc...
11:00am: Action Group Discussions: Part Two
Action Focused Logistics Discussion
Continuation of the Saturday’s logistics discussion
with a focus on actions.
12:00pm: Non-Action Group Discussions
GROUP ONE: Funding/budget
GROUP TWO: Webpage discussion and training
GROUP FOUR: Communications
1:30pm Lunch
3:00pm: Action Group Discussions: Part Three (continuing discussions from the previous day)
GROUP ONE: Blockades
GROUP TWO: Working Group Against Work
GROUP THREE: Climate Action Group
Any others...?
4:30pm: Final Feedback and Decission-Making Session
Feedback from all of the days working group
discussions and a final
decission-making session.
6:00pm Close
Organising Gathering
Nottingham, Friday 20th – Sunday 22nd May.
Meet at the Sumac Centre (245 Gladstone St, Forest
Fields, Nottingham NG7 6HX) to be redirected. If you
are arriving later than 11:20pm, please ring the Sumac
Centre (0845 458 9595) beforehand. For travel info go

And again, please email the Nottingham Group to let
them know you are coming

tell them your name!
This agenda has been drafted on the Process Working
Group list. Please email any comments or ammendments

possible if your working group, action group or region
would like a time to meet scheduled into the agenda
and we'll see what we can do. There will be an
opportunity to meet and finalise an agenda on Friday
20th May in Nottingham. If you would like to attend,
again, please mail:

as possible and we'll tell you where and when we'll be
meeting. A finalised agenda will be proposed to the
opening meeting of the Gathering on Saturday morning.
8 pm
Agenda Discussion and time for working group meetings
If you would like to take part in the agenda discussion, email:

9:30am: Housekeeping, and intro to process.
(Also, this is a time when the "Welcoming Group" can meet with people new to the Dissent! process and to Dissent! Gatherings to explain the story so far, how the weekend will run, how decissions are made and so on. Please make yourself known to the Welcoming Group if you would like to be briefed.)
10:00am: Local and working group feedback
11:00am: Convergences Working Groups: Part One
GROUP ONE: The rural convergence centre (including
sorting supplies etc...)
GROUP TWO: Urban convergence centres and accommodation
in Edinburgh (esp. for early
12:15pm Break
12:30pm: Convergence Working Groups: Part Two
GROUP ONE: Other activities during convergence (bands,
workshops) [could break up into more groups]
GROUP TWO: Convergence Focused Logistics Discussion
(Decision-making/Structure/Communication) [potential
breaking up into groups if needed]
Looking at: decision-making structures
(spokescouncils, etc.); organising structures
(affinity groups, clusters etc...); safe spaces
policy; etc. How to make decisions in light of
multiple convergence spaces (e.g. urban/rural)?
Separate working groups, action, affinity groups
spokes? Convergence wide communication, and
inter-convergence communication. Intra and Intergroup
structure (involvement of/with other groups).
1:30pm Lunch
3:00pm: Non-Convergence Related Working Group Meetings
+ Action Group Discussions: Part One
GROUP ONE: Publicity
GROUP TWO: Transport
GROUPS THREE, FOUR, FIVE etc: Action focussed discussions: Blockades, Working Group Against Work, Climate Action Group...
4:15pm Break
4:30pm: Small group discussion time for new/continuing
issues, if needed
5:30pm: Feedback and Decission-Making Space
Feedback from the previous working group meetings and
a time for proposals
related to those sessions to be brought to the entire
6:45pm Dinner
7:30pm: Women's meeting
8:30pm: Process group meeting to finalise the agenda
for Sunday
9:30pm: Strictly meeting-free social space.
10:30am: Morning Meeting
Announcements, finalising the days agenda etc...
11:00am: Action Group Discussions: Part Two
Action Focused Logistics Discussion
Continuation of the Saturday’s logistics discussion
with a focus on actions.
12:00pm: Non-Action Group Discussions
GROUP ONE: Funding/budget
GROUP TWO: Webpage discussion and training
GROUP FOUR: Communications
1:30pm Lunch
3:00pm: Action Group Discussions: Part Three (continuing discussions from the previous day)
GROUP ONE: Blockades
GROUP TWO: Working Group Against Work
GROUP THREE: Climate Action Group
Any others...?
4:30pm: Final Feedback and Decission-Making Session
Feedback from all of the days working group
discussions and a final
decission-making session.
6:00pm Close