Minutemen respond to SWARM
worker bee spreading pollen | 13.05.2005 21:03 | Migration
The MinuteMen is an armed vigilante group started to patrol the US/Mexico border. The SWARM the MinuteMen website was set up last week in response.
Looks like they've heard your message loud and clear and felt the effect of your electronic disturbance. Thanks to everyone who's helped to show the whole world's opposition to the MinuteMen's racist plans. Now we have put the seed of fear and mistrust in every single phone call, fax and email they receive. We really hope that people keep the SWARM coming!
SWARM the MinuteMen!
Here is the update on the front page of
http://minutemanproject.com . Thanks for all the traffic guys!
BULLETIN! All Minuteman Project volunteers beware:
Felonious Threats Continue Against The Minuteman Project !
[All law enforcement organizations are welcome to intervene in this matter]
(Please read threatening email below. A brief reply from James Gilchrist follows the threatening email)
(targeted phone numbers and addresses deleted by Jim Gilchrist. Culpable rhetoric highlighted in red).
[[[SWARM Website text here, followed up by]]]
To: Jim Gilchrist
From: Randy
Subject: Anti-Minuteman web page
Comments from James Gilchrist:
Dear Communist/Anarchist/Criminal Reactionary aka "Randy",
Be advised that such contrived, malicious action will lead to prosecution under the RICO, or similar, statutes. Also, you, and your gang members will be held civilly liable for injuries or damages inflicted upon any Minuteman/woman or child volunteer. Yes, we have lawyers, too. And much to your chagrin, we also have civil rights.
Actually, your threat in itself is an illegal act. The Federal Communications Commission will be very interested in your felonious plans to "jam" United States communication air waves. Also, anti-spamming laws will conflict with your deliberate attempt to bring down a company's fax, telephone, or other communications systems.
Your attempt to deprive Americans of their civil rights proves that racism, bigotry and fascism comes in ALL races, colors and creeds. Are you a member of Al Qaeda? Or, are you just a small-time domestic terrorist?
Thank you for providing me with this information. It is being forwarded to the appropriate law enforcement authorities. It is the policy of The Minuteman Project to operate within the law to support enforcement of the law. The rule of law should apply to our adversaries, as well.
James Gilchrist - Founder - The Minuteman Project
enc: assailants threatening email from "Randy".
cc: FCC
FBI (Az. and Ca.)
Az. Attorney General
Ca. Attorney General
US Department of Justice (DOJ)
MMProject Legal Counsel

SWARM the MinuteMen!
Here is the update on the front page of

BULLETIN! All Minuteman Project volunteers beware:
Felonious Threats Continue Against The Minuteman Project !
[All law enforcement organizations are welcome to intervene in this matter]
(Please read threatening email below. A brief reply from James Gilchrist follows the threatening email)
(targeted phone numbers and addresses deleted by Jim Gilchrist. Culpable rhetoric highlighted in red).
[[[SWARM Website text here, followed up by]]]
To: Jim Gilchrist
From: Randy
Subject: Anti-Minuteman web page
Comments from James Gilchrist:
Dear Communist/Anarchist/Criminal Reactionary aka "Randy",
Be advised that such contrived, malicious action will lead to prosecution under the RICO, or similar, statutes. Also, you, and your gang members will be held civilly liable for injuries or damages inflicted upon any Minuteman/woman or child volunteer. Yes, we have lawyers, too. And much to your chagrin, we also have civil rights.
Actually, your threat in itself is an illegal act. The Federal Communications Commission will be very interested in your felonious plans to "jam" United States communication air waves. Also, anti-spamming laws will conflict with your deliberate attempt to bring down a company's fax, telephone, or other communications systems.
Your attempt to deprive Americans of their civil rights proves that racism, bigotry and fascism comes in ALL races, colors and creeds. Are you a member of Al Qaeda? Or, are you just a small-time domestic terrorist?
Thank you for providing me with this information. It is being forwarded to the appropriate law enforcement authorities. It is the policy of The Minuteman Project to operate within the law to support enforcement of the law. The rule of law should apply to our adversaries, as well.
James Gilchrist - Founder - The Minuteman Project
enc: assailants threatening email from "Randy".
cc: FCC
FBI (Az. and Ca.)
Az. Attorney General
Ca. Attorney General
US Department of Justice (DOJ)
MMProject Legal Counsel
worker bee spreading pollen
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