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Vote Howard and Vote Colombian FARC-EP

Marta jaramillo | 04.05.2005 18:57 | Social Struggles

The weaker Blair is the better for everyone in the world - Do not vote for your selfish pocket Book - vote global consciousness - THE SAME goes for the confrontation in Colombia or anywhere - Why are we all acting like nationalists in a globalized world- war - crisis - From Global Warming to elections the elite think Global the proles think local - Shit!

FARC are mostly Women and Indigenous Warriors
FARC are mostly Women and Indigenous Warriors

While Colombian Govt. Admits Assasssinations in Uraba- Anarchist Focus on FARC
While Colombian Govt. Admits Assasssinations in Uraba- Anarchist Focus on FARC

FARC used to play soccer and hang-out with villagers - USA_Uribe Stopped This
FARC used to play soccer and hang-out with villagers - USA_Uribe Stopped This

Since when is Resist a stage for right wing columnist like Alfredo Rangel, centrist statists like Daniel Garcia-Pena Jaramillo or elite propaganda vehicles like the Colombian daily El Espectador. Or for that matter anything by Justin Podur. TYhis articvle is not informative - it is a clever excercise in capitalist morality and disjointed journalism. Shame on Znet

Nuetrality Not a Right of Civilians in War:

Colombia the Israel of S America

(An excerpt form

"" Military Triumph, Political Failure

by Daniel Garcia-Pena - Znet; April 30, 2005

As Alfredo Rangel [translator's note: a right-wing columnist] said in his column last Friday,

the FARC, by sustaining military action for more than a week, has already demonstrated that it is far from the military defeat that the triumphalist voices of the government have proclaimed. Rather than retreating when counterattacked, they have prolonged and consolidated their presence in the region. This is a serious reverse for President Uribe's `democratic security' counterinsurgency policy."" [ This IS the good part - it then leads into a narrow and silly attack on FARC - EQUATING THEM WITH Uribe and the pure - Fascists (COlombian Govt. and USA) ]

THIS IS a terribly twisted article that runs on - a supposed anarchist website that increasingly looks like fox news and covers so many things non-anarchist. _ I like natives - but there is no way to claim they are non-hierarchal - THEY HAve CHIEFS - !!

I guess this is just the ususal western - kiddie-crap -

read on ...

Fierce combat rages in SOuthern Colombia.
"The attack (by the FARC) directly in the heart of Proyecto Nasa, winner of the National Peace Prize, symbol of nonviolent resistance to war, is not only a violation of indigenous autonomy, built over many years of communal processes: it is also a violation of the right of the civilian population to not be involved in hostilities. The FARC has once again made itself look like Uribe's government, which also does not want to recognize the Peace Community of San Jose de Apartado and its decision for `active neutrality'."

Military Triumph, Political Failure by Daniel Garcia-Pena - Znet; April 30, 2005

the FARC is the main force that stands in the way of the fascist paramilitary death squads run by the Colombian military and government that target peasant organizers, trade unionists and social justice activists. The FARC's leadership, incorruptible through forty years of struggle, has entered into a number of peace processes and negotiations with the Colombian State. In return, however, the FARC and the Colombian people have been met with assassinations, repression and death squads.

The Nasa, also known here as the Páez, were not always peaceful. In the 1980's, they formed a fighting group, Quintin Lame, but the violence only escalated. The Indians changed tactics, and vowed to stay out of the fighting. They focused on building a self-sustaining community held together by an overarching philosophy of self-determination and the right to be left alone.

Funny - First they fight, then they try to withdraw into their own little world - escapism is not honorable - neutrality in a war of the strong against the weak is never neutral.

The FARC-EP was not visibly present in many rural towns and villages as has been the case in months and years past. However, the lack of overt presence does not mean that the FARC-EP has fully retracted from the countryside. It is speculated that in actuality the guerrilla has objectively enhanced its reticence for two specific reasons.

The first reason for the FARC-EP’s “absence” is to limit the opportunity of the U.S./Colombian state forces from entering campesino inhabited regions that are, or at one time were, supporters of the insurgency. The Colombian military has a horrendous record of committing human rights abuses against non-combatants; therefore the FARC-EP has chosen to limit its immediate visible presence in the hopes of diminishing the chance of injury against the rural populations of FARC-EP extended regions.
The interesting aspect of all this is that while the FARC-EP may very well be preparing for a major military confrontation in Southern Colombia the rural supporters of the insurgents are still quietly stationed throughout the country; in the cities, towns, villages, mountainside, and fields. Therefore, the eve of a full-scale revolutionary war between the insurgent forces of the FARC-EP and their rural support-base against the Colombian/United States forces could be a very real reality in the not to distant future of Colombia.

Notes: 1) It was common in small towns and villages inside these zones to see FARC-EP playing soccer with townspeople or keeping watch while walking alongside deteriorated roadways through numerous villages.
2) Since the beginning of Plan Patriota in the Spring of 2004 reports have surfaced that well over 1,000 U.S. personnel have been recognized throughout the country in direct military campaigns which means that the United States government have actually violated Congressional rulings of the allowed number of troops allowed to be in Colombia

For the original despicable article see:

For the Statement from the FARC-EP see:

Comunicado- Operación héroes y mártires de Toribío
La presencia de la policía en la cabecera municipal de Toribío en contra del querer mayoritario de la comunidad, la construcción del cuartel y de innumerables trincheras en medio de la población civil, agudizaron desde el 14 de abril pasado, el conflicto social, político y armado que el presidente Uribe se empeña en ocultar.

La estrategia gringa de aplastar y someter al pueblo para aprobar el ALCA que se desarrolla bajo el nombre de "seguridad democrática" no ha traído si no miseria, marginalidad y violencia para las clases medias y pobres de nuestro país.
Este gobierno le ha negado la reconciliación y la justicia social a Colombia, ha negado la posibilidad de un canje de prisioneros de guerra y ha cerrado las puertas a la solución política del conflicto.

Por el contrario, se esfuerza con descaro por legalizar al paramilitarismo con sus enormes fortunas de origen coquero y con sus sicarios, sin que devuelvan las tierras arrebatadas a los campesinos e indígenas, sin que indemnicen a quienes afectaron y ofendieron, sin que paguen por sus masacres, sencillamente porque son el fundamento de la campaña electoral por la reelección.

Colombia necesita inversión social, obras y empleo. Le sobran los aviones y los helicópteros de guerra, las tanquetas y los ministros bota fuego, reclama más educación pública con valores patrióticos y menos represión, más hospitales y menos turismo presidencial al exterior, más verdades y menos campaña electorera por la reelección.
El Comando Conjunto del sur occidente y la columna Jacobo Arenas de las FARC-EP alentamos a los colombianos que luchan por sus reivindicaciones y por la paz del país, por la soberanía y la justicia social. Saludamos a los compañeros Sonia y Simón Trinidad, que mostraron la serena y digna actitud de los revolucionarios ante la cobardía de un Estado que, como en las‚ pocas coloniales, responde a la resistencia popular con las cárceles del imperio.

Informamos que en estos diez días de enfrentamientos con la policía, la fuerza aérea y el ejército oficial en el nororiente del departamento del Cauca, hemos derribado 1 helicóptero, averiado 4 y también 2 tanquetas, que han muerto 12 policías y 19 militares y heridos 13 policías y 2 militares. Propios: 4 heridos.

Montañas del Cauca, 23 de abril del año 2005.Comando Conjunto del Sur Occidente.Columna Jacobo Arenas.

The Posting at by Justin Podur shows the gringo, capitalist morality and hypocritical bnature of what is left (or rightwing) of anarchism. Most FARC fighters are women or indigenous. The FARC did not attack first. The Colombian government sent armed police and military officials into the Nasa territories in 2004 and then as the US guided Southern Colombian Warzone pushed the FARC int the NAsa region the FARC struck back at these military outposts -

Since when is Resist a stage for right wing columnist like Alfredo Rangel, centrist statists like Daniel Garcia-Pena Jaramillo or elite propaganda vehicles like the Colombian daily El Espectador. Or for that matter anything by Justin Podur.

The article is not informative - it is a clever excercise in capitalist morality and disjointed journalism.

Shame on Znet


Nuetrality Not a Right of Civilians in War:

Colombia the Israel of S America

Marta jaramillo
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Colombian Guerrillas Clear Land Mines

05.05.2005 01:23

Absolutely on the Nail Head Marta - almost everyone in the USA and most Euros see the world from their programmed middle-class capitalist morality - If you read the article on znet carefully the author is actually saying that even though the Uribe government is playing dirty - formally declaring there is no difference between civilians and combatants - the outgunned, out spent and out propaganded guerrillas shoiuld be perfect and respect all the laws that the government does not - and then transform themselves into a sell-out Lula, Gutierrez or Blair! !!!

Peasants make own peace with Colombian rebels:

Some villages work with guerrillas to remove land mines

Micoahumado, Colombia

-- Fourteen years ago, Alirio Vargas stepped on a land mine near his village, losing an eye and part of his left leg. Now he is pressuring the National Liberation Army, Colombia's second-largest guerrilla group, to remove all unexploded ordnance laid by the rebels in recent years.

"As campesinos, we are obliged to speak to the fighters and defend our rights," said the 55-year-old farmer. While the government of President Alvaro Uribe has failed to bring the Cuban-inspired rebel group referred to as the ELN and the country's largest rebel group, the Revolutionary Army of Colombia (FARC), back to the peace table, peasant communities here and elsewhere have decided to negotiate with the rebels on their own.

In an unprecedented gesture in December, the ELN pledged to remove land mines on roads near five northern towns. In February, the rebels ended their first mine-sweeping effort by clearing at least 71 explosives from the roads surrounding this village of 7,500 inhabitants in the San Lucas mountain range. In the past seven years, four Micoahumado villagers have been killed and seven wounded from land mines, according to the Colombian Campaign Against Mines, an organization affiliated with the Nobel Prize-winning International Campaign to Ban Land Mines.

An estimated 130,000 land mines are buried throughout Colombia as a result of the 41-year-old civil war that has pitted leftist guerrillas against government troops and right-wing paramilitary gangs. In Antioquia state, about 15 communities, which have negotiated with the rebels in years past over various issues, are talking with the ELN over mine removal.

The government says it stopped planting mines several years ago, but it estimates that insurgents continue to bury more than 20,000 such weapons annually. In 2000, Colombia ratified the Ottawa Convention, which calls for banning and destroying all mines by 2009. In the past four years, casualties from land mines have escalated sharply, making Colombia No. 4 in the world for mine victims, behind Afghanistan, Chechnya and Cambodia.

Between 2001 and Feb. 1 this year, 527 people were killed and 1,876 injured from land mines, according to the Colombian Campaign Against Mines. The military accounts for about 63 percent of the victims. Carlos Ivan Lopera of the National Network Against War and For Peace, a nongovernmental organization, says the eradication of explosives from Micoahumado marks the first time the ELN has made land mines and international verification of their removal a public issue.

The Uribe administration, however, frowns on such initiatives. Negotiations between civilians and rebels are prohibited, said Vice President Francisco Santos. He says dialogue between guerrillas and government officials would "yield more concrete results."

Yet peasants in Micoahumado say the opportunity to resume a normal life by hammering out agreements with the rebels is its own measure of success. For the first time in 2 1/2 years, Micoahumado children can play soccer on a field behind the elementary school that had been heavily mined. Farmers now tend to their fields without fear.

With a red and black bandanna covering his face, ELN's "Commander Pablo" said his troops removed the mines "as a goodwill gesture to show our desire to help end Colombia's conflict."

Otty Patino, a political analyst in Bogota, says the mine removal is part of ELN's push for peace talks with the government that began in June. "The ELN is trying to gain political recognition through ... this public act of demining," he said.

Meanwhile, the government continues to ignore calls by Micoahumado residents to send an international team to verify the ELN demining effort. Even though the United Nations has offered its expertise, government officials say the area is still too dangerous.

"Armed combat continues in the zone, and the government's peace commissioner needs the ELN to commit to peace on a national level, not just in one zone," said Luz Piedad Herrera, director of the government's demining program.
Alvaro Jimenez, the coordinator of the Colombian Campaign Against Mines, warns Micoahumado residents not to use the road until it is deemed to be safe by international experts. He also criticized the Uribe administration. "This step could be the beginning of a significant process, but it's being impeded by the government's lack of participation," Jimenez said.

And despite government disapproval, Micoahumado residents say they will continue to negotiate with the ELN and any other armed groups over issues that affect their lives.

"We had to talk sincerely to the ELN so others won't suffer as I did," said Vargas, the land mine victim.

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How generous!

05.05.2005 14:42

How generous of FARC and ELN to start removing land mines, but surely the real question is what were they doing laying them in the first place? The main victims are innocent civilians, particularly children. Graça Machel, the UN Secretary-General's Expert on the Impact of Armed Conflict on Children said, land mines are 'indiscriminate weapons triggered by innocents and unsuspecting passers-by'.

Paul Edwards

Viva la murderers!!!

06.05.2005 16:39

Yes, let's support a group that kidnaps civilians and threatens to murder them if they don't pay the ransom, terrorises villages who don't pay their dues, and funds itself by peddling addictive drugs.

Cause at the end of the day, they are anti-government, and anti-Amerikkka, that that what really matters in the end.

Socialism? Don't make me laugh.

the middle finger