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Israeli terrorist organization behind harassment of IndyMedia

x | 02.05.2005 01:49 | Indymedia | Repression

Article about Andrew Aaron Weisburd of Internet Haganah: Cyber Terrorist



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More information please

02.05.2005 10:55

Very interesting article about quite alaraming activities, but I am somewhat non-plussed at the content of the title, claiming that an "Israeli terrorist organization" is "behind harassment of Indymedia". Meither Israeli terrorists, nor Indymedia, are maentioned in the article. Weisburd sounds like a right-wing screwball, and is probably - judging by his name - Jewish, but this cannot surely be construed as meaning he is an "Israeli terrorist". More information to justify the title would be helpful.



03.05.2005 09:39

"Israeli terrorist"? Naah. Just some harmless, self-promoting wanker who persuaded a corporate rag to cover him. KOBE kiddies have spammed Indymedia UK a few times, with incoherent rants about a guy in the US who runs an anarchist site. The articles got moderated off the front page as "non-news", and that was the end of that.

He's pretty mindbogglingly stupid for publishing his name, photo and hometown in a high-profile site like though.

Maybe he's trying to make this year's Darwin Awards.

Dr. Foamy


03.05.2005 12:17

if this guy was a muslim - he would not see the light of day again.


How long will it be.....

03.05.2005 15:37

before a Zionist adds a comment to say that this Artical is "Anti-Semtic"??

Interesting artical none the less!!!


No, it's not Anti-Semitic!

04.05.2005 15:17

It's not Anti-Semitic, just because it has "Israel" in the title!

Some Old Lady in Brighton!