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Liverpool Mayday Weekend events finalised!!

LSF | 24.04.2005 23:00 | Culture | Free Spaces | Social Struggles | Liverpool

There will be a full three days of events around Mayday in Liverpool this year. Let's make it a bigg'un!

Here's what you've all been waiting for- the Liverpool Mayday Weekend in its full glory!

Friday 29th April: Critical Mass bike ride. Take back your streets from the violence and pollution of the car and the oil industry! Meet at Chinatown Gate, Leece Street, 6.30pm.
Bring yer bikes, skates, skateboards or just your feet!

Saturday 30th April: Party downstairs at the Casa. Fun, drink, poltting revolution, and maybe some music if you ask nicely!

Sunday 1st May: TUC MAYDAY MARCH. Take to the streets to demonstrate for dignity, equality and a new world. Two meeting points:

Liverpool: meet Derby Square, city centre, 11am. to march to the docks then to take the ferry across to meet the Wirralers.

Wirral: meet Seacombe ferry terminal, 12pm.

Then march to Wallasey Central Park for food, drink, music, debate and a fairground!

We are all different but we stand together, not simply because we wish to show solidarity, but because our struggle for liberation is intimitely entwined with each other's. My liberation is my sister's liberation; my liberation is the liberation of nature; my liberation is the liberation of all the peoples on earth.

Let's make this year one to remember.


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25.04.2005 05:55

sorry everyone, i don't think thisd was meant to go onto the UK page!



25.04.2005 05:55

sorry everyone, i don't think thisd was meant to go onto the UK page!


London Mayday

25.04.2005 16:05

Euromayday London
Sunday 1st May 2005
Location For London Euromayday Action

To participate in the first FLEXMOB/euroMAYDAY ACTION simply email your mobile phone number to We will send a text message to you on the morning of MAYDAY (Sunday May 1st), with directions of how to participate at this years Europe-Wide Day of action (

We are providing a special Mayday 2005 'London 4 Free' Coupon:
London, one of the most expensive cities in the world to live, and yet, for most people, not even close to the best paid, and still with some of the longest working hours in any western city.

MAYDAY this year falls on a Sunday, once a day for relaxing, now part of the working week for many people. It's symbollic of how our time is increasingly dominated by work. Our aim is to make MAYDAY this year a day off for everyone. A day when we extend our hand of solidarity over the counter & checkout & learn to live for free.

With this 'London 4 Free' coupon, go to that expenisive cinema, restaurant or anywhere else your pay packet/dole has never let you go.

>>Participating Stores!

:: Pioneers of on-call, part-time working, not on Mayday!

:: Hi-turnover Flexploitation! Don’t recommend the food!

:: £8.50 a ticket? Free with the special coupon.

:: Making life taste bitter! Stopping sick pay & sunday extra pay.

:: Anti-union specialists.

:: Offering 20% discount for cops, now 100% discount for Mayday!

:: HMP Winchester prisoners are being forced to work for B&Q at 25p per hour!

The Ritz Hotel >> 150 Piccadilly, W1J
Exclusive hang-out for the rich. But not on May 1st

Virgin >> 14-19 Oxford St, W1D
Using prisoners at Lewis prison to pack headphones for their airlines.

Wilkinson >> 78-102 The Broadway, E15
Use prisoners to do packing work, paying them a maximum of £9 for a 30 hour week.

Wong Kei >> 41-43 Wardour Street, W1
Paying Chinese immigrants below min wage for 16 hour days.

Nike Town >> 236 Oxford St, W1C
Sweatshop labour specialists? Take something back for the kids.

Transport >> everywhere!
No need to worry about expensive travel costs, go for free! Coupons accepted on all tubes, trains & buses.

You can pick up leaflets & posters from the Institute For Autonomy, 76-78 Gower Street, London WC1E

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26.04.2005 04:44

hey this liverpool stuff sounds great this year! i'll def be going



great line up

27.04.2005 12:44

there is a great line up at this gig on the main stage

747's,cactus flower,cubical,insanity beach,jajuka,kappa,the silk traders

on the acoustic stage

the great north western hobos
joe keelan
martin malone
mohammed kahill
pale faced princess
tramp attack

debate and discussion hosted by liverpool social forum

get on down and party

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