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Young anarchist wounded by the police in Colombia

bogota | 06.05.2005 21:46 | Repression | World

a young anarchist was wounded by police during may day demonstrations in bogota, colombia.

May Day in Bogotá: Violent police repression

As usual, this May Day there was a massive demonstration in Bogotá, Colombia. Hundreds of people from a diverse range of social movements took the streets to fight against capitalism. Walking along with the workers, there were a lot of young anarchists that agitated their black flags and shouted for freedom while hearing rock bands in a non-violent attitude. Suddenly, when the demonstration reached one of the main streets of downtown Bogotá, the police started to throw tear gas to the anarchists without any reason. Soon there was an explosion and the police initiated a violent repression, hitting people with wooden sticks and shooting rubber bullets in all directions. In this moment a 15 year old, who was walking inside the anarchist block, was badly beaten up by various policemen. Nicolás David Neira Alvares was then surrounded by these savages and was beaten up until he lost conscience. Various comrades came to the rescue and they were able to take Nicolás to a hospital in the Westside of Bogotá. After that, he was taken to another hospital were he is still in critical conditions. He has a strong head trauma and minor contusions in his body. He was hit so hard in the head, that for now he can’t be operated. As it is expected, none of this reached the press.

In addition to this horrible event, there at least six people wounded with rubber bullets, one person wounded by “an explosive of dispersion” thrown by the police and various people received beatings in their heads, faces and bodies. Right now the unions and the anarchists are trying to organize a public sue, but there is the immediate need of an international divulgation of these events in order to denounce this hideous atrocity made by the police.

See pictures from the demo and the repression over here:

For more info in Spanish visit:



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tragic update

08.05.2005 09:47

sadly it would appear that he later died of these injuries.

Young Nottingham Anarchist


08.05.2005 20:29

Is any protest going to be called over this? I'd say those of us in the South-East should go along to the London embassy, and those elsewhere should go to consulates.

Remember -- to the colombian police and media, preotests in the UK, even if small, will have an impact and manybe make them think twice next time...


details of embassy

08.05.2005 20:33

Colombian Embassy in London
Flat 3A, 3 Hans Crescent, London SW1X 0LN.
Tel: 020 7589 9177 - Fax: 020 7581 1829

Consluar Section:
Tel: 020 7495 4233

How to get there:
