Our Man in Karachi...
Henk Ruyssenaars | 11.05.2005 07:21 | Globalisation | Repression | Social Struggles
No, it wasn't James Bond. He didn't seem to care. And I never saw him again, this servant of the vultures and jackals. A man who, like his brutal bosses: 'knew too much to be good for mankind'. That's why I'll never forget 'the Karachi-man'.
The Dogs of War and their lies about the global, space and maritime nightmare unfolding.
by Henk Ruyssenaars
FPF - May 11th - 2005 - Date and place I clearly remember; it was in Pakistan's capital Karachi. In one of the hotel bars on the night of my arrival, the 23d of April 1971, one of my old passports shows. As an independent journalist/correspondent, I wanted to understand and report on the India/Pakistan/Bangladesh conflict, after covering some of the Vietnam war.
And the man in Karachi I remember too, he was an American, and later on showed to be one of the many US NSA's 'Men in Karachi'. We had had a couple of nightcaps together, after I had asked him 'whether he was an artist', because he had brought along a large portfolio, one of those large briefcases with a zipper going nearly all around, for carrying paintings, pictures or drawings.
And he - in a friendly way - gave me another harsh lesson, confirming again reality and the lies that wars often are based upon: "No'', he said, ''I'm not an artist but an american specialist, and those are satellite pictures, some investigation- and drilling reports and a lot of maps I'm flying home with. And, mark my words: this war in Vietnam and surroundings will soon be over when Washington and the Pentagon get this stuff.
Because there's not enough oil, a great whiff of natural gas or any other profitable natural resources to be found. Nothing which would cover the cost of permanent bases to control it. We're going to get out and go home. They can keep their land and coast." [ ]
The millions of dead, jailed, tortured, wounded, bombed, napalmed and maimed Vietnamese, Laotians, Cambodians nor 55.000 dead 'body bag Americans' counted: the 'massacres for money' - or 'Global Economy' as it's called by 'the Fed' and it's bankers - just keep going on. [World Bank Economy and the CIA Jackals - Url.:

In the Karachi bar we had to agree, that the US/Israeli interventions and/or warfare formed the main part of the US's global scavenging for energy and profits. But he didn't seem to care. I never saw him again, this servant of the vultures and jackals*, a man who - like his bosses - knew too much to be good for mankind. That's why I'll never forget him.
Using his maps and pictures, he had shown me first hand the beginning of the global, space and maritime nightmare now further unfolding: the US's ability to - from a dominating position - invade, kill and destroy, and when it's really not profitable, to get out and wreck some other country and it's population elsewhere. Including usurping the oceans and sea beds. The US agencies at present working on laser weapons planned for further use in space domination, use the threatening and belligerent slogan: "Into your place, from outer space".*
Human rights do never count, and the laws? 'They' make the laws themselves; for others to obey or die.
Already in the '60s and '70s the United States/United Nations organized and led a series of conferences on 'the Law of the Sea'. "LOST", as the 'Law Of the Sea Treaty' was named, had been hatched by a group of neocons who - to start with - wanted to ensure the United States control of seven tenths of the earth's surface area. An 'International Seabed Authority' under US supervision should make the rules for, and control the vast oceans and everything that might be profitable on and in the seabed, in the form of oil, gas or resources like 'pellets', as well as everything that travels above or below their surfaces.
Again using the United Nations as their fig leaf, one can see a similar development now taking place for some time in Darfur/Sudan where the Chinese can forget about their oil, unless they want to start a war, as a part of 'World War III' now going on.
Darfur has Africa's largest untouched natural resources, which helps explain why the US and its allies - like the UN - are trying so hard to establish a stronghold in the region.
According to Al Jazeera, many other local info-sources, local people and my own opinion after having covered Sudan too for 10 years, a lot of the information via mainstream media channels is - to say the least - not correct, it looks like another war based on lies:

The 'Man in Karachi" showed that many wars have been - and like now in Afghanistan and Iraq - are founded on greed, based on lies fed to the people by the warmonger's mainstream media which seem to enjoy their brainwashing function. Is it only cowardice, fear, or is there a reward too? Otherwise they wouldn't do it, would they? Those so called 'journalists'?
It's very well shown in the article by Harvey Wasserman on "Four bloody lies of war, from Havana 1898 to Baghdad 2003"* - where he writes that: "The Bush Administration's lies about its rationales for attacking Iraq fit a pattern of deceit that has dragged America into at least three other unjust and catastrophic wars. The "smoking gun" documents that emerged in the recent British election confirm the administration had decided to go to war and then sought "intelligence" to sell it.
But conscious, manipulative lies were also at the root of American attacks on Cuba* in 1898, US intervention into World War I in 1917 and in Vietnam. These lies are as proven and irrefutable as the unconscionable deception that dragged the US into Iraq in 2003.
In each case, these lies of war have caused horrific human slaughter, the destruction of human rights and liberties, and financial disaster.
[ ] To which we now must add George W. Bush's lies of Iraq. The war was primarily sold as a way to destroy Saddam Hussein's Weapons of Mass Destruction. The world was also told Saddam was involved in the 9/11 attacks on the US, and was trying to get nuclear bombs. These were all lies. The British memos proving
the Bush and Blair Administrations knew Saddam did not have WMD's, was not involved in 9/11 and had no way to make atomic weapons are now public
Nixon's "dirty trickster" disciples Karl Rove and Dick Cheney have now poisoned this nation with yet another ghastly lie of war. Their hopeless Iraqi slaughter has become the modern definition of cynical deceit, human butchery and economic ruin.
Exactly what will happen to us, and to the liars that have dragged us into this latest bloody quagmire remains to be seen.
But history does not indicate a pretty outcome."
As 'Our Man in Karachi' proved.
FPF - Footnotes:
FPF - Tip: Wave at Bush with your left hand! - Url.:

Sudan uncovers 'fake rape' video ring - url.:

Darfur, the Chinese and the oil - Url.:

The whole Wasserman story is at - Url.:

Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies - US Government - Bureau of Arms Control - Signed at Washington, London, Moscow - Entered into force October 10, 1967 - Url.:

* Cuba - "Operation Northwoods" - Proof that the US Government can Harm Americans - Url.:

Smedley Darlington Butler, Major General - United States Marine Corps: "WAR is a racket. It always has been." - Url.:


Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars

The Netherlands

*The Dutch author this far has worked abroad 4 decades for international media as a fully independent foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War 1 - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism !
FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. - Url.:

Henk Ruyssenaars