New Labours False Promises on Poverty
Edward Campbell | 25.04.2005 06:09
The gulf between New Labour rhetoric and the reality of what they would do for the world’s poor, if, as it seems likely, they are handed a third term by a duped electorate, is massive.
We need to wage a war against New Labour, and the rest of the G8, to force them to make poverty history
We need to wage a war against New Labour, and the rest of the G8, to force them to make poverty history
This was all to apparent in yesterdays set piece speeches by Brown, and other new Labour Hacks on World Poverty Day, which formed the latest bit of theatre for New Labour’s election campaign. The irony of Brown, Blair and former US president, Clinton, appearing via a satellite link, delivering their speeches, laced with promises of eradicating world poverty on the stage of the Old Vic Theatre in London should be noted.
In Clinton, and his aping understudy, the poodle, Blair, we have two second rate actors, who resort to charm dressed in false smiles to convince us of their good intentions. They plied their trade in platitudes and false promises from a script many times rehearsed to a selected audience, and an electorate swamped with propaganda.
Don’t be fooled by these two hackneyed hams - the world is a stage for theses damned liars. They are war-mongers for capital not humanitarians, no matter how much they use their now dishevelled silky skills to convince otherwise. Brown has now taken the stage as a crusader against poverty; he espouses these sentiments only because he has been forced to by NGO’s, Make Poverty History, and direct action groups into at least saying New Labour will do something.
Perhaps it would be overestimating their humanity to say: consciences have been pricked,. Not so! The reasons for the rhetoric, and promises, are political expedience – nice worlds will get them elected, and appease the very effective and influential lobby groups and networks. These people just want to get re-elected – nothing more, and nothing less. They crave power and influence, but when in power they are just one cog in the machine of capital, which rotates in the required direction to keep the sham system going. They never question the destruction caused by the machine – these idiots probably dont even recognise it.
It is probable that these politicians are not even aware of their supine position – as servants of rapaciuous globalized capital. The question of challenging them then becomes much more serious. It means a war must be waged against the war-mongers of capital. Yes, a war against the terror they propagate – this is the real war against terror, not the fictitious war these liars have invented to scare us into to supporting and voting for them, to save us from evil. What utter and complete nonsense!
Campaigning groups must pursue and harass Brown and Blair until they are forced to deliver at least some of their promises. Left to their own devices, they will do next to nothing. These leaders are at best disingenuous; however, I believe they are out and out bare faced liars.
Networks like MPH should not be duped or mollified by the election rhetoric, but should step up their campaign, and activities, to shame these leaders into acting. And similarly, other leaders around the world.
The opportunity arises to do this at the G8 summit in Scotland in July. We must not accept the promises they give at the G8 to alleviate poverty at an unspecified time in the future, when the US government, and probably the British government too will be bankrupt. Economic predictions are pointing that way.
We must not be placated by the speeches and communiqués they issue form the G8 before and after their meetings as truths, because they will be hollow, bare faced liars.
We must step up the fight, in the most imaginative and peaceful ways, to force these self appointed rulers of the world to stop destroying our planet, and the lives of the people who live on it.
See also:

Edward Campbell
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