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URGENT: Execution for Cannabis in Singapore this Friday 13th

johnny v | 11.05.2005 10:13

URGENT: Shanmugam Murugesu, who was caught with one
kilo of marijuana in 2003, is due to be hanged for it
this Friday 13th in Singapore. See:

URGENT: Shanmugam Murugesu, who was caught with one
kilo of marijuana in 2003, is due to be hanged for it
this Friday 13th in Singapore. See:

Singapore enforces some of the world’s toughest drug
laws. Anyone aged 18 or over convicted of carrying
more than 500 grammes (17.6 ounces) of cannabis faces
mandatory execution by hanging.

The 'Think Center' in Singapore is organizing a vigil
for Murugesu on Thursday evening.

Last week, Amnesty International launched an urgent
appeal on his behalf.

Fancy going to the Singapore Embassy in London on
Thursday? The hanging is on Friday morning.

Please write to the president of Singapore now
requesting him to commute the death sentence of
Shanmugam Murugesu to imprisonment.

Please forward this email to anyone you think might
take immediate action.


The President
His Excellency S R Nathan
Office of the President
Istana, Orchard Road
Republic of Singapore 0922
Faxes: + 65 738 4673

C.C. Copies to:

The Honourable Goh Chok Tong
Senior Minister
Office of the Senior Minister
Istana Annexe
Singapore 238823
Fax:+ 65 - 67324627

The Honourable Lee Hsien Loong
Prime Minister
Office of the Prime Minister
Istana Annexe
Singapore 238823
Fax: + 65 - 63328983

Wong Kan Seng
Minister of Home Affairs
New Phoenix Park 28,
Irrawaddy Road
Singapore 329560
Fax: + 65 6734 4420

write to family of :

johnny v
- e-mail:
- Homepage:


Hide the following 8 comments

Quite Right

11.05.2005 10:58

I wonder why Singapore has such a low number of drug users.
I wonder why Singapore has such a low number of drug dealers.
I wonder why Singapore has such a low amount of drug related crime.

In Singapore capital punishment has been proven to reduce drug transportation, the signs at Changi Airport are large and obvious. This idiot has only himself and his own greed to blame.

Let him swing - one dead dealer is no loss.

To a drug free world

lets see some facts then

11.05.2005 12:55

so what evidence do you have to support this? its easy to say that somewhere has a low drug problem, hell you could say it about liverpool if you knew nothing about the actual situation. not only that but a drug free world would mean that some of the greatest thinkers, musicians, artists, poets, writers would not have created some of the most amazing works of our time. and lets not forget people with serious medical conditions (if your gonna have a drug free world you have to get rid of ALL medication because they are also drugs). on top of that drugs are not some modern creation, they have been around for years, peyote is used by native americans and even ant-eater and cats have their own equivalents. go buy an island and bore yourself to death with your inane and pointless comments


Get rid of all drugs

11.05.2005 13:00

OK, Mr Drug Free World.

Are you opposed to: tobacco and alchohol? What about anti-depressants, tranquilizers and pain killers? All of which are used as drugs in a recreational or as an addiction - many people are addicted to valium.

What about the worst drug of all - sugar! Yes sugar is a really destructive drug - just look at any toddler given too much sugar - they turn into uncontrollable hyperactive lunatics, wheras a toddler whose sugar intake is limited behaves in a much better way.

String up all Tata and Lyle Executives!!!

Junkie Scum

What's with all the right wing trolls?

11.05.2005 13:12

It's quite sad to see someone take so much glee in someone else dying.

I wonder why they stopped prohibition?
I wonder why so many's people lives are destroyed by locking them up or killing them for doing something they enjoy?
I wonder why I am responding to that trolling?



11.05.2005 14:34

Im amazed at all these dudes prepared to stick up for a pusher who was stoopid enough to deal in Singapore! The world knows its the one place you never skan because of the laws.

He's gone man.


Socialist against drugs and degenerate bourgois lifesytles

11.05.2005 15:22

After every sucessful revolutionary struggle such as Russia 1917, China 1949, Cuba 1959, Nicaragua 1979 to name a few examples the drugs problem was robustly dealt with, dealers were summarily executed (we could do with some of that on my estate), users were sent to reducation facilities etc.
It is a menace which is detrimental to the class interest and appropriate measures need to be taken.
We need the same penalties here, especially for those middle class so called "recrational" users.
Just grow you dopeheads, one of the more insidious effects of cannabis is that users will say any bollocks to justify its use, and are in total denial to the negative consequenses of their drug use to themselves and society in general.


go away you twats

13.05.2005 00:18

We live in a society of immense intolerance. Intollerance is a bourgoeis concept that is used to control the masses. All of you anti-drug-proletarian-warriors: you guys are nothing but the very worst of the bourgeois Leninist dross that masquerades itself as left-wing and radical to the detriment of every true revolutionary. Go crawl back into a hole you twats and don't let me see you down the pub.
