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Imc Italy seized? Bah!

seize the media! | 05.05.2005 13:15 | Indymedia | Repression

English translation of the feature about the new attack against IMC Italy

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At the moment, Indymedia Italy site can be accessed, no matter the attack (DDOS) that's targetting the server since may 1st, no matter the press agencies claiming the site has already been seized. Again. Few months have passed since FBI seized the hard disks of the server that hosted IMC Italy, and on the same day that the high court declared that crimes against catholic religion are punishable no more than crimes against other religions are, a zealous public prosecutor from Rome, Salvatore Vitello, charges Indymedia Italy with the crimes of offence to catholic religion and personal offences to the Pope, asking for the shutdown of the IMC.

The reason?

A fake picture of the pope with a nazist uniform. The long clerical-national wave triggered by the death of Johannes Paulus II and the election of Benedictus XVI, was supposed to make everybody think the same way.
Now we'll have to explain again to enslaved judges the subversive concept of Open Publishing and that Indymedia Italia doesn't make any kind of censorship.

See original article in IMC Italy here:

seize the media!
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06.05.2005 09:40

"mah!" the word used in the original italian text doesn't translate
as "bah!".
"mah!" conveys an italian shrugging of shoulders, lower lip pouting,
palms turned upwards with arms angled at the elbow, and head tilting
slightly backwards.
"bah!" conveys a briton, with plume pen at ledger desk in the middle
victorian age, often incorrectly illustrated and played in christmas
telly dramas with "pince nez" spectacles, (greviously anachronistic
indeed for such spectacles had not been invented then), berating a lower
clerk of the shop, and refusing him a holiday bonus.

olé! Italia!

.:. santa telematika


09.05.2005 15:43

now i can't access
i don't understand if the site has been obscured or my pc has technic problems...
but i'm afraid it's the first of these.
during last days indy has been seized but i could reache the site, but today i can't.

sorry for the english but i'm from italy
