325 - Anti-Prison zine issue 2 out now
325 crew | 18.04.2005 12:39
Anti-Prison / Insurrection / Autonomy
Featuring: Welcome to Britain, International Prison and Repression News, Inside the Surveillance Capital of Europe, Alternatives to Prison or Alternative Prison?, Action Directe update + Joelle Aubron Interview, Torture methods used by the Spanish police, Outbreak at San Foca, About the Barcelona '5+1', Campaign Against Prison Slavery, + more.
1Eu / £1 per Issue.
Copies of Issue 1 still available - featuring: Notes from the International gathering against Prison Society, Rigaerstr.94 Berlin, UK Biometrics overview, Clairvaux et Troyes Revolts, For the Spread of the Riots, Reclaim Your Mind: Manifesto, Terra Audio: Parties & Politics, Marini Trial Conclusion, + more.
Contact: 325collective@hush.com for copies.
Also available from Re-pressed distro www.re-pressed.org.uk
Featuring: Welcome to Britain, International Prison and Repression News, Inside the Surveillance Capital of Europe, Alternatives to Prison or Alternative Prison?, Action Directe update + Joelle Aubron Interview, Torture methods used by the Spanish police, Outbreak at San Foca, About the Barcelona '5+1', Campaign Against Prison Slavery, + more.
1Eu / £1 per Issue.
Copies of Issue 1 still available - featuring: Notes from the International gathering against Prison Society, Rigaerstr.94 Berlin, UK Biometrics overview, Clairvaux et Troyes Revolts, For the Spread of the Riots, Reclaim Your Mind: Manifesto, Terra Audio: Parties & Politics, Marini Trial Conclusion, + more.
Contact: 325collective@hush.com for copies.
Also available from Re-pressed distro www.re-pressed.org.uk
325 crew
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So you'd let all the peadophile scum etc go free then!
19.04.2005 20:27
In certain cases there is no solution but to lock people up. People such as:
- Burglars (who affect people of all classes (including working class), both directly due to theft of posessions, and indirectly cause they are usually trying to feed a hard drug habit in the process)
- Peadophiles (sorry but if you want to have sexual relations with childern who shouldn't even know what sex is about until they have developed the faculties to do so, there is something seriously wrong with you)
- Murderers (you just simply cannot get away with taking another human life).
Unless you would rather have vigilantie mob rule where people suspected of these and other terrible crimes (which are determined by the mob, rather than the legal system) are just lynched?
My 2p worth.
the middle finger
Educate your self and destroy the prison society
10.05.2005 16:14
black flag
16.02.2006 15:08
Give me rule of law over mob rule anyday.
the middle finger