Allawj possible killed by resistance?
Joe | 06.05.2005 02:34 | Anti-militarism | World
Interesting report. Suggests that Iyad Allawj may have been killed by a resistance attack. Can anyone confirm this? Find the post below at
Allawai Possibly Dead/Injured by Resistance Attack
By: Layth on: 05.05.2005 [19:09 ] (645 reads)
Allawai Possibly Dead/Injured by Resistance Attack
By: Layth on: 05.05.2005 [19:09 ] (645 reads)
Interesting report. Suggests that Iyad Allawj may have been killed by a resistance attack. Can anyone confirm this? Find the post below at
Allawai Possibly Dead/Injured by Resistance Attack
By: Layth on: 05.05.2005 [19:09 ] (645 reads)
Unconfirmed reports from the Resistance indicate that collaborator Iyad Allawi may be dead or critically injured after a Resistance attack. The attack may explain the absence of Allawi suddenly from all media outlets as well as his absence from the oath ceremony given by the new collaborator government in recent days.
Where is General Kimmit anyone?
this incident will make the colaborators afraid
by a_family_member_of_adam_and_eve on 05.05.2005 [21:35 ]
its very surprising to see the iraqi resistance. they tore through the pig barrier and found allawai. Well the media wont be able to keep quiet for long.
To Layath
by profile on 05.05.2005 [21:40 ]
Thanks for the Information regarding Allawi.
From What i remember about 6 months ago an email from a U.S Marine was sent to in Australia saying that Kimmit had died on the airport road to Baghdad.This reflected back to an older Resistance report that said a high ranking General had been killed,but no other information was given.You are Right that Kimmit has not been seen Since.He was to leave Iraq after fainting on T.V Infornt of the World.Nobody has heard of him since.
General Kimmet
by henryjones on 05.05.2005 [21:45 ]
It is strange you asking of General Kimmet, because I also have been wondering, sometime ago Jihadunspun reported that a General had been killed, I think the name Kimmet had been mentioned, but going into Google Mark Kimmet lives, I think he has been removed from our world, after the Jihadunspun report he seemed to just vanish, and if Allawi is dead, I think we all knew, it was on the cards.
Iyad 3llawi
by Neyaz on 05.05.2005 [21:47 ]
Those who sell their FAMILY & COUNTRY>>DESERVE NO >>>>MERCY.
Why Dont They Hit Chalabi ?
by profile on 05.05.2005 [21:49 ]
This is What I Dont Understand Chalabi Seems to be Very Disliked,Why Havent they Taken Him Out.Any One Have any Ideas ?
by henryjones on 05.05.2005 [22:26 ]
Time will tell, what goes round comes around, Do not do to others what you would not like done to you.
I certainly hope
by Tet on 05.05.2005 [22:54 ]
I certainly hope St. Pete records this conversation so when the rest of us get there we'll know what was said. Peace.
Speaking abut Kimmit
by Q' on 05.05.2005 [23:39 ]
Q' remembered one of maimed marines said that General was killed but the Pentagon covered up that fact.
by Seele on 06.05.2005 [01:00 ]
I used to download videos from but they are no more - where are they now resp. their site ? Have they moved or were they banned by the pigs ? Anybody knows something out it ?
Kimmit death announcement
by meo48 on 06.05.2005 [01:29 ]
The following is the comment posted on indy media melbourne that said that kimmit had died. I might still be true since I did an internet search and there is nothing about kimmit in the year 2005. But, there is something very disturbing about the posting on Indy Melbourne. the email address is, if it is actually the marines email extention, it should be, so, the posting might be a lie.
The following is the posting copied and pasted.
by cpl.A.Bock Sunday November 21, 2004 at 11:01 AM
Iam sorry to tell you that Brig. Gen Mark Kimmitt was KIA just about two months ago in an ambush on the road to Baghdad airport .
The info is still classified but I don't care , I lost both of my legs in a IED
by Spies_and_Traitors_will_be_Shot on 06.05.2005 [01:56 ]
That resistance attack on him.. NO ONE IS LUCKY ENOUGH TO SURVIVE! not even a pure evil bastard like him.
Do you all remember when "sovereignity" was handed back?
Do remember how they rushed to do it with no sermony like they planned, handed sovereignity 2 days before the date they said they would, June 30 .
I wondered why. And then... i think it was only a few days later, it was reported even in the mainstream media. That the Puppet "President" of Iraq at the time was assasinated.
They probably didn't want the head lines to say "puppet president assasinated"... They wanted the head lines to read "X-puppet presdient assasinated" with emphais on the X .
I really hope
by Ikhnaton on 06.05.2005 [02:06 ]
this pig allawi got his head blown off by the brave Iraqi Freedom Fighters. Fight on brave heroes, we are all praying for your victory over those slime AmeroZioNazis. Kill all the traitors and show no mercy...
Viva Iraq Resistance
I learned something in history...
by Spies_and_Traitors_will_be_Shot on 06.05.2005 [02:07 ]
A story that just didn't seem to ring true.
There was an assasination attempt on hitler... They claimed that he survived the explosion that killed everyone in the room but him, because "he ducked behind the oak table". The table which all of his generals where also standing around. No one can duck faster than a bomb explodes. Why didn't everyone else duck aswell? And even if he did duck, the explosive would have smashed right through the oak.
So how did hitler survive with barely a scratch when every other person in that room was blown to smitherines? Is it because evil people die hard? Is it because hitler was a super man? Was it that god loved hitler (excuse the blasphemy)?
OR was it because HE DID die. And the Nazi regime and the illuminati, not wanting the war to be over, kept his image alive? The Radios where saying hitler was killed for a few hours... but then they made them change... so the good general can't take power...
Did you ever wonder why hitlers body was never found... perhaps this was why.
They have done it before, they can do it again.
Please spread widely. Joe
Allawai Possibly Dead/Injured by Resistance Attack
By: Layth on: 05.05.2005 [19:09 ] (645 reads)
Unconfirmed reports from the Resistance indicate that collaborator Iyad Allawi may be dead or critically injured after a Resistance attack. The attack may explain the absence of Allawi suddenly from all media outlets as well as his absence from the oath ceremony given by the new collaborator government in recent days.
Where is General Kimmit anyone?

this incident will make the colaborators afraid
by a_family_member_of_adam_and_eve on 05.05.2005 [21:35 ]
its very surprising to see the iraqi resistance. they tore through the pig barrier and found allawai. Well the media wont be able to keep quiet for long.
To Layath
by profile on 05.05.2005 [21:40 ]
Thanks for the Information regarding Allawi.
From What i remember about 6 months ago an email from a U.S Marine was sent to in Australia saying that Kimmit had died on the airport road to Baghdad.This reflected back to an older Resistance report that said a high ranking General had been killed,but no other information was given.You are Right that Kimmit has not been seen Since.He was to leave Iraq after fainting on T.V Infornt of the World.Nobody has heard of him since.
General Kimmet
by henryjones on 05.05.2005 [21:45 ]
It is strange you asking of General Kimmet, because I also have been wondering, sometime ago Jihadunspun reported that a General had been killed, I think the name Kimmet had been mentioned, but going into Google Mark Kimmet lives, I think he has been removed from our world, after the Jihadunspun report he seemed to just vanish, and if Allawi is dead, I think we all knew, it was on the cards.
Iyad 3llawi
by Neyaz on 05.05.2005 [21:47 ]
Those who sell their FAMILY & COUNTRY>>DESERVE NO >>>>MERCY.
Why Dont They Hit Chalabi ?
by profile on 05.05.2005 [21:49 ]
This is What I Dont Understand Chalabi Seems to be Very Disliked,Why Havent they Taken Him Out.Any One Have any Ideas ?
by henryjones on 05.05.2005 [22:26 ]
Time will tell, what goes round comes around, Do not do to others what you would not like done to you.
I certainly hope
by Tet on 05.05.2005 [22:54 ]
I certainly hope St. Pete records this conversation so when the rest of us get there we'll know what was said. Peace.
Speaking abut Kimmit
by Q' on 05.05.2005 [23:39 ]
Q' remembered one of maimed marines said that General was killed but the Pentagon covered up that fact.
by Seele on 06.05.2005 [01:00 ]
I used to download videos from but they are no more - where are they now resp. their site ? Have they moved or were they banned by the pigs ? Anybody knows something out it ?
Kimmit death announcement
by meo48 on 06.05.2005 [01:29 ]
The following is the comment posted on indy media melbourne that said that kimmit had died. I might still be true since I did an internet search and there is nothing about kimmit in the year 2005. But, there is something very disturbing about the posting on Indy Melbourne. the email address is, if it is actually the marines email extention, it should be, so, the posting might be a lie.
The following is the posting copied and pasted.
by cpl.A.Bock Sunday November 21, 2004 at 11:01 AM

Iam sorry to tell you that Brig. Gen Mark Kimmitt was KIA just about two months ago in an ambush on the road to Baghdad airport .
The info is still classified but I don't care , I lost both of my legs in a IED
by Spies_and_Traitors_will_be_Shot on 06.05.2005 [01:56 ]
That resistance attack on him.. NO ONE IS LUCKY ENOUGH TO SURVIVE! not even a pure evil bastard like him.
Do you all remember when "sovereignity" was handed back?
Do remember how they rushed to do it with no sermony like they planned, handed sovereignity 2 days before the date they said they would, June 30 .
I wondered why. And then... i think it was only a few days later, it was reported even in the mainstream media. That the Puppet "President" of Iraq at the time was assasinated.
They probably didn't want the head lines to say "puppet president assasinated"... They wanted the head lines to read "X-puppet presdient assasinated" with emphais on the X .
I really hope
by Ikhnaton on 06.05.2005 [02:06 ]
this pig allawi got his head blown off by the brave Iraqi Freedom Fighters. Fight on brave heroes, we are all praying for your victory over those slime AmeroZioNazis. Kill all the traitors and show no mercy...
Viva Iraq Resistance
I learned something in history...
by Spies_and_Traitors_will_be_Shot on 06.05.2005 [02:07 ]
A story that just didn't seem to ring true.
There was an assasination attempt on hitler... They claimed that he survived the explosion that killed everyone in the room but him, because "he ducked behind the oak table". The table which all of his generals where also standing around. No one can duck faster than a bomb explodes. Why didn't everyone else duck aswell? And even if he did duck, the explosive would have smashed right through the oak.
So how did hitler survive with barely a scratch when every other person in that room was blown to smitherines? Is it because evil people die hard? Is it because hitler was a super man? Was it that god loved hitler (excuse the blasphemy)?
OR was it because HE DID die. And the Nazi regime and the illuminati, not wanting the war to be over, kept his image alive? The Radios where saying hitler was killed for a few hours... but then they made them change... so the good general can't take power...
Did you ever wonder why hitlers body was never found... perhaps this was why.
They have done it before, they can do it again.
Please spread widely. Joe