President Tarja Halonen's Legal State is A Common Joke
Ake Tyvi | 25.04.2005 02:37 | Analysis | London
You read yourself how Socialist Finland takes care of Official Legal Proceeding; No identification necessary, how socialist government judges list people, how Court Judges commit slanders and so on.
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President Tarja Halonen's Legal State is A Common Joke
Finland, Helsinki – On last Thursday, April 22nd 2005, I gave a
testimony against a private citizen of Finland having committed
burglarizes to support his financial situation. He is sc.
professional thief according to me ex boss. I was sooned to give a
testimony against this person, who broke into MarttaHotelli in
Helsinki Capital, and I managed to arrest him together with the
Helsinki Police.
Last five years I have been working with government crimes. Thus I do
not want to have anything to do with our government officials,
specially when it comes down to our Police Force and Legal System
representatives. This time I found something very surprising and
lethal to Mrs President and her associate lawyer women. A totally new
thing for me was to realize some of our sitting judges having lists
of people they use to hunt people like myself. How does this work,
we'll see that a bit later on.
If you read or have read our leading newspapers, you can see almost
on daily bases articles on policemen, who have “knifed their wife
after having 4-5 bottles wine” and “something snapping inside head”,
or some policeman having fun with his friend's cottage by shooting
into the neighbor Land Lord's land in a scaring attempt. This is
normal, but it is only the top of the ice berg.
Let us read some background information first. I already have read
many enough stories how our businessmen are bankrupted by Finland's
Socialist Government by delaying court judgments and giving
deliberate false judgments. I myself am a similar case. On Black and
White I own millions, but because of our Socialist President Tarja
Halonen and her socialist lawyer (women) gang, I have lost everything
and moved into black market peace dealing to trusted businessmen as
a response to our government official's crimes. At the moment I am
looking for several sources SAF and SAI used things mainly – to make
peacekeeping and life protection it short and sound nice. I suppose
one can say I try to guarantee peace in Business under any hostile
circumstance, and making things automatic makes things really click
here in Finland. In this peace keeping one has to know people from
the field and keep everybody up to date. There is no room for bluff.
I am asking from the agencies to work in peace keeping, since peace
is the only thing keeping them away unless you want to be a poor man.
Reason for protecting private property in very simple; “Crem de la
Crem” in Finland are pretty beautiful and naïve people. They violate
the Legal Code on their benefit. I give you now some practical
example on Court Session help on last Thursday at Court Room 102
clock 9.00am.
1. Which act, procedure or judgment you consider against the Law or
A. The sitting woman judge (Marja Leppisaari(?)) forced me to give a
testimony under oath without the one being prosecuted being at
present, since I do not know this person by name but by face, I have
no guarantee, to whom I have given my testimony.
By following this HELSINKI DISTRICT COURT procedure it is possible to
anyone to make a statement under oath against someone without
realizing who was the testimony dealing with in person. Since there
were no photos to identify the person not was he present, then I say,
this legal proceeding resembled much like middle age inquisition were
other people make judgment with or without the other participant – as
Finnish “Creme De La Creme” have always done.
In other words; District Court making someone to give an oath based
statement without (physically or else) identifying to who this
testimony applies to. Name is not enough, specially if one does not
know the person by name.
In some Third (i.e. underdevelopment) Nations Court Hearings and
Proceeding are expected to function this way, but in Finland, which
has stated of being a Legal State puts this nation back into its own
category with some Africa and Middle America Nations.
Finland as a Legal State has become a Common Joke to everyone.
President's associate lawyers on both side (mainly red) are listing
people, who's cases are not being handled and who are being chased.
Things work like in any other socialist or national socialist State.
Socialism in bad thing to anyone, and only a fool would invest into a
nation, where one can loose his/her corporate property to socialist
President's friends.
B. Inconsistent Court Procedures. Court Proceedings took place
without the Case Owner's privilege to soon. Prosecutor had three
cases lumped together, however Helsinki District Court has not
accepted lumped civil cases, which later on have been complained by
the Chancellor of Justice to the Finnish Bar Association (without any
success – that rotten nation).
Helsinki's “Creme De La Creme” do not handle cases according to the
law, there is no much point to apply to any legal step or apply court
C. The Elder Woman, who sat as a Judge, committed slander without
anyone interfering her actions; Before taking my oath, the woman
judge shouted in front of all other people “But are you disqualified
[hidden message; are you able to give this testimony, or could be
consider you as mentally ill person, possibly an other schizophrenic
businessman according to Russia Federation classification]?”. Then
this woman judge tuned few pages front and back on her desk and
carried on “Are you related to.....? [hidden message; Perhaps to my
maltreated mother, who has a nervous brake down, who was taken back
into some shape at Harley St. London by Dr. Litman with statement;
“lifetime brain injury” and “caused injury in Finnish mental
hospital”]. After a while she carried on “I suppose you are not
disqualified.”, which brings me down to coming to a a case witness as
a hotel porter/receptionist, a full time post-graduate student,
making a family planning with a doctor, then I suppose I have to
mentally ill and disqualified?
However, the point is, that HELSINKI DISTRICT COURT was using a list
containing names and information on their relatives. In similar way
to Nazi Germany, when they listed Jewsih people and their families,
so they knew which persons and families should be arrested and
eliminated. They are listing people, which are being chased and who's
cases not to accept! This is a crime against humanity.
Similar technique were used by Soviet Union KGP and East-Germany
Stasy – besides Nazi Germany-, which both are know to have influenced
in Finland.
Using these lists lawyers are checking people, their income and
social status from time to time. This in something I would not had
expected to find in my own nation. We may consider of using term High
Treason of Finnish Lawyer's acts supported by our Ministry of
Interior and State Police.
This woman judge handled the case in a very unprofessional way and I
would not be surprised, if she would have been serving only political
purpose at the Court Session in stead of Leagal – at least case
evidence shows she was not handling the case nothing but on political
Since I and Mrs President Tarja Halonen (SDP) do not get along, nor
do I get along with the previous two socialist president (Martti
Artisaari and Mauno Koivisto), then I suppose this period of
socialism has caused enormous hard to Finnish Businessman.
D. Court Session was handled in an unprofessional way; prosecuted
person was not at present, however the proceeding were allowed to
E. Prosecutor set up trap to the one giving a testimony in stead of
doing his job; In Finnish Court usually those found in western court
handling not guilty get punished in Finland, and those having
committed a crime are set free. I could few other Helsinki District
Court proceeding, which were based on idea “mom, this civilian guy
claims me having committed a crime, since you are sitting this court
session, could you give him a ticket for accusing me”, but in a bit
complex content.
Because of Helsinki's “Creme De La Creme” and their relative, family
and friend connections no one shares a severe attitude towards these
people any longer.
F. Helsinki Police managed to ruin my post at MarttaHotelli, were I
managed to catch a professional thief in action. Police have worked
similar way to our legal system ; they explain their own police
school level ideas into police register and give statements without
any real ground. I have been fighting against Finnish Police Force
for many years because of their wrong doings. This is the way how
police revenges – by telling lies and giving false recommendation.
Police has got the same kind of lists of people, they chase, soon or
contact on regular bases. They have socialists and communists in
their organization causing problems to normal people like myself.
However, to be honest with you, I do also know, that some less
capitalists coming from “Creme De La Creme”-families and working for
the government, have list of people, which they consider as enemy or
who they would like to chase.
The previous evening the thief visited the MarttaHotelli my hand was
shaken by the manager, who told me “how excellent work you have done,
we are all very pleased to you and we will continue using you in the
future too“, then she gave me Marttaliitto's Cooking Book as a reward
from a well done job together with a post card.
The following night I caught the hotel thief and from that point
onwards I have not head of these sc. further assignments. The only
people, that could have had influence to the manager were the police.
As we know, I have been writing about Finnish Police Crimes and
analyzing police methods for several years now. Police used
name-lists and pass on information incorrect.
2. What was the lesson of the story?
You read yourself how Socialist Finland takes care of Official Legal
Proceeding; No identification necessary, how socialist government
judges list people, how Court Judges commit slanders and so on.
By the way, our woman President Tarja Halonen is also a lawyer, so I
suppose her friends are also women lawyers and socialists, which
explains, why Finnish Private Business could be in much better shape
and why some of us non-socialist are being chased.
Which one World Leader's believe more? Theoretical things told by
Socialist President Tarja Halonen and her husband Erkki
Tuomioja(SDP). This is how it goes in practice, and practice count
more than beautiful socialist theories.
3. Most important thing you learned.
President Tarja Halonen's Legal State is A Common Joke and I has been
proved to be so in practice too.
God We Trust.
Åke Tyvi
adult IT-Engineering student
Ps. I like MarttaHotelli personall. They are honest and nice people.
Besides Martta’s has got the best “home cooked food” in town, so it
may a worth having a lunch there, when you drop by. Case has been
settled with MarttaHotelli, however it has not been settled with
Helsinki Capital Police since they cause harm on continues bases. In
MarttaHotelli you feel like home and they know their clients. They
also give better service to their rank. Unless one need a hard
business look and image, then I do recommend this hotel, specially on
casual business trips and for a holiday trip. I myself have used
quite a few hotels in Helsinki while I was serving as Tampere
University of Technology’s Information Manager, so these days I might
rather choose a place like MarttaHotelli or similar, in which one
feel always home and welcome.
Version: PGP 8.1
Åke Tyvi
puh./tel. +358.44.060.3639
sp./e-mail -
PGP-avain/PGP-key -
www-osoite/www-address -
Skype id: r0100034
Hash: SHA1
President Tarja Halonen's Legal State is A Common Joke
Finland, Helsinki – On last Thursday, April 22nd 2005, I gave a
testimony against a private citizen of Finland having committed
burglarizes to support his financial situation. He is sc.
professional thief according to me ex boss. I was sooned to give a
testimony against this person, who broke into MarttaHotelli in
Helsinki Capital, and I managed to arrest him together with the
Helsinki Police.
Last five years I have been working with government crimes. Thus I do
not want to have anything to do with our government officials,
specially when it comes down to our Police Force and Legal System
representatives. This time I found something very surprising and
lethal to Mrs President and her associate lawyer women. A totally new
thing for me was to realize some of our sitting judges having lists
of people they use to hunt people like myself. How does this work,
we'll see that a bit later on.
If you read or have read our leading newspapers, you can see almost
on daily bases articles on policemen, who have “knifed their wife
after having 4-5 bottles wine” and “something snapping inside head”,
or some policeman having fun with his friend's cottage by shooting
into the neighbor Land Lord's land in a scaring attempt. This is
normal, but it is only the top of the ice berg.
Let us read some background information first. I already have read
many enough stories how our businessmen are bankrupted by Finland's
Socialist Government by delaying court judgments and giving
deliberate false judgments. I myself am a similar case. On Black and
White I own millions, but because of our Socialist President Tarja
Halonen and her socialist lawyer (women) gang, I have lost everything
and moved into black market peace dealing to trusted businessmen as
a response to our government official's crimes. At the moment I am
looking for several sources SAF and SAI used things mainly – to make
peacekeeping and life protection it short and sound nice. I suppose
one can say I try to guarantee peace in Business under any hostile
circumstance, and making things automatic makes things really click
here in Finland. In this peace keeping one has to know people from
the field and keep everybody up to date. There is no room for bluff.
I am asking from the agencies to work in peace keeping, since peace
is the only thing keeping them away unless you want to be a poor man.
Reason for protecting private property in very simple; “Crem de la
Crem” in Finland are pretty beautiful and naïve people. They violate
the Legal Code on their benefit. I give you now some practical
example on Court Session help on last Thursday at Court Room 102
clock 9.00am.
1. Which act, procedure or judgment you consider against the Law or
A. The sitting woman judge (Marja Leppisaari(?)) forced me to give a
testimony under oath without the one being prosecuted being at
present, since I do not know this person by name but by face, I have
no guarantee, to whom I have given my testimony.
By following this HELSINKI DISTRICT COURT procedure it is possible to
anyone to make a statement under oath against someone without
realizing who was the testimony dealing with in person. Since there
were no photos to identify the person not was he present, then I say,
this legal proceeding resembled much like middle age inquisition were
other people make judgment with or without the other participant – as
Finnish “Creme De La Creme” have always done.
In other words; District Court making someone to give an oath based
statement without (physically or else) identifying to who this
testimony applies to. Name is not enough, specially if one does not
know the person by name.
In some Third (i.e. underdevelopment) Nations Court Hearings and
Proceeding are expected to function this way, but in Finland, which
has stated of being a Legal State puts this nation back into its own
category with some Africa and Middle America Nations.
Finland as a Legal State has become a Common Joke to everyone.
President's associate lawyers on both side (mainly red) are listing
people, who's cases are not being handled and who are being chased.
Things work like in any other socialist or national socialist State.
Socialism in bad thing to anyone, and only a fool would invest into a
nation, where one can loose his/her corporate property to socialist
President's friends.
B. Inconsistent Court Procedures. Court Proceedings took place
without the Case Owner's privilege to soon. Prosecutor had three
cases lumped together, however Helsinki District Court has not
accepted lumped civil cases, which later on have been complained by
the Chancellor of Justice to the Finnish Bar Association (without any
success – that rotten nation).
Helsinki's “Creme De La Creme” do not handle cases according to the
law, there is no much point to apply to any legal step or apply court
C. The Elder Woman, who sat as a Judge, committed slander without
anyone interfering her actions; Before taking my oath, the woman
judge shouted in front of all other people “But are you disqualified
[hidden message; are you able to give this testimony, or could be
consider you as mentally ill person, possibly an other schizophrenic
businessman according to Russia Federation classification]?”. Then
this woman judge tuned few pages front and back on her desk and
carried on “Are you related to.....? [hidden message; Perhaps to my
maltreated mother, who has a nervous brake down, who was taken back
into some shape at Harley St. London by Dr. Litman with statement;
“lifetime brain injury” and “caused injury in Finnish mental
hospital”]. After a while she carried on “I suppose you are not
disqualified.”, which brings me down to coming to a a case witness as
a hotel porter/receptionist, a full time post-graduate student,
making a family planning with a doctor, then I suppose I have to
mentally ill and disqualified?
However, the point is, that HELSINKI DISTRICT COURT was using a list
containing names and information on their relatives. In similar way
to Nazi Germany, when they listed Jewsih people and their families,
so they knew which persons and families should be arrested and
eliminated. They are listing people, which are being chased and who's
cases not to accept! This is a crime against humanity.
Similar technique were used by Soviet Union KGP and East-Germany
Stasy – besides Nazi Germany-, which both are know to have influenced
in Finland.
Using these lists lawyers are checking people, their income and
social status from time to time. This in something I would not had
expected to find in my own nation. We may consider of using term High
Treason of Finnish Lawyer's acts supported by our Ministry of
Interior and State Police.
This woman judge handled the case in a very unprofessional way and I
would not be surprised, if she would have been serving only political
purpose at the Court Session in stead of Leagal – at least case
evidence shows she was not handling the case nothing but on political
Since I and Mrs President Tarja Halonen (SDP) do not get along, nor
do I get along with the previous two socialist president (Martti
Artisaari and Mauno Koivisto), then I suppose this period of
socialism has caused enormous hard to Finnish Businessman.
D. Court Session was handled in an unprofessional way; prosecuted
person was not at present, however the proceeding were allowed to
E. Prosecutor set up trap to the one giving a testimony in stead of
doing his job; In Finnish Court usually those found in western court
handling not guilty get punished in Finland, and those having
committed a crime are set free. I could few other Helsinki District
Court proceeding, which were based on idea “mom, this civilian guy
claims me having committed a crime, since you are sitting this court
session, could you give him a ticket for accusing me”, but in a bit
complex content.
Because of Helsinki's “Creme De La Creme” and their relative, family
and friend connections no one shares a severe attitude towards these
people any longer.
F. Helsinki Police managed to ruin my post at MarttaHotelli, were I
managed to catch a professional thief in action. Police have worked
similar way to our legal system ; they explain their own police
school level ideas into police register and give statements without
any real ground. I have been fighting against Finnish Police Force
for many years because of their wrong doings. This is the way how
police revenges – by telling lies and giving false recommendation.
Police has got the same kind of lists of people, they chase, soon or
contact on regular bases. They have socialists and communists in
their organization causing problems to normal people like myself.
However, to be honest with you, I do also know, that some less
capitalists coming from “Creme De La Creme”-families and working for
the government, have list of people, which they consider as enemy or
who they would like to chase.
The previous evening the thief visited the MarttaHotelli my hand was
shaken by the manager, who told me “how excellent work you have done,
we are all very pleased to you and we will continue using you in the
future too“, then she gave me Marttaliitto's Cooking Book as a reward
from a well done job together with a post card.
The following night I caught the hotel thief and from that point
onwards I have not head of these sc. further assignments. The only
people, that could have had influence to the manager were the police.
As we know, I have been writing about Finnish Police Crimes and
analyzing police methods for several years now. Police used
name-lists and pass on information incorrect.
2. What was the lesson of the story?
You read yourself how Socialist Finland takes care of Official Legal
Proceeding; No identification necessary, how socialist government
judges list people, how Court Judges commit slanders and so on.
By the way, our woman President Tarja Halonen is also a lawyer, so I
suppose her friends are also women lawyers and socialists, which
explains, why Finnish Private Business could be in much better shape
and why some of us non-socialist are being chased.
Which one World Leader's believe more? Theoretical things told by
Socialist President Tarja Halonen and her husband Erkki
Tuomioja(SDP). This is how it goes in practice, and practice count
more than beautiful socialist theories.
3. Most important thing you learned.
President Tarja Halonen's Legal State is A Common Joke and I has been
proved to be so in practice too.
God We Trust.
Åke Tyvi
adult IT-Engineering student
Ps. I like MarttaHotelli personall. They are honest and nice people.
Besides Martta’s has got the best “home cooked food” in town, so it
may a worth having a lunch there, when you drop by. Case has been
settled with MarttaHotelli, however it has not been settled with
Helsinki Capital Police since they cause harm on continues bases. In
MarttaHotelli you feel like home and they know their clients. They
also give better service to their rank. Unless one need a hard
business look and image, then I do recommend this hotel, specially on
casual business trips and for a holiday trip. I myself have used
quite a few hotels in Helsinki while I was serving as Tampere
University of Technology’s Information Manager, so these days I might
rather choose a place like MarttaHotelli or similar, in which one
feel always home and welcome.
Version: PGP 8.1
Åke Tyvi
puh./tel. +358.44.060.3639
sp./e-mail -
PGP-avain/PGP-key -
www-osoite/www-address -

Skype id: r0100034
Ake Tyvi