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anon | 13.05.2005 20:44 | Cambridge

It appears that, a (currently) free online dating service for people in Cambridge, has a policy of not allowing the posting of "anti-government" material.

Their terms and conditions are at, and contain the following paragraph:

5. User Undertakings


iii. You agree that you will not use the Web Site to engage in any form of harassment or offensive behaviour, including but not limited to the posting or sending (on or off the Web Site) of word content, communications, messages, pictures or videos which contain libellous, slanderous, tortious, sexually suggestive, anatomical, abusive, threatening, privacy invading or defamatory statements, or racist, religiously imflammatory, ***anti-government***, obscene, pornographic, or offensive language or images.

(emphasis mine)

In other words, I'm not allowed to describe the strength of my political views in my profile, despite the fact that they are an important part of any description of who I am.

I hope this is just one reactionary site, and not part of a trend towards the marginalisation of anyone with anti-establishment views in the online world...

If you'd like to let them know what you think of this policy, their feedback form is here: :)



Display the following 2 comments

  1. Not necessarily — Mike
  2. So ? — also anon