Political Policing: Lothian Police Website Promoting Make Poverty History
a very surprised observer | 14.05.2005 03:16 | G8 2005 | Globalisation | London
Quite an amazing new website from Lothian and Borders Police.
Which while it deals with policing enquiries and potential road closures and announces a new G8 info telephone number, it also heavily promotes the Make Poverty History demonstration in Ediburgh the weekend before the G8 Summit.
Which while it deals with policing enquiries and potential road closures and announces a new G8 info telephone number, it also heavily promotes the Make Poverty History demonstration in Ediburgh the weekend before the G8 Summit.
The Police website carries info and an appeal from Mary Cullen, Chair of the Scottish Make Poverty History Coalition, to protest against 'the travesty that over 800 million people go to bed hungry every night'.
There's also a message from Lesley Hinds, Edinburgh's Lord Provost, in support of the Make Poverty History campaign and the protest in Edinburgh.
How nice... PR web support from the Political Progressive Police.
Quite unprecidented I think.
a very surprised observer
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possible converts
14.05.2005 08:55
should Lothian and Borders police now be on the invite list?
14.05.2005 11:06
In reality, loads of people are doing both, but reality doesn't seem to deter our wonderful leaders; WMD anyone? I'll make sure I'm wearing my white Make Poverty History armband as I blockade the summit then.
obviously a schizophrenic protester
It's not hypocritical to support both...
14.05.2005 18:01
The fact is, Make Poverty History is a good thing, not a bad thing, even if its still rather feeble. If people aren't going to Edinburgh at all, we should be pleading with them to go on the Make Poverty History protest, and if they're going on July 2nd, we should encourage them to stick around longer.
Make Poverty History offers a solid solution to 80% of Global Economic problems today, however, it just doesn't say anything about the political or even local economic problem (although Fairtrade is supported, and thats *A* solution). Besides, I drink CafeDirect one day and Cafe Rebellde the next. (The Zapatista Stuff tastes better, but its only available ground). If Make Poverty History suceeds, third world education will rise, and as we know, education of the masses is very bad news for capitalism.
Rebel W
Rebel W
violence -> vilifaction -> crackdown
15.05.2005 00:50
If protest is to be successful, should as many people be on board as possible? The masses will be put right off the protest if they are led to think that it's all about the "baby eating anarchist" stereotype.
the middle finger
Make pessimism history!
15.05.2005 01:51
Andy S
cheers for your sound "advice"
15.05.2005 19:22
Whetever or not people involved in the protest will find it "great" and "enjoyable" is irrelevent. Bush, Blair, and company are not going to give up because of a few thousand people protesting, and if it gets hairy they already have the police and army to crush them.
Why do people think this protest will be so wonderful, when nowt is really going to change. Pointless ego-boosting exercise in my opinion....
the middle finger
Re: Pointless ego-boosting exercise
21.05.2005 21:53
somebody give him some seroxat
... When Politicians are so corrupt there must be a State of Anarchy?
29.08.2005 08:51
The way that voters are deserting the polls indicates that that situation could not be far away. When less than half the people in the country vote, then the whole system has been rejected, the Democratic decision then is that there should be something else.
It is not important to abolish poverty, the way they use statistics, that is impossible. What has to be done is that poverty is shared out equally. Lucy Parsons' way is not the only way to do that. Hiding this away down here is unlikely to start a great debate, nor to provoke a trolling exchange. But I intend to post up the question on Indycymru where at least people have to register their e-address before trolling.
Homepage: http://www.indycymru.org.uk