Internatinal Workers Day demonstration - Oxford
Oxford & District Trades Council | 27.04.2005 14:07 | Oxford
Oxford & District Trades Council
Oxford & District Trades Council | 27.04.2005 14:07 | Oxford
Oxford & District Trades Council
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We need to keep our right to protest!
27.04.2005 17:07
Defend council housing?
29.04.2005 09:41
Trade unionist
29.04.2005 12:47
Holier than thou
29.04.2005 15:38
Anyway, I'm pretty sure this accusation at the Greens was answered on this newswire a few months ago - they support the immediate withdrawal of UK/US troops. If you disagree with any form of UN peacekeeping operation, then that is fair enough, but why do you have to stereotype anyone who disagrees with you as imperialist?
Setting the record straight
30.04.2005 19:45
Whereas the only war the LibDems claimed to be against was the most recent Iraq invasion. But they have displayed their usual skill of facing 2 ways at once - they never actually said they were anti-war (see quotes below) only that they would have supported invasion after a second UN resolution. Once the troups were sent in, they supported military action
"This conflict has one of the strongest moral and ethical mandates since the second world war. It is a just war which we know to be right." - Emma Nicholson, LibDem MEP for the South East Region (including Oxford).
"We are not the anti-war party. The UN is the proper place to make the decisions." - Charles Kennedy, LibDem website, 2003 (wanting UN backing for the invasion).
Nuff said!
Elise (Green & proud!)
details of day?
01.05.2005 06:53
Will it be along the High St and St Clements (as before), leading to Fun in the Parks at South Parks with stalls and entertainment, music and food, or is there a different agenda and if so what?
Please tell us the details including times. Thank you.
03.05.2005 10:12
Anyway, not really much of a defence to say, "Well everyone else is a hypocrite too", is it? BTW, is it true she only joined the Labour party 18 months ago, round about the time anyone with any sense had long since left/was leaving...? Doesn't really inspire a great deal of confidence now, does it? (Just to be clear, I've never met the woman but this does extremely wind me up, especially making a deal about it on her election leaflets.)
In defence of activists
31.05.2005 20:06
Problem is, had Emma and other good people, many of them Labour councillors and activists, got organising to defend our council housing we'd now be well on the way to privatisation. So I think Emma was quite entitled to mention the fact on her election literature. It was a great shame such a principled trade union and community activist didn't get elected.