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'Battle of the Beanfield' Jun85: Film Night & Exhibition: Nottingham

Tash [alan lodge] | 23.04.2005 23:27 | Culture | Repression | Social Struggles | Cambridge | Sheffield

It's 20 years, since the major trashing of my community, travelling on the way the make the "Peoples Free Festival of Albion" at Stonehenge. It was a regular event on the calender. On Wednesday 20th April, the exhibition moved to The Sumac Centre in Nottingham. It is up until 12th May.

'Battle of the Beanfield' Jun85: Film Night & Exhibition: Nottingham

It's 20 years, since the major trashing of my community, travelling on the way the make the "Peoples Free Festival of Albion" at Stonehenge.

It was a regular event on the calender. A little different to the 'managed access event' on the solstice, currently on offer from English Heritage.

The full story of these events from June 1985, I've described in a previous post at:

On Wednesday 20th April, the exhibition moved to The Sumac Centre in Nottingham. It is up until Thursday 12th May

Opening with a showing of "Operation Solstice": a film describing the events of the day, and what we did about it.

There was also a talk by Andy Worthington, author of "Stonehenge - Celebration and Subversion"

Sumac Centre
245 Gladstone Street, Forest Fields, Nottingham NG7 6HX
Ph: 0845 458 9595

Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
WAP phone
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"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
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Tash [alan lodge]
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I remember

24.04.2005 05:48

I remember the 'Battle of the Beanfield'. I remember when a group who had contributed nothing to society but had spent months scrounging off of it decided to go and place at risk an important ancient monument for their own selfish enjoyment. I remember when society lost its patience with those people and instructed the police to give them the good kicking they deserved. I remember how we now longer see their kind now.

I remember the overtime I earnt that weekend as well - bought me and the family a week in the sun - thanks !

PC 99

Diversion from the class struggle

24.04.2005 06:25

You guys dont do yourselves any favours. Still the cider and special brew drinking, drug taking upper middle class crusties.
Of course when the going gets tough theres always mummy and daddy to help you out with that nice loft apartment in Hoxton.
You got what you deserved, at last you now know, for one day at least what its like to be working class and at the sharp end of state opression.

Old fashioned (sober) socialist

ah! an expert speaks ......

24.04.2005 22:25

If you really are a police officer, well yes, that's about the level us citizens have come to expect. I guess you were one of those that waved £20 notes at the miners also. Thugs hidding behind your uniform. Met them every day.

As for "Old fashioned (sober) socialist"

Ah, an expert! you know all about it then. The picture you paint is not me, nor anyone I know. But every time I post on this or related subjects, it is common accusation. Travellers have middle class parents. They bought there bus for them, and when it get hard, they run home to mum.

Silly person, I would get out more, if i were you.

Me thinks I spy Daily Mail readers ........

"First they came for the miners,
and I did not speak out,
Because I was not a miner.

Then they came for the gays,
and I did not speak out,
Because I was not gay.

Then they came for the Gypsies,
and the New Age Travellers,
and I did not speak out,
Because I was not a Gypsy or a Traveller.

Now I've lost my job,
the house is being repossessed,
and my wife has left.

Then they came for me,
and there was no-one left
to speak out for me."

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never, ever forget!

26.04.2005 02:13

The only breach of the peace was that perpertrated by the police,
who allowed themselves to be turned into a sophisticated terrorist
organization then ordered to literally terrorize the new age convoy.
Because new age travellers dont watch
"who wants to be a millionare"
Keeping the peace? mr pc 999,
What planet are you on?

None of this is forgotten


get a life pc99

26.04.2005 22:08

...yeah being payed overtime to pull my mate's pregnant girlfriend through a broken car wind-screen is just what society needs isn't it you sad fool PC99? It wasn't a battle- more like mindless hired thugs/squaddies etc. battering a few gentle folk who wanted to sit in a field listening to music. get off our lists you misguided git and get a life.
(Mr Socialist- have you actually met a 'new-age traveller'?[their label- not mine]- doesn't sound like it)


You Lose, Sucker!

01.05.2005 16:19

Hey, PC99 (I don't believe you're for real anyway), I shouldn't be too smug if I were you.

You may have won that skirmish, but you lost the battle.

You see, we still have free festivals, we still have free parties, we still have squat parties, there are still travelling communities, and we still have non-mainstream, non-corporate culture.

This is DESPITE the worst efforts of you and your superannuated robocops, and the truth is that you will NEVER win.

Because you see, there will always be people out here in the real world who don't want to toe the line, who don't want to sell their souls to the highest bidder, who want do things for themselves, in their own way.

People who want something better than just a credit card, 2.5 children and a so-called 'proppa job'.
People who aren't quite so shallow, who see there is much much more to life than just being a passive, obedient consumer, voting for who we're told to vote for, even though it changes diddley squat.

So you'd better get used to it, sucker, because we're not going away.


Rebel Without A Pause

We are still out there

01.06.2005 19:45

Informed comment from pig 99 and our sober socialist friend?
The large scale traveller/convoy movement may not be as evident in the UK nowadays,
many of us have gone abroad ( although I was not at the beanfield I travelled in my truck for ten years 1988-1998) Whilst on the road I met with many of the finest people I have ever known.
Just seeing the 30,000 at Stonehenge last solstice (2004)..proves ya cant kill the spirit.
Our embittered socialist friend should remove his/her head from their backside and see the truth..true large scale anti-state movements dont happen very often..why was it crushed..cos the government were scared of what these people could achieve> I wont even give pig 99 any of my time to think or argue against their crap...ignorance is bliss eh
Every community has its idiots, there were obviously some people on the road who I would not give the time of day to,,,the vast majority were and still are genuine sound people

Bish bosh Phil

Phil BIshbosh
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we are still out there

01.06.2005 19:50

Informed comment from pig 99 and our sober socialist friend?
The large scale traveller/convoy movement may not be as evident in the UK nowadays,
many of us have gone abroad ( although I was not at the beanfield I travelled in my truck for ten years 1988-1998) Whilst on the road I met with many of the finest people I have ever known.
Just seeing the 30,000 at Stonehenge last solstice (2004)..proves ya cant kill the spirit.
Our embittered socialist friend should remove his/her head from their backside and see the truth..true large scale anti-state movements dont happen very often..why was it crushed..cos the government were scared of what these people could achieve> I wont even give pig 99 any of my time to think or argue against their crap...ignorance is bliss eh
Every community has its idiots, there were obviously some people on the road who I would not give the time of day to,,,the vast majority were and still are genuine sound people

Bish bosh Phil

\Phil bish bosh
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hello 99!!!

24.11.2005 16:01

how about a name 99, its easy being a number, after all the majority of the public are numbers, let me guess - your scared we'll find you and do unto you as you did to us, or maby your children or your wife. (doughting your maried with a family, probably sat in the pub wasting away like the pathetic moron you are) sound familar?? but dont worry violence is not my way. however by contacting and aranging, the free stone henge fest will be once more reborn, and wont that piss you off!!! oh and how was te holiday?

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Cheer up slaves, and horrify despots!

05.11.2006 09:18

If PC99 is for real, lets remember he's just a poor brain washed slave like many, his soul crying out in daily despair. Read your history PC99. When you say 'contributing to society', i presume you mean tax money, rather than love, ideas, energy. The Diggers contributed plenty to 17th century society, they got beaten up by the PC 99's of the day, frightened slaves every one. But who does history remeber now, those thugs or the Diggers? The travller convoy may not be a visible part of the summer, but its ideals have gone on into millions of people, from environmentalism to music, and that grows every day. Hate only hurts itself in the end. As for real socialist...well, North Korea is certainly a model of love. Discusssion with socialists like you is as pointless as watching ITV

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