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Faruque Ahmed | 18.04.2005 08:35 | Globalisation | Indymedia | Social Struggles | London | World
The Undeniable Israeli Holocaust In The Occupied Palestine
The Same article was removed from the UK Indymedia due to Zionised pressure.

The Same article was removed from the UK Indymedia due to Zionised pressure.

Nazi Zionist like you got many faces and you lot love to spell your name(s) the way you like and therefore no one is responsible for your crimes. You do so to confuse others. Remember “Ludwig Hoho” or Rupert Maxwell? He is a criminal in the UK. However, her was buried in the heroes’ cemetery in Israel!
Do you like to tell us the rest of the story? Could you also tell us the similarity between Rupert Murdoch and Rupert Maxwell?
From: mamubhi
Date: Tue Apr 12, 2005 4:30 pm
Subject: Where Is The Free Speech? mamubhi
The Murdochian media has overtaken and outsmarted Gobleian media! The truth is the most rare commodity in the Howardian politics. Therefore, Freedom Of Speech got very little value to John and his mobs unless we compel them.
Stan, you are welcome to post materials to Free America Now!
Faruque Ahmed
Free America Now!
Please visit and provide support for Free Speech in Australia should you wish.
The Green Left Weekly published article was removed from the UK Indymedia! May I ask why?
The Undeniable Israeli Holocaust In The Occupied Palestine
The Same article was removed from the UK Indymedia due to Zionised pressure.
Further reading might assist to understand the conflict and vicious politics behind the scene.
9/11 and Mossad:
Even Zio-Nazi says, "Israel is doing immoral things"
Mike Carlton and Zio-Nazi crime
Alan Ramsey of SMH on Dr. Ashrawi
Philip Adam the respected radio man
Lovely Margo / Zio-Nazis want to stop free
Peace hopes held hostage
Dr. Hannan Ashrawi in ABC TV
Zio-Nazi cowards
Alan Ramsey exposes Zio-Nazi Forces in Australia
Good People
--- In, "buggerzion"
> Exactly!
----- Original Message -----
From: taxirevolution
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 4:12 PM
Subject: [freeamericanow] Nazi Zionist Norm
3rd Response
You are a Zionised gutless wonder. You are ignorant too. Yo love to be the cheerleader of the Nazi Zionists under the guise of "left". You should be ashamed of your action and remove yourself from the GL list.
2nd Response
You failed to answer me. Yet, you went on to slash my throat without any mercy. People like you dance with that milking cow called holocaust while you do nothing about the ongoing real holocaust in front of your and my eyes in the occupied Palestine, Zionised American Terrorism in Iraq, . !
I think you owe me an apology and restore my membership immediately.
1st Response
Do you like to define and distinguish Semites and non-Semites for the purpose of research and analysis please! Could you also let me know amongst these two groups which one is superior or inferior and under what law, moral or authority before any further discussion? --
Dear friend,
The subject line of your recent post to the GL List has a strong odour of anti-Semitism (and seems to have little to do with the content of the post). Anti-Semitism will not be tolerated on the list and will see you removed from it. Please desist.
Nazi Zionist like you got many faces and you lot love to spell your name(s) the way you like and therefore no one is responsible for your crimes. You do so to confuse others. Remember “Ludwig Hoho” or Rupert Maxwell? He is a criminal in the UK. However, her was buried in the heroes’ cemetery in Israel!
Do you like to tell us the rest of the story? Could you also tell us the similarity between Rupert Murdoch and Rupert Maxwell?
From: mamubhi
Date: Tue Apr 12, 2005 4:30 pm
Subject: Where Is The Free Speech? mamubhi
The Murdochian media has overtaken and outsmarted Gobleian media! The truth is the most rare commodity in the Howardian politics. Therefore, Freedom Of Speech got very little value to John and his mobs unless we compel them.
Stan, you are welcome to post materials to Free America Now!
Faruque Ahmed
Free America Now!

Please visit and provide support for Free Speech in Australia should you wish.

The Green Left Weekly published article was removed from the UK Indymedia! May I ask why?
The Undeniable Israeli Holocaust In The Occupied Palestine

The Same article was removed from the UK Indymedia due to Zionised pressure.

Further reading might assist to understand the conflict and vicious politics behind the scene.
9/11 and Mossad:

Even Zio-Nazi says, "Israel is doing immoral things"

Mike Carlton and Zio-Nazi crime

Alan Ramsey of SMH on Dr. Ashrawi

Philip Adam the respected radio man

Lovely Margo / Zio-Nazis want to stop free

Peace hopes held hostage

Dr. Hannan Ashrawi in ABC TV

Zio-Nazi cowards

Alan Ramsey exposes Zio-Nazi Forces in Australia
Good People


--- In

> Exactly!
----- Original Message -----
From: taxirevolution

Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 4:12 PM
Subject: [freeamericanow] Nazi Zionist Norm
3rd Response
You are a Zionised gutless wonder. You are ignorant too. Yo love to be the cheerleader of the Nazi Zionists under the guise of "left". You should be ashamed of your action and remove yourself from the GL list.
2nd Response
You failed to answer me. Yet, you went on to slash my throat without any mercy. People like you dance with that milking cow called holocaust while you do nothing about the ongoing real holocaust in front of your and my eyes in the occupied Palestine, Zionised American Terrorism in Iraq, . !
I think you owe me an apology and restore my membership immediately.
1st Response
Do you like to define and distinguish Semites and non-Semites for the purpose of research and analysis please! Could you also let me know amongst these two groups which one is superior or inferior and under what law, moral or authority before any further discussion? --
Dear friend,
The subject line of your recent post to the GL List has a strong odour of anti-Semitism (and seems to have little to do with the content of the post). Anti-Semitism will not be tolerated on the list and will see you removed from it. Please desist.
Faruque Ahmed