Do you need legal help ?
Julia Rogers | 18.04.2005 13:23
We understand another seizure of the Indy Media UK servers took place on the weekend but you are being prevented speaking about it.
Julia Rogers
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No servers were seized
18.04.2005 14:07
I assume that this posting is a fake. To clarify: The only seizure of indymedia servers occured 6 month ago, in October 2004. There was no further seizure.
imc london
Sorry !
18.04.2005 14:57
ps remember we were only trying to help !
Legal Defence and Monitoring Goup..................................0208 802 9804
BM Box Haven, London WC1N 3XX
Julia doesn't exist
18.04.2005 15:48
Professional trolling, what a job, what have things come to when people are being paid to make stuff like this up...
If people do want to contect Indymedia best use email in anycase not the web site...