You | 24.04.2005 12:38 | Analysis | London | World
Alright, mayday this time next week.
The prospects of london being boarded up in fear of the anarchos seem very slim this year. G8 is round the corner i KNow and we should put our time and resources planning to stop this, but, honestly, mayday is special and tradition should be maintained.
The prospects of london being boarded up in fear of the anarchos seem very slim this year. G8 is round the corner i KNow and we should put our time and resources planning to stop this, but, honestly, mayday is special and tradition should be maintained.
Alright, mayday this time next week.
The prospects of london being boarded up in fear of the anarchos seem very slim this year. G8 is round the corner i KNow and we should put our time and resources planning to stop this, but, honestly, mayday is special and tradition should be maintained.
So who is actually bothered to go this year, not yet another followng the SW avoiding the annoying swp, but more of 'another gr8 day out' LOL
Those of you who wanna burn me for this thread go ahead, i dont care, but those of you who wanna have fun on mayday...get to cwentral london and do something!!!!!~!!!~!!
C ya there.
The prospects of london being boarded up in fear of the anarchos seem very slim this year. G8 is round the corner i KNow and we should put our time and resources planning to stop this, but, honestly, mayday is special and tradition should be maintained.
So who is actually bothered to go this year, not yet another followng the SW avoiding the annoying swp, but more of 'another gr8 day out' LOL
Those of you who wanna burn me for this thread go ahead, i dont care, but those of you who wanna have fun on mayday...get to cwentral london and do something!!!!!~!!!~!!
C ya there.
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Secret Location for Mayday
24.04.2005 22:17
To participate in this years MAYDAY action please send your mobile phone number to: and you will be texted one hour before the action starts on MAY 1st.
MAYDAY is International workers day, born out of the struggle for an 8 hour day in 1886. Over 100 years later our lives are still taken up by the world of work. Even more so now, as the work imposed by Capitalism has become more casualised (temporary contracts, flex time, part time, no time!) forcing us to adapt to the point where it's hard to tell when, where or even if we are working. This leaves us in a situation where our lives are always on hold, on call and at the mercy of the market. Our leisure time too is filled with anxieties. The anxiety of not being able to have enough money to pay the rent, go to the cinema, a nice restaurant, shop for food, clothes, anything! In reality our work never finishes and when we're not at work we still end up making some other person even richer.
Around Europe people call this new working and living condition "precarity" and over the past few years the EUROMAYDAY parades of causalised workers, temps, part-timers, immigrants and unemployed have marched through Europe's capitals to demand new social rights for the most marginalised. On MAYDAY 2005 we will add London to this emerging movement.
MAYDAY this year falls on a Sunday, once a day for relaxing, now part of the working week for many people. It's symbollic of how our time is increasingly dominated by work. As part of EUROMAYDAY, our aim is to make MAYDAY this year a day off for everyone. A day when we extend our hand of solidarity over the counter & checkout & learn to live for free. One day less for working, one day more for us! Look out for more info!
To participate in this years MAYDAY action please send your mobile phone number to: and you will be texted one hour before the action starts on MAY 1st. //
e-mail: euromayday(at)
More Mayday
25.04.2005 05:40
G8 Reclaim The Streets
Monday, May 2nd, starting from the Spike on O’Connell Street at 1.30pm
- critical mass on the friday
- standard STUC Mayday Rally at George Square at 11am
- may 1st mayday reclaim the streets at 1pm Buchanon Street
Friday 29th: Critical Mass bike ride.
liverpoolsf (at)
Spacehijackers vs MPs cricket match - 2pm parliament square
EUROMAYDAY also in following spaces:
25.04.2005 06:46
Glasgow: The Glasgow Mayday street party will be starting at Buchanan St U, 1pm on Sunday 1st May.
Mayday WMD Festival in Blair's back yard + Worthing
25.04.2005 21:51
Come to the Sedgefield Mayday Festival... WMD (Wingate Music & Dance)
Party in Tony Blair's backyard
Mark Thomas confirmed for the sunday!
May 1st and 2nd 2005.
The first festival of the summer, and the most important political act of the year
Take a trip up North to beautiful County Durham for 2 days of music, performances and action...
Line up includes Mark Thomas (political comedian), Mindbomb (Jeep Beat Collective Manchester, Hip hop sound system), The Rub (Revolutionation), Working for a Nuclear Free City (Political punk band), URGENT Union (DJs and MCs, London), Local Live acts, Firedancers, and more to be confirmed...
+ Camping
Check: (peace-not-war new website)
for directions and further details.
For tickets, e-mail:
Critical Mass ride against Climate Change and the G8
Saturday April 30. Meet 2pm at Steyne Gardens, Worthing
Euromayday stuff - london / europe
25.04.2005 22:41
Participation Coupons for free access to all sorts of things...
EUROMAYDAY CopyRiot euroLANparty005
And of course the Anarchist White Bloc types out and about by parliament:
London TUC March 05 info
25.04.2005 22:44
March assembles Clewrkenwell Green at 12 noon, moving off to Trafalgar Square at 1300 - Rally at Trafalgar Square from 1415.
Unite Against Fascism are seeking to have a section in the Square leading on from the Rally.
May Day in London is well under way. With a General Election on May 5, it gives May Day the ideal platform to put forward workers demands.
This year speakers include - FRANCES O'GRADY Deputy GS TUC; KEN LIVINGSTONE Mayor of London; TONY BENN; Colombian Trade Union leader; LOUISE RICHARDS War on Want; LINDA PERKS Unison Greater London Secretary; RICHARD ASCOUGH GMB Southern Region Secretary; EDDIE McDERMOTT TGWU Regional Secretary.
Join The Euromayday Parade
25.04.2005 23:05
As the EuroMayDay in Europe nears, you're hyperwelcome to join the MayDay NetParade, a virtual demo that runs thru a heavily guarded and branded city put under siege by insurgent legions of brain+chain+temp workers and assorted anarchists, commies, queers and greens.
The marching avatars are digital simulacra of today's exploited masses of neoliberalism: précaires, precari@s, precari, cognitarie, contingent knowledge and service workers. We are a mixed bunch, a heterogeneous multitude of precarious jobs and lives. Yet we have not spawn out of fordist assembly chains, but out of dystopian retail chains and office spaces.
Why don't you give your pictorial contibution to this multicolored parade, and reclaim that visibility that mainstream media, unions, parties are denying us? Make yourself heard! Voice your anger and/or irony!
You will be able to be part of a piece of collective net art. But do it fast, cos after May 1st, the NetParade will remain visible online, but it will no longer be possible to join. By clicking on JOIN, you'll be able to create your avatar, singular and (un)crazy as you want it to be. You'll have to answer a few multiple choice questions first, but these will be totally anonymous, private and dissociated from your avatar.
City of London Mayday Security Planning - Threat Level Low
26.04.2005 00:10
Friday 29 April
London Critical Mass are celebrating their 11th year of monthly bike rides. Over 800 cyclists are expected to be riding around London on the evening of Friday 29 April. They are expected to assemble at Waterloo between 6.00 - 6.30pm. Details of the route they will follow after this time are not available.
Sunday 1 May
At midday the Trade Union Congress will hold their regular march and rally from Clerkenwell Green to Trafalgar Square. These events are well attended, very vocal and usually peaceful.
There is no information to suggest that Mayday protests will take place this year in their traditional large scale format.
A group known as the "Space hijackers" have advertised plans to protest at 2.00pm on Mayday in Parliament Square. Space hijackers are made up of anti-capitalists who conduct actions such as "Mayday cricket" which as the name suggest involves playing games of cricket and "Circle Line Parties" involving activists congregating on Circle Line trains dressed as City workers dancing to music.
Indications are that Left Wing activists plan a Mayday demonstration in the Central London area predominately around "commercialised areas." Timings have not been advertised.
A group by the name of the "Wombles" also plan street parades, actions and reclamations. No further information is available at present.
Claire Short Declines Mayday Cricket Invite!
26.04.2005 00:20
So far out of 620 invitations there have been 10 declines by Labour MPs and 5 from Tories, and no acceptances!
See some of the other letters from MPs declining the invitation:
See original invitation letter text:
For note all 620 invitation letters were handed to the House Of Commons on Monday April 4th, challenging every Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat MP to a game of cricket over their lack of honour and morals - weirdly 'because of the election' no mail could be accepted if it did not have a stamp - so the spacehijackers reluctantly stumped up £160 for 620 2nd Class Stamps! - see:
not cricket....
EUROMAYDAY - 20 Cities Action PSA + interviews
26.04.2005 00:28
Radio Ad for EUROMAYDAY precarity demos and actions around Europe - May 1st 2005 3 mins 37secs MP3 - from /
audio: MP3 at 5.2 mebibytes
Flexworkers of europe let’s unite!
There’s a World of Rights to Fight for:
Steady Income & Paid Vacation,
Access to Housing, Loving, Hacking
More Euromayday Audio at:
Spain. We asked Marcelo, of the May Day Assembly of Barcelona, to explain what kind of relationship exists between Italian and Spanish movement now and what happened between the first and the second MayDay, to understand the euromayday process in spanish precarity question.
One of the most important aspects of the EuroMayDay process in Spain is the migration one. One step is the 2nd of April, second european day of action against detention centres, for freedom of movement and universal rights. Marcelo tell us what happened in Barcelona and what migrants want to say about this process.
Now it’s the turn of Denmark.
We call nicolai from Cophenagen to ask him about the migrant question and the 2nd of April in north europe.
Talking about the construction of EMD 005 Nicolai explains the figth against temporary work and the daily problems of precarious people.
One interesting exemple of how the power stole the imaginary of the moltitude to make their own campaign. Volkswagen and the Project Fox.
Let’s jump in Slovenia.
EMD in Lubjana and Maribor this 1st of may.
The Niet work, network against work and flexible or temporary work. The fight against detention centres, not tollerance, right for everyone. We talk about this with Andrei.
Precarity is the most widespread condition of labour and life in Europe today. It affects everyone, everyday, in every part of life: whether chosen or imposed, precarity is a generalised condition experienced by the majority of people.
Precarious people are now the corner-stone of the wealth production process.
Notwithstanding this, we are invisible and count for nothing in the traditional forms of social and political representation or in the European agenda.
As precarious of Europe -- flex, temp and contortionist workers, migrants, students, researchers, unmotivated wage slaves, pissed off and happy part-timers, insecure temps, willingly or unwillingly unemployed -- we are acting so as to grasp the moment/our time and struggle for new collective rights and our individual and collective possibility to choose our future.
This is why we are building a public space on a European level to catalyse new forms of social cooperation, and maximize the sharing of skills, experiences and resources: to construct and bring to life a new social imagination.
We call on everyone in Helsinki, Barcelona, Hamburg, Liege, Ljubjana, Sevilla, Milano, Copenhagen, Maribor, Paris, Amsterdam, L'Aquila, Marseille, Wien, London, Stockholm, Napoli and Palermo to participate in the Euromayday process.
On April 2nd, join us in the second international day of action against deportation camps and for the freedom of movement and right to stay.
On May 1st, come to the Euromayday Parades an/dd take part in the actions on the streets of Europe.
We are acting to become the protagonists of our own lives.
Precarious of the world let's conspire and strike
for a free, open, radical europe!
Critical Mass 11th Birthday Celebration Ride + May 1st Benefit
26.04.2005 00:49
Last year we had (at least) 800 cyclists out on the streets, we had a bike samba band, live guitar from a rickshaw, multiple sound systems, bikes the like of which we have never seen.
It was massive, and we want to do it again!
And don't forget the G8 Bike Ride Benefit - this Sunday May 1st at the RampART Centre, London, E1 (Whitechapel Tube, many busses, and of course - bike).
Running from 6pm-6am you will be entertained by Cycleogical Live-DavidCronenbergsWife (existenzial crashment)+ Lower Depths (deeper than Jacques Cousteau) + Behind The Bikesheds
Hosted by Resonance 104.4FM- Sonic noisescapes + + mashups + DJs funkin it all up, bike films from 6pm inc 'We Are Traffic' - the critical mass story + vegan food + bar.
(Whatever all that actually means).
A donation gets you through the door, for more info phone 0207 3949658
london innit
EuroMayDay Get Up Stand Up Precarity Bloc in Dublin
26.04.2005 01:17
At The Trades March
And Help Organise The Unorganised
From fast food outlets, to assembly lines, from corner shops to hyper markets there is one common relationship. That is the relationship between boss and worker. Those of us that have to sell our time as workers enabling us to pay rent, buy food and engage in leisure activities have nothing in common with those who buy our time. Those of us that sell our time are the employee class. Those that buy our labour are the employing class. These two classes have nothing in common.
Yet ideologues on all sides of the spectrum tell us that class is no longer an issue, history is closed and with it all debates on how society should be run. On one hand we are told we no longer need trade unions and workers’ organizations. Now the unions sit around the table of social partnership as if the bosses, state and workers shared a common interest. The class war is over they say.
Yet the employing class come together under the banner of organizations like the Irish Business and Employers Confederation, Irish Small & Medium Enterprises Association, local chambers of commerce and others. In these organizations the employing class safeguard and organize for their interests, using their powers to place pressure on government. Traditionally, we the employee class came together in trade unions to defend our interests. The existence of these two separate forms of organization are testament to the fact that these two classes have nothing in common. The class war is still being waged. However now it is being waged by the bosses, and the state against us, the employee class. It’s time the tables were turned. It’s time we organized for our rights and to win more.
This Mayday weekend, the Get Up Stand Up Campaign will be organizing a block on the Trades Council March In Dublin. After the march we will be returning to the roots of Mayday and parading through the city to distribute leaflets on basic workers’ rights to people working in casualised labour. Join us in building the labour movement.
Download the leaflett to build for the block:
Download some posters and help build for the block:
TU March Info:
Trade Union May Day Demonstration - Solidarity with Migrant Workers
Saturday April 30th meeting at 2.30 at the Garden of Remembrance in Parnell Square. The demo will march to Liberty Hall and is on the theme of solidarity with migrant workers. The march has been called by the Dublin Council of Trade Unions.
more mayday
Don't forget Manchester Mayday! Lots of stuff...
27.04.2005 05:44
info on events planned over the Mayday weekend
Ministry of Truth
Critical Mass
Mayday Picnic
On Saturday 30th April there is the Anarchist Bookfair at the Basement on Lever St between 12 and 5. Defy-ID are also planning to do the Ministry of Truth on the same day (street theatre around ID cards) meeting up at the Basement at 12 noon.
The government have dropped their plans on ID cards pending the forthcoming elections. They have stated their firm intent to introduce ID cards if they are elected to another term of office. This has given us more time and opportunity to act to inform people of the cost and consequences of ID cards and the database behind them. If you want to be involved in putting the Ministry on the street again, please email me or just turn up at the Basement on 12noon on 30th April.
Previous Ministries
Manchester Mayday Celebrations
There is a Critical Mass bikeride leaving Central Library at 1pm heading for Platt Fields Park. People are also meeting up in Piccadilly Gardens at 12 noon to leaflet around Mayday. A pyschogeographical history walk is planned, leaving Piccadilly Gardens at 2pm.
The main event of the day is a mass picnic at 2pm at Plattfields Park. We need people to bring food, instruments, music. hopefully, sunshine will be provided.
See you there.
28.04.2005 05:26
barcelona mayday :: see bcn indymedia
precarity (work + housing + lifestyle) = no liberty / no justice / no peace
find your brother and sister in precarity,
and lead them from the assembly line to the assembly.
from insecurity to regularisation.
from exploitation to inclusion.
from the cathedrals of consumerism to the promised land
of dancing on the streets, sharing vegetables,
cycling, and generally lovingly monkeying around.
here are some songs-
santa-precaria-sacha funkemix (this is how catalans spell funky mix)
to hear it:
to download it:
time to take out the euro trash
28.04.2005 06:14
This is an important illustration of how false "facts" become part of our taken-for-granted knowledge of the world. That assumed "knowledge" extends beyond the mere creation of this fictious geographic entity to proclaiming Europe's centrality in the creation of knowledge and the development of "civilization." In the Eurocentric account, Europe (and "Europeanized" areas like the U.S.A.) has always been and currently is the superior Center from which knowledge, creativity, technology, culture, and so forth flow forth to the inferior Periphery, the so-called underdeveloped countries.
time to take out the euro trash
28.04.2005 23:24
29.04.2005 15:54
We didn't have one last year!
Gather at mainline stations and tourist spots and be ready to move.