EU: No French Fries for Fritz...
Foreign Press Foundation | 14.04.2005 09:16 | Globalisation | Repression
by Henk Ruyssenaars
FPF - April 14th 2005 - For neocon Europolitician Fritz Bolkestein a life without French fries has started. He can't fry them anymore in his second home in France, and he probably doesn't want to see nor hear about them in the future. And that's exactly what the people in this area are saying and thinking about him too; the french electricians cut of his electricity. They want him to go away.
One of the reasons being the fact that, last week on french TV, Bolkestein said it was impossible to find a plumber or electrician near his French home, and his EU plan would have allowed "Polish plumbers and electricians" to fill the gap.' "France doesn't need to fear a tsunami of cheap Polish plumbers", the insensitive Bolkestein said in Paris: "if only some would come, because I really need a couple of them in my second house in Northern France."
"In the Yellow Pages for the area 13 plumbers and electricians are listed which could have been of service within 24 hrs if he had phoned" - in a sour comment the mayor of Maubeuge said, where in nearby Ramousies Bolkestein has a second house. And that's why, as the not so reliable Independent in the UK describes it: 'Yesterday a hit squad from the CGT trades union federation cut electricity to the French home in Ramousies of Fritz Bolkestein, a Dutch former European commissioner. His plan allowed small and large service providers to cross European borders, which caused an outcry on the French left and was shelved.' - (Not 'the left' - but the thinking people! - The usual Independent 'error' - HR).
Chirac's surprise
French President Jacques Chirac officially said Bolkestein's plan was gone, but has a surprise: With carefully selected friendly people, tonight Chirac will appear in an edited and already now controversial fake 'television show', in an attempt to anyhow try and indoctrinate/persuade the increasingly truculent French people to vote for the proposed EU constitution next month.
But the french people who have started understanding, defend themselves against EU dictates by people like Bolkestein in an act of civil disobedience stopped his electricity, and said: "The reality is that Bolkestein is too greedy to pay normal wages, as agreed upon in France". Forcing whatever people to work as much and cheap as is possible, without consequences - apart from the profit - for the traders, that's the Bolkestein proposal for the EU in a nutshell, and that's why his ilk should be stopped, it is said.
This has absolutely nothing to do with the so called 'left' or 'right', the usual Newspeak clichés used to indoctrinate people by the neocon media. It is all about those globally scavenging neocons; to the utmost lowering their costs and the workers wages at the same time with the help of their media, and crooks like Bolkestein and his racket.
The still partly secret and by the neocon mainstream advocated EU 'constitution' is a rewrite of the US blueprint and abominable 'Patriot Act' which the neocons in the United States use to advance their control and thus profits. An inhuman development which absolutely should be stopped, many in the european debate explain.*
Like Bernard Cassens* wrote in his article in 'Le Monde Diplomatique' about the referendum on the EU constitution: voting NO is not a disaster for Europe: "In 202 pages of the main text, (The English version has 474 pages) - there are 176 instances of the word bank and its derivatives. The word market appears 88 times, trade 38, competition 29, capital 23 and commodity 11 (1).
Is this really a constitution? Much of it reads like a cut-and-paste copy of the statutes of the International Monetary Fund and World Trade Organisation.
There are - the late pope and George Bush will be pleased to note - 13 references to religion, and 11 to terrorism.Yet the French media seem to believe that rejecting the treaty would be catastrophic." Their malignant mainstream media trying to make people accept the US/EU neocon blueprint.
Fritz Bolkestein - strongly representing US/Israeli multinational's interests in the European Commission - for years in the Netherlands has been doing the same as the leader of the dutch right wing/conservative party 'VVD' - (Vereniging Van Dieven) in the dutch so called 'parliament', which de multinational's managers in Holland 'run' via the VVD.
Leader of the hypocritical 'social democrats' party, has been made the SHELL schooled Wouter Bos; his predecessor and war criminal* ex PM Wim Kok was sucked up as commissar on the board of SHELL, KLM Airline, ING bank etc.: rewarded for his services as a traitor to the working dutch population he for decades misled.
'French Fries' Bolkestein always represented different multinationals, advancing all the time their and his own riches. Like the pharmaceutical industry, many of which not-so-kosher products he in personal letters has been secretly trying to sell in multimillion deals to the Dutch National Health Service.
'Fritz' has rightfully become the symbol of the despised lobbyists, the gang of crooks and 'politicians' behind many of the 'suggested' neocon changes the European parliament is preparing, trying via propaganda and 'spin' referenda to force it down the throats of many of the misled Europeans.
Bolkestein and his Euro-neocon racket follow the same scheme as in the United States: non profitable people don't count: profit has to be made at any prize, where, whoever or whatever it is.*
Like the United States, the European Union may be turned into a
similar, bad conglomerate, which has no friends, only interests.
It's better to turn of the neocon's electricity beforehand...
Henk Ruyssenaars
* Quo Vadis the United States of Europe ? "The texts of the new agreements are not public." - Url.:

* FPF - World Bank Wolfowitz: Shame over the European Union! - Url.:

* Former PM 'Wim Kok' and other Dutch Govt's Warcriminals in Court - Url.:

*The Yukos Oil Snatch as an example - Url.:

* Le Monde Diplomatique - Bernard Cassens - Url.:

* The Independent (often misleading) - Url.:

* Picture 'Liberty fries' - Url.:


Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars

The Netherlands

The Dutch author this far has worked abroad 4 decades for international media as a fully independent foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism ! - At present 'Persona non Grata' in Holland :-) because:
He who travels far will often see things
Far removed from what he believed was the Truth.
When he talks about it in the fields at home,
He is often accused of lying,
For the obdurate people will not believe
Inexperience, I believe,
Will give little credence to my song.
'Journey to the East' - Hermann Hesse
'The war in Iraq is illegal' says United Nation's Secretary General Kofi Annan - Url.:

A 55' seconds 'sound bite' concerning the US-Israeli 'Dogs of War' - 'bringing democracy' everywhere. Url.:

In the United States one already has seen the neocon administration's fascism in the streets of Los Angeles:
armored tanks showed up at an anti-war protest, in a dark glimpse of the future - Url.:

Neocon proverb: "We misused your taxmoney so you paid
to get killed, and for your funeral, you will also be billed.''
Colin Powell: 'It is not anti-Semitic to criticize the policies of the state of Israel' Said as 'US Secretary of State' in a speech at the 'Conference on Anti-Semitism of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe' German Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Berlin - April 28th - 2004 - Url.:

Sued: Defense Secretary Rumsfeld Over U.S. Torture Policies - Url.:

It can and must be done!
Help the troops come home! Url.:

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Foreign Press Foundation
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