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EDO injunction latest

EDOSMASHNIK | 09.05.2005 14:29 | Anti-militarism | Repression | London | South Coast

Update on the ongoing civil injunction being pursued againt anyone who might want to protest against a Brighton arms company supplying military equipment for the occuation of Iraq

The interim injunction aimed at quelling protest at EDO MBM technology is still being negotiated over by both sides. Watch this space for details...

However, we do know that the interim injunction is far more lenient than that requested by EDO MBM. There are no limits on timing and duration of protest near the factory and very few limits on where the demonstrationstake place. However, the issuing of any interim injunction at all is a further misuse of the Prevention of Harrassment Act 1997 and a further attack on civil liberties in this country

Right now there there are no limits (other than the already draconian criminal law) against protests at EDO MBM so get up there this Wednesday 4-6pm meeting in Wild Park, near the bottom of Home Farm Road, just past the Viaduct on Lewes Road, Brighton

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Where are people allowed to go???

11.05.2005 15:41


Can people protest/demostrate outside EDO itself?

or is the banned?



12.05.2005 08:52

The interim injunction is not yet in place so things are as normal, even when it is demos outside the factory will be unlimited - there will be some restriction on static demos on other parts of home farm road



12.05.2005 08:56

"the terms of the injunction are still being negotiated by both sides"

this is not the case - the judge has made a ruling on the terms of an interim injunction, there is disagreement over the interpretation of the judges ruling

watch this space
