British democracy and Rwandan genocide
HAS | 29.04.2005 05:13
We need to put our long-term organisational disagreements aside and get out the vote: those who let the Rwandan genocide happen are still in Westminster and not voting is not protesting.
As I understand it (I haven't had the opportunity to read Linda Melvern's "Conspiracy to Murder" yet), Malcolm Rifkind, a standing Tory MP, lied and denied that troops had been requested to keep the peace in Rwanda (and when told, Kofi Annan, understandably, "couldn't believe" he could have said it). One million people died in one hundred days. We need to bring this (and all of Britain's shameful role in the slaughter) to public attention and we need to get him out of power; he's not fit for office. We cannot get him and his ilk (including the Iraq war mongers) out if we don't vote: we need to put aside whatever long-term ambitions we have to oust those who would watch Rwanda happen again, as they are doing now with Sudan. Please vote on 5th May!
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