Week of Action Against Selfridges Involvement In The Fur Trade
Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade | 09.05.2005 12:35 | Animal Liberation | Birmingham | London
9th May to the 15th sees a week of action against fashion retailer Selfridges continued involvement in the barbaric fur trade.
Selfridges is a very influential name in the world of fashion. They continue to sell real rabbit fur, and trying to justify this by using the myth that rabbit fur is a by-product of the rabbit meat industry.
This is a lie spread by the fur trade to try to encourage a revival in fur sales. It is important to take action to stop this latest attempt by the fur trade to revive fur sales.
We are holding a week of action to ensure Selfridges get the message that selling fur is wholly unacceptable in today’s society. As well as demos at their stores in Manchester, Birmingham and London, we are asking campaigners to contact the different departments and branches on each day during the week.
Remember it is illegal to farm animals for fur in the UK as it is considered too cruel, yet companies such as Selfridges are allowed to make profits from fur imported from countries where fur farming remains legal. Tell them this is unacceptable, and that until they stop selling fur, you will boycott their shops and you will encourage others to do the same.
Week of Action
There will be protests on various days throughout the week at Selfridges Stores in London, Manchester and Birmingham. Contact us for details
Contact Selfridges throughout the week
All week
Email Chief Executive Paul Kelly; phone 08708 377 377
ContactServices@selfridges.co.uk Fax 020 7491 0569
Monday 9th May
Contact London Manager, Ian Rogers
ian.rogers@selfridges.co.uk; Tracey Mann (Store Director)
020 7318 3220 / 020 7629 1234 fax 020 7495 8321.
Investor relations:
alan.camplin-smith@selfridges.co.uk 020 7318 3018.
Tuesday 10th May
Contact Manchester Manager, Leon Jones: 08708 377377
Senior Press Officer:
olivia.richardson@selfridges.co.uk 020 7318 3439 Fax: 020 7318 3975.
yvette.mason@selfridges.co.uk 020 7318 3987
Wednesday 11th May
Contact Birmingham Manager Sarah Halsall: 08708 377377
Human Resources Manager:
catherine.johnston@selfridges.co.uk HR:
firdos.brett@selfridges.co.uk - Holistic therapist, based in Loughborough
0116 210 6003 / 07811 582 574
Thursday 12th May
Contact Trafford Centre Manager: Billy Burns 0161 6291204.
Recruitment Services Manager:
Friday 13th May Contact
Chief Executive Paul Kelly 08708 377 377
Customer Services: 08708 370 470,
The Selfridges Hotel Manager: Gregg Hegarty; and Operational Manager: Kathy Morrison 08703 339117
Saturday 14th and/or Sunday15th May
Demos at Selfridges in London,
Manchester and Birmingham, Contact CAFT for details
This is a lie spread by the fur trade to try to encourage a revival in fur sales. It is important to take action to stop this latest attempt by the fur trade to revive fur sales.
We are holding a week of action to ensure Selfridges get the message that selling fur is wholly unacceptable in today’s society. As well as demos at their stores in Manchester, Birmingham and London, we are asking campaigners to contact the different departments and branches on each day during the week.
Remember it is illegal to farm animals for fur in the UK as it is considered too cruel, yet companies such as Selfridges are allowed to make profits from fur imported from countries where fur farming remains legal. Tell them this is unacceptable, and that until they stop selling fur, you will boycott their shops and you will encourage others to do the same.
Week of Action
There will be protests on various days throughout the week at Selfridges Stores in London, Manchester and Birmingham. Contact us for details
Contact Selfridges throughout the week
All week
Email Chief Executive Paul Kelly; phone 08708 377 377

Monday 9th May
Contact London Manager, Ian Rogers

020 7318 3220 / 020 7629 1234 fax 020 7495 8321.
Investor relations:

Tuesday 10th May
Contact Manchester Manager, Leon Jones: 08708 377377

Senior Press Officer:


Wednesday 11th May
Contact Birmingham Manager Sarah Halsall: 08708 377377

Human Resources Manager:


0116 210 6003 / 07811 582 574
Thursday 12th May
Contact Trafford Centre Manager: Billy Burns 0161 6291204.
Recruitment Services Manager:

Friday 13th May Contact
Chief Executive Paul Kelly 08708 377 377

Customer Services: 08708 370 470,

The Selfridges Hotel Manager: Gregg Hegarty; and Operational Manager: Kathy Morrison 08703 339117
Saturday 14th and/or Sunday15th May
Demos at Selfridges in London,
Manchester and Birmingham, Contact CAFT for details
Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade