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Manchester Mayday & Ministry of Truth

heather | 24.04.2005 09:52

info on events planned over the Mayday weekend

Ministry of Truth
Critical Mass
Mayday Picnic

On Saturday 30th April there is the Anarchist Bookfair at the Basement on Lever St between 12 and 5. Defy-ID are also planning to do the Ministry of Truth on the same day (street theatre around ID cards)meeting up at the Basement at 12 noon.

The government have dropped their plans on ID cards pending the forthcoming elections. They have stated their firm intent to introduce ID cards if they are elected to another term of office. This has given us more time and opportunity to act to inform people of the cost and consequences of ID cards and the database behind them. If you want to be involved in putting the Ministry on the street again, please email me or just turn up at the Basement on 12noon on 30th April.

Previous Ministries

Manchester Mayday Celebrations

There is a Critical Mass bikeride leaving Central Library at 1pm heading for Platt Fields Park. People are also meeting up in Piccadilly Gardens at 12 noon to leaflet around Mayday. A pyschogeographical history walk is planned, leaving Piccadilly Gardens at 2pm.

The main event of the day is a mass picnic at 2pm at Plattfields Park. We need people to bring food, instruments, music. hopefully, sunshine will be provided.

See you there.

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Hide the following 5 comments


25.04.2005 14:59


a flyer


which date?

25.04.2005 16:20

which day is the critical mass event? Sunday 1st or the mayday bank holiday, Monday 2nd?


critical mass

25.04.2005 18:47

the critical mass is on the sunday 1st may.


hee hee

27.04.2005 05:45

you spelled platt fields incorrectly in your poster / flier! hee hee hee!



27.04.2005 13:45

and someone pointed out it was wrong and all, must have forgot to change it...

but spelling aside it gonna be great, probably
