sherman austin update
captain wardrobe | 16.04.2005 20:33
Okay, so we have talked a number of times how much of an apparent double-standard there is concerning how neo-Nazi Hal Turner is allowed to go all over the country "suggesting" that certain people are killed without any legal reprocussions, while anarchist Sherman Austin had to spend a year in jail because someone linked his publicly accessable website to a site that showed how to make bombs. Well, now it is even more of a double-standard, because on April 16, 2005 we went to Turner's site and he did the SAME DAMN THING HIMSELF! Above are two thumbnails of screen shots we are providing of his website where he provides these links. In honor of convicted neo-Nazi bomber Eric Rudolph. "It is my hope this knowledge be used to save innocent lives by destroying the wicked!" he says. For good measure, he also has a thing where he calls for the violent overthrow of the government, and shall we run down the list of how many people on the left got jammed up by doing that? We say that at the very least this is something we should spread wide among ourselves, but the bottom line, as we said all along is the fact that Sherman Austin should not have gone to jail, and his conviction should be tossed out if Hal Turner is getting a pass. In fact, tell you what we are going to do. We are going to have this on the top of the page for a week or so, then it moves to the bottom, so that it is always here as a reminder until Austin is cleared of the bogus charges that took a year out of his life.
captain wardrobe
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