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ITEC Protest

Rail worker | 28.04.2005 05:35

A comment re ITEC protests

I am currently attending the ITEC training conference in the Amsterdam and have once again had to walk past a number of protestors at the main entrance screaming abuse at me. For the third morning running I have stopped and tried to engage them in conversation and explain why I and my colleagues from various rail organisations are attending this important conference on rail safety. Regretfully the protestors suddenly lose their ability to speak English when anyone tries to provide the truth about the event (even one who comes from the UK !)

Yes there are military companies her (although they probably comprose no more than 20% of those attending) but it is those same military companies who are leading the industry in rail training - what should we do, ignore the benefits this will offer to rail safety ?

To those who label us all as "Death dealers" and "Arms selling scum" I would suggest you do your research first and discover the reality of these events and while you are at it try talking to the people who are attending them and discovering who they are and why they are there.

Perhaps you could think about it when you are on the (safe) train on the way home ?

Rail worker


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28.04.2005 15:16

Yes I can see the problem you and they are facing Rail Worker however the problem is the activst community don't like to face complex problems like this, prefering to see issues in very black and white terms that don't require discussion or compromise.

It would be helpful if you would not post like this again rather stick to the tried and tested style that the indymedia collective likes. Why not take a picture of a friend in a George Bush mask and post a report saying how you organised a street event in protest against say US Imperialism.

Try not to rock the boat again - thanks


Sleeping with the enemy......

28.04.2005 18:46

....gets you nowhere



Trains were safer before privatisation

28.04.2005 20:07

Glad you can afford to take a train. Anyway I'm cycling home:-)

Von Ryans Express