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Anti-G8 Day School: Brighton, 28th May

Brighton Dissent! | 13.05.2005 11:34 | G8 2005 | Education | Globalisation | Social Struggles | South Coast

Anti G8 day of events and workshops

As part of the Brighton Fringe Festival, Brighton
Dissent! with the TRAPEASE popular education road show

Anti G8 Day School . Sat 28th May @ The Cowley Club,
London Rd, Brighton

From the 6th-8th July, the G8 Summit will take
place at Gleneagles Hotel, Pethshire, Scotland.
Massive resistance is planned. The G8 Day School is an
opportunity for people based in and around Brighton
and Hove to find out more about the Summit and
the resistance planned. It is an opportunity to learn
more about the issues behind the G8, to share skills
and to prepare yourself for the events, protests and
actions in Scotland this July!
Come along and get involved!

Please forward this mail to anyone you think might be

Program for the Day

All day

Info Stalls and Tea, Coffee and Buffet


Welcome, Intro to the Day and

What is the G8 and why do we oppose it? Learn about
anti capitalist resistance and how it has developed
over the last few decades.

Fun and Games with TRAPEASE!

What is Dissent! ?What is planned around the summit
and how you can get involved?

6th July Global day of Action against the


Film: The Forth Word War. Shot on the Front lines of
struggles spanning five continents.

2pm a

The G8 and Climate Change. A workshop by Rising Tide.
Mobilising towards the Global day of Action against
the root causes of climate change, 8th

2pm b

Reflections and Discussions on past mobilisations.
Presentations from people with first hand experience.

3pm a

Repeated Intro - What is the G8 and what is Dissent!?
Leading to a more in-depth look at the strategy behind
anti summit mobilisations.

3pm b

Corporate Involvement in the G8. A workshop by
Corporate Watch.

4pm a

Scottish Protest Law. Know your legal rights!

4pm b

Samba Workshop (hopefully outside). Rhythms of
Resistance + the New Brighton Samba Group.


Convergence in Scotland. Thinking about how we can
live, organise and make decisions in massive
convergence spaces


Safety and Security. Learn strategies and skills for
keeping safe. Look after your self and others!


Recap and Q&A Make Sure you have all the info you need
on what is planned, and how you can get involved.


Film (tba)


Social action pub quiz! (members and Guests only when
the bar is open)

For info on the Brighton mobilisation go to
or for the Dissent! Network:
or for more information on TRAPEASE the popular
education roadshow:
or for south east regional preparations:

Contact the brighton group

Brighton Dissent!
- e-mail:
- Homepage: